- Woodbrook Vale
Woodbrook Vale is a secondaryschool situated on Grasmere Road,Loughborough ,England . It is astate school and has around 600 pupils on roll. Its Head teacher is Mr. Graham Bett with Mrs.Anderson as Deputy Head. Mrs. Alison Vann and Mr. Chris Rowlett are Assistant Heads. The school caters for pupils in Years 7 to 9 (age 11-14 years). The main feeder primary schools areShelthorpe ,Mountfields Lodge andOutwoods Edge , although an increasing number of pupils attend from Loughborough Church of England and Holywell Primary Schools.History
Woodbrook Vale opened for the first time to pupils in August, 1982. Its first head teacher was Mr Roger Harris who introduced a number of curricular and pastoral innovations. At that time work in all subjects was inter-related through topics known as 'Centres of Interest' and pupils spent more time than usual with a Form Tutor working alongside specialists. To this day, class sizes remain smaller than most schools and the involvement of Tutors and Year Heads in the welfare of pupils is given high priority.
More recently, the school has embraced a 'personalised learning' approach; for example every pupil has a personal tutor who helps her/him with learning.
The school has been awarded 'International School' status. It has active links with Xindu No 1 Middle School in Chengdu, Sichuan, China and teaches Mandarin Chinese in all years. It also has links with schools in Thailand, Japan and Italy. Pupils use email to communicate with students in partner schools, and visit France each year.
Other awards for the school include the 'Healthy Schools Award', the 'Sportsmark', 'Investors in People' and the 'Financial Management Standard in Schools' award. It is a member of the Specialist Schools and Academies Trust. fact
Pupils learn a range of subjects: English, Maths, Science, Humanities (including Geography, History and RE), PE (where a wide range of sports are taught), Expressive Arts (Drama and Music), ICT, Design Technology (Textiles, Resistant Materials, Food), Art with pottery and Modern Foreign Languages, French, Spanish in Year 9 - and a new course in Mandarin Chinese for some pupils and teachers. This is led by a visiting tutor. fact
External links
[http://vle.woodbrookvale.leics.sch.uk/ Official website]
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.