Gabriel Strobl

Gabriel Strobl

Gabriel Strobl (3 November 1846 in Unzenmarkt, Styria, Austrian Empire - 15 March 1925 in Admont, Benediktinerstift) was an Austrian priest and entomologist who specialised in Diptera.

In 1866 the then 20-year-old Gabriel Strobl became a Roman Catholic priest monk ("Pater") at the Benedictine monastery Admont Abbey (Stift Admont). A devastating Monastery fire in 1865 had destroyed the Natural History Cabinet (a museum) and its contents which had included Joseph Stammels Universe. He was entrusted by Abbot Karlmann Hieber (served 1861-1868) with rebuilding the Natural History Museum. In 44 years of work - until his stroke in 1910 - Gabriel Strobl built up the Museum anew. In his first 12 years of work he devoted himself principally to botany, before dedicating himself completely to entomology for the following 32 years. Although his published work is mainly on Diptera he also worked on Hymenoptera and Coleoptera of the Balkan peninsula which was partially ruled by Austria until 1918.

Partial List of Publications

On Diptera:

*1880. "Dipterologische Funde um Seitenstetten. Ein Beitrag zur Fauna Nieder-Österreichs". Programm des Kaiserlich-königlichen Ober-Gymnasiums der Benedectiner zu Seitenstetten 14: 3-65.
*1893. Beiträge zur Dipterenfauna des österreichischen Littorale. "Wien. Ent. Ztg". 12: 29-42 , 74-80, 89-108, 121-136 and 161-170.
*1894. Die Dipteren von Steiermark. "Mitt. Naturw. Ver. Steiermark" 30 (1893): 1-152.
*1898. Die Dipteren von Steiermark. IV Theil. Nachträge. "Mitt. Naturw. Ver. Steiermark" 34 (1897): 192-298.
*1898b. Fauna diptera Bosne, Hercegovine I Dalmacie. Glasn. Zemalj. "Muz. Bosni Herceg". 10: 387-466, 562-616 (in Serbian).
*1900a. Dipterenfauna von Bosnien, Herzegovina und Dalmatien. "Wiss. Mitt. Bosn. Herzeg". 7: 552-670. (German translation of the paper published in 1898b, with additions).
*1900b. Spanische Dipteren. IX. "Theil. Wien. Ent. Ztg". 19: 61-70.
*1901. Tief's dipterologischer Nachlass aus Kärnten und Österreich-Schlesien. "Jahrb. Naturh. Landesmus. Kärnten" 26 (1900): 171-246.
*1902. Novi prilozi fauni diptera Balkans'kog poluostrva [New contributions on the dipterous fauna of the Balkan peninsula] . "Glasn. Zemalj. Muz. Bosni Herceg". 14: 461-517.
*1904. Neue Beiträge zur Dipterenfauna der Balkanhalbinsel. "Wiss. Mitt. Bosn. Herzeg." 9: 519-581. (German translation of Strobl 1902)
*1906. Spanische Dipteren II. Mem. R. Soc. Esp. Hist. Nat. (Madrid), Segunda Epoca 3(1905): 271-42
*1909. with Czerny, L. Spanische Dipteren. III. "Beitrag. Verh. Zool.-Bot. Ges. Wien" 59(6): 121-310.
*1910. Die Dipteren von Steiermark. II. Nachtrag. "Mitt. Naturw. Ver. Steiermark" 46(1909): 45-293.

On Hymenoptera:
*1900-1903. "Ichneumoniden Steiermarks" ("und der Nachbarländer"). 388 p.


Strobls Diptera and Coleoptera (excepting exotic, ie. Non-European species) are in the Natural History museum at Admont Abbey (Stift Admont) as well as are all his Lepidoptera. The exotic Coleoptera and Cicadidae, and all the Hymenoptera are in Landesmuseum Joanneum (Joanneum National Museum) [ [ Landesmuseum Joanneum: Kultur - Land Steiermark ] at] in Graz. The Syrphidae via H. R. Meyer are in the Hessisches Landesmuseum in Darmstadt. [ [ Hlmd | Willkommen ] at]


* Contreras-Lichtenberg, R. 2003: Die Geschichte der Dipterologie am Wiener Naturhistorischen Museum. " Denisia" 8 47-55, 6 Photos.
* Gusenleitner, F. 1991: Wildbienenforschung in Österreich. - Kataloge des Oberösterr. Landesmuseums NF (2. Auflage) 10 103-153.
* Portrait of Strobl and history of the Admont Abbey Museum []

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