- Canadian Meat Council
The Canadian Meat Council (CMC) is
Canada 's national trade association for the federally inspected red meat packers and processors. It is anindustry trade group associated with themeat packing industry . Federally inspected plants account for over 90% of all the meat processed in Canada.As a key component of Canada's
agriculture sector, thered meat industry is the largest sector of Canada'sfood processing industry, representing 15% of Canada's agri-food exports and employing more than 45,000 Canadians. It is also one of Canada's leadingmanufacturing sectors with annual sales of over $15 billion.History
A group of
Ontario meat packers met in Toronto in August, 1919 to decide if an association is needed to represent the industry which underwent tremendous growth during and after the WWI. With overwhelming support for the idea, Samuel E. "Sam" Todd was appointed to head the Council (then called as "The Industrial and Development Council of Canadian Meat Packers") on September 1, 1919. J. S. McLean was elected as the first president of the Council. E. B. Roberts, a journalist by profession was hired by beginning of 1920 to take care of the Councils media and publicity relations.The first office of the organization was located at 186 King St. W., Toronto. Membership included Harris Abattoir Lts., William Davies Co. Ltd., Swift Canadian Co. Ltd., Gunns Ltd., Canadian Packing Co Ltd., Puddys Ltd., F. W. Fearman Co., Ingersoll Packaging Co. Ltd., Whyte Packing Co. Ltd., Gallagher-Holman and Lafrance Co. Ltd., Gordon-Ironside & Fares Packers Ltd., Wilson Canadian Co. Ltd., and
Armour and Company .Presidents - Past and Present
JACK S. WHYTEPresident, Whyte Packing Co. of Stratford ON.Jack is a very important person because he was our President 50 years ago, in February 1958. Jack has the distinction of being the only living past president to have chaired meetings of the Meat Packers Council of Canada in its boardroom at 200 Bay St., at the corner of Bay and Wellington, in Toronto.
GRAEME R. BIEMANPresident, Coleman Packing Company, London ON. Graeme became Council president in 1965.Graeme is the only past president here who chaired meetings at the Council Board Room in the Six Points Plaza. In 1971, the Council office was completely destroyed in a fire. Gone were many irreplaceable pieces of Council history.
KENNETH R. MURRAYPresident J. M. Schneider Inc., Kitchener ON. Ken assumed the Council presidency from Art Mill at the Council Annual Meeting in Winnipeg in 1973. In 1984, at the Council meeting in Quebec City he received the president’s gavel from Jean Bienvenue.
ED J. ROBERTSVP Packinghouse Div. Canada Packers Limited, Toronto. Ed Roberts was named President at the Quebec City Annual Meeting in 1975, following Joe Rapoport’s term.
ALLAN K. BESWICKVP Meat Division, Swift Canadian Company, Etobicoke. At the 1976 Convention in Edmonton, Al received the gravel from Ed Roberts. He stepped into the fray again in 1980, following Nigel Goodall. The Council got a new name – the former Meat Packers Council of Canada became the CMC/CVC.
HENRY G. BEBENPresident J. M. Schneider Inc., Kitchener. When John Nielsen resigned late in 1977, Henry assumed the presidency and continued through 1978. I
NIGEL L. GOODALLVP, Marketing, Hygrade Foods Inc., Montreal PQ. Nigel received the gavel of office from Henry Beben at the 1979 An. Mtg. in Calgary. The Council hosted 60th Anniversary Receptions in: Edmonton,Winnipeg, Ottawa and Montreal with an average attendance of 70 consumer, press, government and industry representatives at each event.
JEAN BIENVENUEManaging Director, Salaisons Olympia, St. Simon, PQ. Jean Bienvenue took over the presidency from Bob Nadeau at the Toronto meeting in 1983 and presided over the 1984 Convention inQuebec City.
LLOYD W. MACLEODVP & GM, Fresh Meat Div. Canada Packers Inc. Toronto. At the Council Convention in Toronto in 1986, Lloyd succeeded Fred Mitchell as President.
RUSSELL W. R. BAKERVP of Operations, Intercontinental Packers, Saskatoon, SK. Russ became President at the Quebec City Convention in 1988,taking over from Yvon Mercier.
FRANK POWELLGeneral Manager, Quality Meat Packers, Toronto ON. Frank received the gavel of office from Russ Baker at the annual meeting in Vancouver in 1989.
MAX R. DINGLEPresident, Shopsy Foods Inc., Toronto (Unox Meats). Max moved up to the Council Presidency at the Quebec Convention in 1991, succeeding Yvon Mercier.
WAYNE URBONASBurns Meats. Wayne received the gavel from Yves Lalonde at the 1995 Convention in Vancouver and presided at the 1996 Convention in Toronto.
DON DAVIDSON – Maple Leaf Foods President in 1996. Next, in 1999, LAURENT BROCHU of Olymel. DAVID SCHWARTZ of Quality Meat Packers was Council President in 2002. He was followed in 2003 by BRIAN READ of Levinoff Meat Products Ltd. WILLIE VAN SOLKEMA, then of Cargill Foods, took over for part of 2004 and for the balance of 2004, BRAIN READ returned to the presidency. The Council president for 2005 was ARIE NUYS of Delft Blue Inc. Then for 2006, there is our immediate past president, CONRAD HUBER of Piller Sausages & Deli Ltd.
Meat Packers Council of Canada
The Industrial and Development Council of Canadian Meat Packers was considered lengthy by many members and an alternate name "Meat Packers Council of Canada" was proposed. It was not until Sam Todd retired in 1952 that the name was officially changed to Meat Packers Council of Canada.The council was "incorporated" as an association in 1961 after serving as a voluntary, unincorporated association for nearly 40 years.
Two booklets, Canadian Livestock Future and Better Livestock - The Nation's Welfare were published in the early 1920's.Fact|date=October 2007
A monthly series called " A letter on Canadian Livestock Products" was published since 1921.Fact|date=October 2007
Three editions of Food Service Meat Manual was published so far. Third Edition is available currently from the Council.
A series of position papers on issues facing the Canadian Meat Industry are available only for the members of the Council.
Proceedings of the Technical Symposium of the Canadian Meat Science Association.
Annual Meeting are held every year since 1919. The meetings are one of the largest gathering of the Canadian Meat Industry's decision makers.
Symposium and workshops on technical areas are held on need basis.
ee also
North American Meat Processors Association
*American Meat Institute External links
* [http://www.cmc-cvc.com/ Canadian Meat Council Website]
* [http://cmsa-ascv.ca/ Canadian Meat Science Association]
* [http://www.meatami.com/ American Meat Institute]Suggested Reading
MacLachlan, Ian. Kill and Chill: Restructuring Canada's Beef Commodity Chain (2001)
Rennie, James ed. The Growth and Development of Canada's Meat Packing Industry (1969)(Documentary)
MacLachlan, Ian. Meat-Processing Industry. [Historica The Canadian Enclyclopedia] .
The Meat Packers Council of Canada: A History of Dynamic Leadership. (Sorce: Unknown)
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