Aristarchus of Samothrace

Aristarchus of Samothrace

Aristarchus of Samothrace ("polytonic|Ἀρίσταρχος", 220?–143 BC?) was a grammarian noted as the most influential of all scholars of Homeric poetry. He was the librarian of the library of Alexandria and seems to have succeeded his teacher Aristophanes of Byzantium in that role.

He established the most historically important critical edition of the Homeric poems, and he is said to have applied his teacher's accent system to it, pointing the texts with a careful eye for metrical correctness. It is likely that he, or more probably, another predecessor at Alexandria, Zenodotus, was responsible for the division of the "Iliad" and "Odyssey" into twenty-four books each. According to the "Suda", Aristarchus wrote 800 treatises ("polytonic|ὑπομνήματα") on various topics, all lost but for fragments preserved in the various "scholia."

Accounts of his death vary, though they agree that it was during the persecutions of Ptolemy VIII of Egypt. One account has him, having contracted an incurable dropsy, starving himself to death while in exile on Cyprus.

The historical connection of his name to literary criticism has created the term "aristarch" for someone who is a judgmental critic.

ee also

*Homeric scholarship

External links

* [ New Advent Encyclopedia article on Library of Alexandria]

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  • Aristarchus Of Samothrace — ▪ Greek critic and grammarian born c. 217 BC died 145 BC, Cyprus       Greek critic and grammarian, noted for his contribution to Homeric studies.       Aristarchus settled in Alexandria, where he was a pupil of Aristophanes of Byzantium, and, c …   Universalium

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  • Aristarque de samothrace — Pour les articles homonymes, voir Aristarque. Aristarque de Samothrace, en grec ancien Ἀρίσταρχος / Arístarkhos (v. 220 143 av. J. C.), grammairien, pionnier de l étude rigoureuse des textes homériques. Biographie Disciple d Aristophane de… …   Wikipédia en Français

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