Loyola Law School

Loyola Law School

Infobox Law School

name = Loyola Marymount University
established = 1911, (1865)
type = Private, Roman Catholic
endowment =
parent endowment = $378.8 million (as of June 30, 2007)
head = Victor J. Gold
city = Los Angeles
state = California
country = United States
students = 1,297 [http://officialguide.lsac.org/SearchResults/SchoolPage_PDFs/ABA_LawSchoolData/ABA4403.pdf Loyola Marymount University Official ABA Data] ]
faculty = 135
ranking = 63 [ [http://grad-schools.usnews.rankingsandreviews.com/grad/law Santa Clara University - Law - Best Graduate Schools - Education - US News and World Report] ]
bar pass rate = 78% [ [http://calbar.ca.gov/calbar/pdfs/admissions/Statistics/JULY2007STATS.pdf General Statistics Report July 2007 California Bar Examination] ]
annual tuition = $36,058
homepage = [http://www.lls.edu/ www.lls.edu]
motto ="Ad Maiorem Dei Gloriam - Tua Luce Dirige"
aba profile = [http://officialguide.lsac.org/SearchResults/SchoolPage_PDFs/LSAC_LawSchoolDescription/LSAC4403.pdf Loyola Marymount University Profile]

Loyola Law School is the law school of Loyola Marymount University, a private Jesuit school in Los Angeles, California. Loyola was established in 1920. Like Loyola University Chicago School of Law and Loyola University New Orleans College of Law (separate and unaffiliated institutions), it is named in honor of St. Ignatius of Loyola, founder of the Jesuits. Its Frank Gehry-designed campus is located in the Pico-Union neighborhood just west of downtown Los Angeles, and is separate from the Westchester main university campus.


"U.S. News & World Report" ranked Loyola Law School 63rdcite news |url= http://www.usnews.com/usnews/edu/grad/rankings/law/brief/lawrank_brief.php |title= America's Best Graduate Schools 2009 |format= html |work= U.S. News & World Report] in its "America's Best Graduate Schools 2009" feature.

Loyola ranks higher on alternative guides such as "The Princeton Review" in addition to the Coolely rankings (also known as the Brennan rankings) [http://www.cooley.edu/rankings/overall2006.htm] .

For speciality rankings:
*According to "The Princeton Review's" 2008 "Best 170 Law Schools", it ranked Loyola 1st in the nation for "Best Classroom Experience", 4th in "Professors Rock (Legally Speaking)", and 9th in "Most Diverse Faculty". [http://www.princetonreview.com/law/research/profiles/rankings.asp?listing=1035876&LTID=5&intbucketid=]
*Loyola's fairly recent Taxation LL.M. program ranks 8th in the nation by "U.S. News & World Report" [http://www.usnews.com/usnews/edu/grad/rankings/law/brief/lawrank_brief.php]
*Loyola's trial advocacy program is ranked 5th in the nation by "U.S. News & World Report" [http://www.usnews.com/usnews/edu/grad/rankings/law/brief/lawrank_brief.php]
*Lawdragon, which ranks and evaluates attorneys and judges, named Loyola #17 in its list of the 25 Leading Law Schools. [http://www.lawdragon.com/index.php/lawdragon/fullstory/top_law_schools/]

Distinct from most law schools, which typically reside in one or two centralized buildings, Loyola has a separate law school campus. The campus, sitting on a full city block just west of downtown Los Angeles, is made up of an open central plaza surrounded by several contemporary buildings designed by Frank Gehry. [http://www.lls.edu/about/campus/index.html] Its recently renovated library is one of the largest private law libraries in the western U.S., with a collection of nearly 560,000 volumes. [http://library.lls.edu/]

Including its day and evening J.D. programs, Loyola has the largest and most diverse student enrollment of any California law school, and it prides itself in its civic duties. It was the first California law school with a pro bono graduation requirement, [http://www.lls.edu/about/] under which students perform 40 hours of pro bono work. [http://intranet.lls.edu/publicinterestlaw/probono/index.html] After Hurricane Katrina, Loyola was also one of a handful of schools to open its doors to students of law schools in New Orleans who were forced to relocate for a period of time after the hurricane. [http://www.lls.edu/media/documents/PublicRecordWinter2005.pdf]

Fact sheet

Fact sheet2006-07 [http://www.lls.edu/media/documents/LLSFactSheet.pdf]

Loyola Law School opened its doors in 1920 and is located in downtown Los Angeles

Degrees Offered: Juris Doctor (JD); Juris Doctor/Master of Business Administration (JD/MBA); Masters of Law in Taxation (LLM); Masters of Law in American Law & International Legal Practice (International LLM)

American Bar Association Accreditation: 1937

Awarded a Chapter in The Order of the Coif: 1990

Faculty: 75 full-time faculty members

Enrollment: 1360 totalWomen (50%); Minority (37%), ranked 12th in the nation for minority enrollment

Law Reviews: Loyola of Los Angeles Law Review, Loyola of Los Angeles Entertainment Law Review and Loyola of Los Angeles International & Comparative Law Review

Programs: International programs in China, Costa Rica & Italy; the Learning Rights Project; the Cancer Legal Resource Center; the Disability Mediation Center; the Center for Conflict Resolution; the Disability Rights Legal Center; the Center for Juvenile Law & Policy; the Civil Justice Program; the Law & Technology Program; and the Entertainment Law Practicum

Graduate Employment Rate: 95%+ within nine months of graduation

Tuition: $38,450 full-time; $25,340 part-time

Financial Aid: 85% of Loyola Law students receive some form of financial assistance.

Alumni: Represented in all 50 states and in 16 countries

Law reviews

Loyola currently has three student-run and edited law reviews:
*"Loyola of Los Angeles Law Review"cite web |url= http://llr.lls.edu/about.html |title= About the Loyola of Los Angeles Law Review |format= html |work= llr.lls.edu |quote= ] is a journal of distinction devoted to the advancement of legal scholarship; recent issues of the Law Review have included articles on ICANN, "Eldred v. Ashcroft", firearms ammunition and products liability, California's "three strikes" law, the Americans with Disabilities Act, and trial jury reform.
*"Loyola of Los Angeles International & Comparative Law Review"cite web |url= http://ilr.lls.edu/about.html |title= About the Loyola of Los Angeles International and Comparative Law Review |format= html |work= ilr.lls.edu |quote= ] is dedicated to the advancement of legal scholarship and seeks to publish scholarly, professional articles of high caliber, based on accurate and in-depth research, which advance legal scholarship in the field of international law, aid in the resolution of contemporary international legal problems, and contribute to the continuing education of the legal community. In April 2008, ILR held a symposium entitled Transformation in Iraq: From Ending a Modern War to Creating a Modern Peace. [http://ilr.lls.edu/2008Symposium.htm] Using Iraq as a test case, the symposium sought to assess the legitimacy and viability of modern occupation law against both changed contemporary realities and recent developments in moral and political thought. Speakers included Harvard Professor Noah Feldman and Ambassador Feisal Amin Rasoul al-Istrabadi. [cite web |url= http://ilr.lls.edu/2008Symposium.htm |title= Transformation in Iraq: From Ending a Modern War to Creating a Modern Peace |format= html |work= ilr.lls.edu/2008Symposium.htm |quote= ]
*"Loyola of Los Angeles Entertainment Law Review"cite web |url= http://elr.lls.edu/about.html |title=About the Loyola of Los Angeles Entertainment Law Review |format= html |work= elr.lls.edu |quote= ] publishes scholarly articles which frequently cover topics in constitutional law, sports law, intellectual property rights, communications regulation, antitrust law, employment law, contract law, corporate law, as well as the emerging fields of computer and Internet law. ELR has also featured symposia on such topics as independent filmmaking, international rights of publicity and the use of law and identity to script cultural production.

Trial advocacy and moot court

Loyola's trial advocacy and moot court competition programs have traditionally been regarded as the best in the state of California:
*Byrne Trial Advocacy Program, [http://intranet.lls.edu/teams/byrne/index.html] ranked currently 5th in the nation by "U.S. News & World Report", [http://www.usnews.com/usnews/edu/grad/rankings/law/brief/lawrank_brief.php] which has won numerous regional and national competitions throughout the years
*Philip C. Jessup International Law Moot Court Competition [http://intranet.lls.edu/teams/scott/index.html]
*National Moot Court Competition, [http://intranet.lls.edu/teams/scott/index.html] sponsored by the Association of the Bar of the City of New York and American College of Trial Lawyers [http://www.abcny.org/LawStudents/MootCourt.htm]
*Giles Sutherland Rich Moot Court Competition [http://intranet.lls.edu/teams/moot-rich/index.html]
*Scott Moot Court Competition, Loyola's student-run moot court competition [http://intranet.lls.edu/teams/scott/participation.html]
*Willem C. Vis International Commercial Arbitration Moot [http://vis.lls.edu/]

Career prospects

According to "Official Guide to ABA-Approved Law Schools", 95.1% of Loyola students were employed 9 months after graduation. [http://officialguide.lsac.org/SearchResults/SchoolPage_PDFs/ABA_LawSchoolData/ABA4403.pdf] The 2009 U.S. News & World Report survey "America's Best Graduate Schools" states that 66.6% of Loyola students were employed at graduation. According to a survey which had a 59% participation rate, the median starting salary was $80,000 for private sector attorneys and $58,000 for government attorneys. [ [http://premium.usnews.com/grad/law/items/03009/@@career-prospects.html] (login required); Citation
title=America's Best Graduate Schools, 2009 Survey
newspaper=U.S. News & World Report

In an interview with "The Wall Street Journal", former Dean David Burcham said that Loyola, like any other law school, does not guarantee that its students will obtain jobs. He says it is problematic that big firms only interview the top of the class, "but that's the nature of the employment market; it's never been different." [http://online.wsj.com/article/SB119040786780835602.html Hard Case: Job Market Wanes for U.S. Lawyers - WSJ.com ] ] The same "Wall Street Journal" article noted that " [a] n anonymous writer called Loyola 2L, purportedly a student at Loyola Law School, who claims the school wasn't straight about employment prospects, has been beating a drum of discontent around the Web in the past year that's sparked thousands of responses, and a fan base."

The issue of large law firms hiring from the "top of the class" is not new or localized to any particular school, or even law schools in general. Indeed, this practice has been employed by large firms at law schools irrespective of their "ranking." One firm partner criticized this practice as limiting the diversity of incoming associates by effectively narrowing the applicant pool to only 25% of the class. [ [http://www.chicagoreporter.com/index.php/c/Cover_Stories/d/Law_Firms_Still_Lag_in_Minority_Hiring Law Firms Still Lag in Minority Hiring] ]

Programs and clinics

*Center for Conflict Resolution, which provides mediation, conciliation, and facilitation services, as well as conflict resolution training [http://intranet.lls.edu/conflictres/]
*Center for Juvenile Law and Policy, which serves as a holistic law firm representing youths in juvenile court; a small group of students each year are selected as participants in a year-long clinic run by the Center, receiving trial advocacy and procedure training from the Center's staff of seasoned attorneys and social workers [http://www.lls.edu/juvenilelaw/index.html]
*Civil Justice Program, which convenes periodic conferences, seminars and presentations, promotes and publishes scholarly research, and initiates cross disciplinary projects [http://www.lls.edu/cjp/]
*Disability Rights Legal Center (DRLC) (formerly the Western Law Center for Disability Rights), one of Southern California's most active public interest centers specializing in Americans with Disabilities Act litigation; [http://www.disabilityrightslegalcenter.org/] DRLC is run by a mix of Loyola professors, law student externs, and attorneys, and its centers and programs include the following::Cancer Legal Resource Center [http://www.disabilityrightslegalcenter.org/about/cancerlegalresource.cfm] :Civil Rights Litigation Project [http://www.disabilityrightslegalcenter.org/about/civilrightslitigation.cfm] :Education Advocacy Project [http://www.lls.edu/academics/candp/drlc.html] :Disability Mediation Center [http://www.disabilityrightslegalcenter.org/about/disabilitymediation.cfm] :Community Outreach Program [http://www.disabilityrightslegalcenter.org/about/educationoutreach.cfm] :Inland Empire Program [http://www.disabilityrightslegalcenter.org/about/inlandempire.cfm] :Options Counseling and Lawyer Referral Service [http://www.disabilityrightslegalcenter.org/about/options.cfm] :Pro Bono Attorney Program [http://www.disabilityrightslegalcenter.org/about/probono.cfm]
*Entertainment Law Practicum, which provides students with hands-on experience in the entertainment industry while earning units toward their degree [http://www.lls.edu/academics/candp/externships-programs.html]
*Journalist Law School, providing fellowships to journalists for an intensive legal study practicum [http://www.lls.edu/cjp/jls/]
*Program for Law & Technology, a collaboration with the California Institute of Technology [http://techlaw.lls.edu/]
*Public Interest Law Foundation (PILF), which is a student-run organization focused on getting students involved in public interest causes as well as raising money for public interest grants; PILF is the largest and most active public interest club of its kind of all the law schools in Southern California [http://www.pilf.org]
*Sports Law Institute, which provides a sports law-related curriculum and annual symposia [http://faculty.lls.edu/sli/]

tudy-abroad programs

*Loyola offers study-abroad programs for J.D. students in Beijing, China [http://www.lls.edu/programs/beijing/index.html] , Bologna, Italy, [http://www.lls.edu/programs/italy/index.html] and Ciudad Colon, Costa Rica [http://www.lls.edu/programs/costa/index.html]
*Loyola offers an International LL.M. program based in Bologna, Italy [http://www.lls.edu/programs/bologna/index.html]

Notable faculty

Dean (Interim)
*Victor Gold, an evidence law scholar and former associate dean [http://www.lls.edu/academics/faculty/gold.html]

Current faculty
*Ellen P. Aprill, a tax law scholar and part of Loyola's LL.M. program in taxation; former U.S. Supreme Court clerk [http://www.lls.edu/academics/faculty/aprill.html]
*William D. Araiza, a constitutional law scholar and author; former U.S. Supreme Court clerk [http://www.lls.edu/academics/faculty/araiza.html]
*Jeffery Atik, an international law scholar [http://www.lls.edu/academics/faculty/atik.html]
*Stanley A. Goldman, a criminal law professor who often doubles as a Fox News legal analyst [http://www.lls.edu/academics/faculty/goldman.html]
*Richard L. Hasen, an election law scholar and the writer of an election law blog [http://electionlawblog.org/] [http://www.lls.edu/academics/faculty/hasen.html]
* Allan Ides, a constitutional law scholar; former U.S. Supreme Court clerk [http://www.lls.edu/academics/faculty/ides.html]
*Robin B. Kar, a scholar on legal theory, contracts and jurisprudence [http://www.lls.edu/academics/faculty/kar.html]
*Laurie L. Levenson, a criminal law professor who is also a frequent contributor to CNN and other media sources; former assistant division chief of the USAO, Central District of California [http://www.lls.edu/academics/faculty/levenson.html] . Levenson serves on the Board of Directors for Bet Tzedek - The House of Justice.
*Christopher N. May, who has authored many widely read books on civil procedure and constitutional law [http://www.lls.edu/academics/faculty/may.html]
*Theodore P. Seto, a tax law scholar and part of Loyola's LL.M. program in taxation [http://www.lls.edu/academics/faculty/seto.html]
*Peter M. Tiersma, a linguist whose scholarship covers language and the law [http://www.lls.edu/academics/faculty/tiersma.html]
*Georgene M. Vairo, a widely read civil procedure scholar, perhaps best known for commentary on complex civil litigation and Rule 11 of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure [http://www.lls.edu/academics/faculty/vairo.html]
*Gary C. Williams, who also serves as President of the Board of Directors of the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) of Southern California [http://www.lls.edu/academics/faculty/williams.html]
* [http://www.lls.edu/academics/faculty/ Full faculty list and profiles]

Clinical faculty
*Eve Hill, Director of the Disability Rights Legal Center (DRLC) [http://www.lls.edu/academics/faculty/hilleve.html]
*Michael Shultz, former deputy public defender now working in juvenile court [http://www.lls.edu/academics/faculty/schultz.html]
*Cyn Yamashiro, juvenile law advocate and Director of the [http://www.lls.edu/juvenilelaw/staff.html Center for Juvenile Law and Policy] [http://www.lls.edu/academics/faculty/yamashiro.html]

Former faculty
*David W. Burcham, provost of Loyola Marymount University, a Loyola graduate, former dean of Loyola and former U.S. Supreme Court clerk [http://www.lls.edu/academics/faculty/burcham.html]
* [http://www.law.duke.edu/fac/fisk/ Catherine Fisk] of Duke University School of Law, and wife of noted professor Erwin Chemerinsky
* [http://law.vanderbilt.edu/faculty/faculty-detail/index.aspx?faculty_id=172 Laurence R. Helfer] of Vanderbilt University Law School
* [http://www.law.uoregon.edu/faculty/hosofsky/ Hari Osofsky] of the University of Oregon School of Law
* [http://www.law.uiuc.edu/faculty/DirectoryResult.asp?Name=Solum,+Lawrence Lawrence B. Solum] of the University of Illinois College of Law
* [http://www.law.emory.edu/cms/site/index.php?id=ftung Frederick Tung] of Emory Law School
* [http://www.scu.edu/law/faculty/fulltime/fcty_1056.html Gerald F. Uelmen] of Santa Clara University School of Law

Notable alumni

Lawyers and activists
*Gloria Allred, J.D. 1974, a lawyer, radio talk show host, and media personality
*Seth Aronson, J.D. 1981, head of OMelveny & Myers's Los Angeles office [http://www.omm.com/webcode/navigate.asp?nodehandle=31&idContent=1487]
*Robert C. Baker, J.D. 1971, Los Angeles attorney who defended O.J. Simpson in Simpson's civil trial
*Johnnie L. Cochran, Jr., J.D. 1962, high-profiled defense attorney
*Ricardo Cruz, a former Chicano Civil Rights Movement attorney
*Mark Geragos, J.D. 1982, high-profiled defense attorney
*Thomas Girardi, a founding partner of Girardi & Keese [http://www.girardikeese.com/membersTomG.htm]
*Paul Irving, J.D. 1980, Co-Chairman of Manatt, Phelps & Phillips; former managing partner [http://www.manatt.com/Attorneys.aspx?id=2069&full=538]
*Sean Kennedy, the federal Public Defender for the Central District of California (since March 2006) [http://www.metnews.com/articles/2006/dave032406.htm]
*Melanie E. Lomax, a Civil Rights lawyer and former head of the Los Angeles Board of Police Commissioners
*Hunter Lovins, co-author of "Natural Capitalism" [http://www.natcapinc.com/core_hunter.htm]
*Edward L. Masry, attorney portrayed in the movie "Erin Brockovich"
*Alejandro Mayorkas, former U.S. Attorney for the Central District of California, nominated in 1998 by President Bill Clinton; Mayorkas was, at the age of 39, the youngest U.S. Attorney in the nation; he is now a partner at OMelveny & Myers [http://www.omm.com/webcode/navigate.asp?nodeHandle=31&idContent=2957]
*Diane Patrick (formerly Diane Bemus), First Lady of Massachusetts (married to Governor Deval Patrick); Patrick is a partner at the Boston law firm Ropes & Gray LLP specializing in labor and employment law
*Robert Shapiro, a high-profiled defense attorney; name partner of Christensen, Glaser, Fink, Jacobs, Weil & Shapiro, LLP [http://www.chrisglase.com/Bio/RobertShapiro.asp]
*Laura Allison Wasser, a divorce attorney who has handled divorces for Angelina Jolie, Stevie Wonder, Kiefer Sutherland, Spike Jonze, Nick Lachey, and Britney Spears

*John Edward Anderson, president of Topa Equities, Ltd., founder of Kindel & Anderson law firm, namesake of UCLA Anderson School of Management
*Joseph C. Battaglia, radio talk show host of "The American Advisor"
*Tony Blankley, a Washington Times editor
*Joe Escalante, a punk-rock musician
*Josh E. Gross, publisher of "Beverly Hills Weekly"
*Chris Kobin, a screenwriter and film producer
*Darren Levine, a martial artist and entrepreneur
*Stephen F. Page, J.D. 1968, former Vice Chairman and CFO of United Technologies and former President and CEO of Otis Elevator
*Henry C. Yuen, co-founder, and former CEO and Chairman, of Gemstar-TV Guide International.
*Henry Sloan, CEO of MGM

*Robert G. Beverly, J.D. 1951, former California State Senator representing the 29th Senate District
*Ben Cayetano, J.D. 1971, former governor of Hawaii
*William P. Clark, Jr., J.D. 1957, former Associate Justice of the California Supreme Court, Deputy Secretary of State, National Security Advisor, and Secretary of the Interior
*Tom Harman, J.D. 1968, California State Senator representing the 35th Senate District
*Robert Joseph Miller, J.D. 1971, former governor of Nevada
*Kevin Murray, J.D. 1987, former California State Senator representing the 26th Senate District
*Nick Pacheco, a former member of the Los Angeles City Council
*Eric J. Perrodin, Mayor of Compton, California
*Tony Rackauckas, J.D. 1971, District Attorney of Orange County and former Superior Court Judge

*Lynn Compton, a retired California Court of Appeal Judge; member of the 101st Airborne Division; story portrayed in Band of Brothers
*Rick Distaso, a judge and former high-profiled prosecutor in the case against Scott Peterson
*Kathryn Doi Todd of the California Court of Appeal
*Mark Gibbons of the Supreme Court of Nevada
*Patti Kitching of the California Court of Appeal
*Gary Klausner, a federal district court judge sitting in the Central District of California and former presiding judge of the Los Angeles Superior Court
*Manuel A. Ramirez of the California Court of Appeal
*Manuel Real, a federal district court judge sitting in the Central District of California
*William F. Rylaarsdam of the California Court of Appeal
*Michael T. Sauer, Superior Court judge and former appellate attorney who argued the First Amendment case Cohen v. California before the U.S. Supreme Court [http://www.latimes.com/entertainment/news/la-me-judge8may08,0,626864.story?]

* [http://louisville.edu/brandeislaw/faculty/fischer.htm Judith D. Fischer] of the University of Louisville Louis D. Brandeis School of Law
* [http://law.uark.edu/about_us/faculty_directory/sharon_foster Sharon Foster] of the University of Arkansas William H. Bowen School of Law
* [http://www.law.temple.edu/servlet/RetrievePage?site=TempleLaw&page=Faculty_Harris Donald P. Harris] of Temple University Beasley School of Law
* [http://web.chapman.edu/OCFaculty/Photos.aspx?last=K Jayne Taylor Kacer] of Chapman University School of Law
* [http://www.law.whittier.edu/faculty_admin/members_bio-kelton.asp Christine Kelton] of Whittier Law School
* [http://law.pepperdine.edu/academics/faculty/ckerr.html Catherine L. Kerr] of Pepperdine University School of Law
* [http://www.law.utk.edu/FACULTY/FACULTYmarshall.htm Sibyl Marshall] of University of Tennessee College of Law
* [http://www.albanylaw.edu/sub.php?navigation_id=157&user_id=103 James Redwood] of Albany Law School
* [http://www.lawschool.cornell.edu/faculty/bio.cfm?id=72 Steven H. Shiffrin] of Cornell Law School
* [http://www.uakron.edu/law/lawfaculty/thomas.php Tracy A. Thomas] of the University of Akron School of Law
* [http://www.law.uci.edu/profile_g_tonner.html Grace Tonner] of the University of California Irvine School of Law
*Some graduates have also gone on to serve on [http://www.lls.edu/academics/faculty/ Loyola's faculty]


External links

* [http://www.lls.edu Loyola Law School's website]

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