- Agneta Sjödin
Agneta Sjödin (born
20 July 1967 inNorrbo ,Sweden ) is a Swedishpresenter and TV-personality on the Swedishtelevision channel TV4. She is the host of the popular show "Let's Dance" on TV4.Career
Sjödin started her career as a light
technician and got a job fixing lights on TV4 for different TV shows. At the same timeAdam Alsing , a presenter for TV4, started a new show called "Tur i kärlek " and was looking for a female co-host. Afteraudition ing several hopefuls, he asked Sjödin if she would like to audition. She turned out to be a natural, and Alsing asked her to co-host the show with him. The show started airing in 1992 and became a huge success and it was the first game show on the relatively new channel.Agneta continued on TV by doing the travel/game show "Jakten på den försvunna diamanten" with
Bengt Magnusson on TV4, which didn't receive good reviews and was cancelled soon thereafter. Agneta went on to get the job as host for the show "Fångarna på fortet " which she and sport starGunde Svan hosted together. The show was recorded onFort Bayard inFrance , and it was Swedish celebrities who did different tasks in the dungeons of the fort.Agneta went on to host "Små Stjärnorna" and "Sikta mot stjärnorna" between 1996 and 1998. During the next years Agneta did shows like "Gladiatorerna" - a Swedish version of
The gladiatiors - and "Saknad", where she fixed people up with lost relatives and parents they hadn't met for many years. Agneta then found herself in a no job situation, as TV4 didn't give her any job offers for three years.Other projects
She pursued a singing career and made an appearance on the
SVT show "Allsång på Skansen ". She was offered and asked to sing inMelodifestivalen , which she refused. TV4 in early 2006 realised that Agneta was about to leave the channel, so they offered her the host job along David Hellenius on the hit show Let's Dance, the Swedish version of Dancing with the stars. The show became an instant hit and has been airied for two seasons so far.Agneta Sjödin has had an affair with the Norwegian
pastor and starRunar Søgaard , but is nowadays married to a school friend, who she re-met last year on a reunion. Agneta has also released a book about her childhood where she tells about abuse andrape . "This is both a non-fiction and a true story book about my childhood and experiences from a pilgrime trip I did toSpain in 2004", says Agneta.hows
*Tur i kärlek
*Fångarna på fortet
*Sikta mot stjärnorna
*Jakten på den röda rubinen
*Lets Dance
*Miss Sweden References
* [http://www.agnetasjodin.com/ Agnets Sjödins official homepage]
* [http://www.tv4.se/ TV4 Homepage]
* [http://www.tv4.se/noje/436988.html Agneta is getting married,tv4.se]
* [http://www.tidningsarkivet.se/nyckelord/?nyckelord=Agneta+Sj%F6din papers involvin Agneta Sjödin, tidningsarkivet.se]
* [http://www.hotgossip.se/index.php?ID=4792 Pictures from agnetas wedding,hotgossip.se]
* [http://www.aftonbladet.se/vss/kvinna/story/0,2789,1026288,00.html From tur i kärlek to lets dance,aftonbladet.se]
* [http://www.salongk.se/article.aspx?articleID=1645&categID=159 Agneta about her career as a singer,salongK.se]
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