Jerusalem (A.D. 71-1099) — Jerusalem (A.D. 71 1099) † Catholic Encyclopedia ► Jerusalem (A.D. 71 1099) I. TO THE TIME OF CONSTANTINE (71 312) When Titus took Jerusalem (April September, A.D. 70) he ordered his soldiers to destroy the city (Josephus, De… … Catholic encyclopedia
Jerusalem (Before A.D. 71) — • This article deals with the destruction by the Romans after it had become the scene of the Redemption Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Jerusalem (Before A.D. 71) Jerusalem (Before A.D. 71) … Catholic encyclopedia
John of Giscala — (Yohanan me Gush Halav) ( he. יוחנן מגוש חלב) or Johannes ben Levi (birth date unknown; death date after 70), was a leader of the Jewish revolt against the Romans in the First Jewish Roman War.The Romans attacked Gush Halav, John s home town in… … Wikipedia
John I — may refer to:People* John Chrysostom (349–c. 407), Patriarch of Constantinople. * John of Antioch (died 441). * Pope John I, Pope from 523 to 526. * John I of Naples (died c. 719). * John I of Gaeta (died c. 933). * John I Tzimiskes (c. 925–976) … Wikipedia
Jerusalem artichoke — Stem with flowers Scientific classification Kingdom: Plantae (unranked) … Wikipedia
John of Cappadocia — John or Joannes II, surnamed Cappadox or Cappadocia, less commonly known as John the Cappadocian, Patriarch of Constantinople, (518 520), was appointed by Anastasius after an enforced condemnation of the Council of Chalcedon. His short… … Wikipedia
John II — may refer to:People* John Papa Īī * John of Cappadocia (died 520), Patriarch of Constantinople. * Pope John II, Pope from 533 until his death in 535. * John II Platinus (died 702), Exarch of Ravenna. * John II of Naples (died 919). * John II of… … Wikipedia
John the Baptist — Saint John the Baptist John the Baptist by Bartolomeo Veneto 16th century Prophet, Preacher, Forerunner, Martyr Born c. 5 BC Died 3 … Wikipedia
John of Jerusalem — The name John of Jerusalem can refer to a number of people Monarchs * John of Brienne, King of Jerusalem (John I) * John II of Jerusalem, King of Cyprus (John I) and Jerusalem (John II) Religious leaders * Saint John the Baptist * John I, Bishop… … Wikipedia
Jerusalem during the Crusader period — The Crusader period in the history of Jerusalem began with the conquest of the city by the Crusader army in 1099, during the First Crusade, as it is now known, Jerusalem became the capital of the kingdom for the crusading Christians, these events … Wikipedia