

name = "Parapapio"
status = Fossil
fossil_range = Plio-Pleistocene

image_width = 200px
image_caption =
regnum = Animalia
phylum = Chordata
classis = Mammalia
ordo = Primates
familia = Cercopithecidae
subfamilia = Cercopithecinae
tribus = Papionini
genus = "Parapapio"
genus_authority = T.R. Jones, 1937
subdivision_ranks = Species
subdivision = "Parapapio jonesi"
"Parapapio whitei"
"Parapapio broomi"
"Parapapio antiquus"

"Parapapio" is a genus of prehistoric baboons closely resembling the forest dwelling mangabeys. "Parapapio" is distinguished from other "Papio" by the lack of an anteorbital drop, thin browridges, absence of maxillary fossae or a sagittal crest and only slight sexual dimorphism.cite journal | author = Frost, S. R. and E. Delson | year = 2002 | title = Fossil Cercopithecidae from the Hadar Formation and surrounding areas of the Afar Depression, Ethiopia | journal = Journal of Human Evolution | volume = 43 | pages = 687748 | doi = 10.1006/jhev.2002.0603]

There are four recognized species, "Pp. jonesi", "Pp. whitei", "Pp. broomi", and "Pp. antiquus", but these taxonomic designations have generated some controversy. Traditionally, these species have been distinguished based on molar size with "Pp. jonesi" being the smallest and "Pp. whitei" the largest. However, variation in molar size in "Pp. broomi" overlaps the other two.cite journal | author = F.L. Williams, R. R. A., S.R. Leigh | year = 2006 | title = Inferring Plio-Pleistocene southern African biochronology from facial affinities in "Parapapio" and other fossil papionins | journal = American Journal of Physical Anthropology] "Pp. jonesi" is distinguished as having a more squarish muzzle than "Pp. whitei" but more rounded than "Pp. broomi"; however these distinctions are subtle and better diagnostic criteria are needed. Some authors argue for a confused taxonomy in "Parapapio" but disagree with the reclassification. Since there may be no significant difference between mean tooth sizes or isotopic signatures in "Pp. broomi" and "Pp. jonesi",cite journal | author = Thackeray, F., D. Codron, "et al." | year = 2005 | title = Stable carbon isotope analyses of Parapapio tooth enamel from Sterkfontein and Swartkrans | journal = South African Journal of Science | volume = 110 | pages = 483484] these may represent a single sexually dimorphic species.cite journal | author = Thackeray, F. and S. Myer | year = 2004 | title = Parapapio broomi and Parapapio jonesi from Sterkfontein: males and females of one species? | journal = Annals of the Transvaal Museum | volume = 41 | pages = 7982] However, the ranges of variation in "Pp. broomi" and "Pp. whitei" overlap and show no statistical differences based on an ANOVA run on the eleven interlandmark distances used in their analysis, and propose that the two are merely a single variable species. The sample of "Pp. jonesi" (STS 565) differs enough in facial characteristics that it remains distinctive from other "Parapapio" species.


External links

* [ Mikko's Phylogeny Archive]

* [ Proctor, Darby. Taxon, Site and Temporal Differentiation Using Dental Microwear in the Southern African Papionins. M.A. Thesis. Georgia State University, 2007. ]

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