

Kakrali is a village located in Tehsil Kharian, in the Gujrat District of Pakistan. It is 25 Kilometers from Kharian and 35 Kilometers from Gujrat. Kakrali is derived from the Punjabi word for Kikar Tree. The majority of inhabitants of village are Jatt & Butt, and many have gone overseas to work.

Kakrali has a Hindu temple near the ¨Bhandar¨ river. This river starts in the high mountains in northern Pakistan, so the water remains cold even in summer. Near Lake Bhander, there is a park with sports fields. This ground is filled with children and adults in the summer and winter time. The central mosque is Jamia Masjid, and was built by Mian Muhammad Sharif.

There is a boys high school in Jakrali which was established before Partition. High quality education had remained a tradition of this school.


* [http://www.apnakotla.com www.ApnaKotla.com]

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