- Ashippun River
The Ashippun River watershed lies in Dodge, Washington and Waukesha counties in
Wisconsin . Its tributaries include Mud Run, Dawson Creek and Davey Creek - a tributary to the Rock River.Description
From its headwaters in a small wetland and agricultural area, the Ashippun River flows southwest through Druid Lake to the Rock River. There are 12 intermittent and 5 perennial tributaries to the Ashippun River. The river is approximately 33 miles long. It has a low gradient of 6 feet per mile.
An impoundment at Monterey and several structures upstream have created water and fishery qualities similar to those of a lake.
Northern Pike and bass offer limited fishing. In addition, the river has been found to contain the rare Least Darter (Etheostoma microperca ).Carp are also available in quantity.
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