List of James Bond henchmen in GoldenEye

List of James Bond henchmen in GoldenEye

This is a list of henchmen from the James Bond 1995 film "GoldenEye".

Xenia Zargevna Onatopp

James Bond Character
name=Xenia Onatopp
portrayed=Famke Janssen
affiliation=Soviet Military / Janus
role=Bond girl / Henchwoman

Xenia Onatopp ( _ru. Ксения Сергеевна Онатопп) is a fictional character in the James Bond film "GoldenEye", played by actress Famke Janssen.


Xenia, born in the former Soviet republic of Georgia, was a fighter pilot in the Soviet Air Force. After the collapse of the USSR, she joined the crime syndicate Janus, led by renegade MI6 agent Alec Trevelyan. Early in the movie, Bond gets into a car chase with her, meets her at a casino, and places her under surveillance.

She is a classic representation of a "femme fatale", and can apparently receive sexual satisfaction through killing. In a memorable scene, she lures Canadian admiral Chuck Farrell (Billy J. Mitchell) onto a yacht moored off Monte Carlo. Literally leaping atop the admiral, she straddles him and violently kisses, bites and scratches him in a way that they both enjoy but suddenly she slaps her hand on his forehead, pushes his head back and twists it, breaking his neck just before she flips over and wraps her muscular thighs around his chest, literally squeezing the life out of him, loudly achieving orgasm, while rubbing her body against him as he asphyxiates. The admiral's last words were "Xenia, I cant breathe!"

During the act, a man steals the admiral's ID, enabling her and an unidentified Janus operative to steal a prototype of the Eurocopter Tiger, which was scheduled for a high-profile test flight the following day.

Later, she and turncoat Russian General Arkady Ourumov use the hijacked Tiger in an attack on the Severnaya satellite control center in central Siberia, where they steal the controller for the GoldenEye electromagnetic pulse (EMP) satellite weapon. During the attack, she fires an AKSU-74 carbine around the control room, murdering all the military personnel and technicians present, again getting sexually aroused and moaning with pleasure in the process.

She encounters Bond three more times during the film, attempting to crush him between her thighs on two occasions. It should be noted that this is a popular wrestling hold called 'bodyscissors', though Xenia certainly uses it in a more sexual manner than any wrestler would. The first time, she comes on to him in a turkish bath in a Russian hotel, and after being flung to the floor by Bond, tells him that "You don't need the gun, Commander" to which Bond replies '"That depends on your definition of safe sex."' Clad in only a bathrobe, she initially puts her arms around him and kisses him, lowering Bond's guard enough for him to drop his gun. Xenia pulls away, with Bond's lower lip clenched in her teeth. Bond pushes her to the wall, observing her obvious sexual arousal, before going for his gun, but Xenia kicks him to the ground before he can get it. She climbs atop him, straddling him, and they roll around the floor together, Bond eventually on top of Xenia, much to her apparent delight, and grabs her throat. Xenia smiles, stroking Bond's face and asking "You think you can hurt me?" before laughing. After James gets off of her, he goes for his gun once more. Xenia gets up too and lunges at him, pushing him onto the massage table, before she flips him over, sits on top of him, and after pulling his head into her heaving breasts, clamps her incredibly strong thighs around his waist.

Forcing him back, he moans in pain whilst she groans loudly in pleasure, still choking him with her thighs and hands, which are around his neck. As James slaps his hands on her knees and attempts to break her hold, she squeals in ecstasy, and again achieves orgasm after writhing on Bond's lap whilst squeezing him. Bond stands up with Xenia still hanging on with her legs, and he rams her into the wall, which pleases Xenia, and she says to Bond: 'You think you can break me?' and she kisses him passionately and wraps around Bond even tighter with her thighs and arms. After Xenia attempts to squeeze him once more, Bond finally frees himself from her deathly grip by setting her rear down on the hot rocks in the sauna. A man armed with a cosh attempts to intervene, though it is unknown whether he is a Janus operative, or merely a pool attendant. Bond dispatches him with a water bucket, before slamming Xenia on the floor, pulling his gun on her, and demanding to be led to Janus.

After knocking her out when she leads him to the Statue Graveyard, Bond next encounters Onatopp on Trevelyan's train, where an annoyed Trevelyan enquires of him "Why can't you just be a good boy and die?", Bond replies "You first," before pointing his gun at Onatopp and adding "You, second." Prior to the encounter, she displays sexual excitement at Bond's imminent derailing of the train.

The third and final time is after he and Natalya Simonova, the only innocent survivor of the Severnaya attack, enter Cuba to stop Trevelyan. After their plane is shot down by a missile, Onatopp rappels from a helicopter onto Bond, who is just awakening following the crash, and quickly gains the upper hand in their battle. She gets Bond's chest between her muscular legs and tells him "This time, Mr. Bond, the pleasure will be all mine." After this she licks his face and slams him down. Grasping his chest with her thighs, she leans back, gritting her teeth and thrashing her head, all the while screaming with pleasure, as Bond moans in pain. Just as Bond is ready to pass out from the pressure, Natalya intervenes, attempting to hit Onatopp with a log, Onatopp blocks her attempt and tells Natalya to "Wait for your turn" before headbutting her. Bond then connects the rope she rappelled down to her safety harness, grabs her AK-74 rifle that was slung across her back and kills the helicopter's pilot by shooting into the helicopter's cockpit from the ground. The chopper veers away, pulling Onatopp off Bond and trapping her in a fork of a tree, with her chest being crushed by her safety harness.

Afterwards, Bond comments on the irony of her death by telling Natalya that "She always did enjoy a good squeeze."

Other appearances

Onatopp has appeared in a number of James Bond video games as a playable multiplayer character. Her first appearance was in the 1997 video game adaptation of "GoldenEye", "GoldenEye 007" for the Nintendo 64. She is with Trevelyan on the train stage of the game. If the player quickly shoots her after eliminating Ourumov, she will yell to Trevelyan that she is wounded and to wait up for her. This buys the player more time to escape from the train. She later reappears in the jungle stage. Similar to the film, she is killed in the jungles of Cuba after battling with Bond, although Bond is unable to make her die by way of the tree trunks, and she never engages in her trademark physical attacks, using firearms instead.

In the James Bond game Nightfire, Xenia also appears as a multiplayer character. She can be unlocked by a cheat on the cheats menu and the code is JANUS, the organisation she worked for in the movie.

She later appeared in the spinoff Bond game, "" where she worked for Dr. Julius No and was GoldenEye's alluring opponent, and appears to be commander of an army of Dr. No's that has taken over Hoover Dam. She is killed in "Rogue Agent" after being blown off the Hoover Dam while fighting Goldeneye. In the game she was voiced by actress Jenya Lano.

After her portrayal by Famke Janssen, Xenia was voted the 6th most memorable Bond Girl. [,,1557446_6,00.html]

Boris Grishenko

James Bond Character
name=Boris Ivanovich Grishenko
portrayed=Alan Cumming
affiliation=Russian Defence Space Division / Janus

Boris Ivanovich Grishenko (Russian: Борис Иванович Грищенко) is a fictional character in the James Bond film "GoldenEye" played by Scottish actor Alan Cumming.

He is a brilliantly talented computer programmer and cracker who has hacked the United States Department of Justice. He is also backstabbing and boldly confident, often shouting "I am invincible!" whenever he succeeds. All in all, he is disliked by many of his colleagues, who see him as an overwrought prankster, especially about his habits of using slang about breasts and/or buttocks as passwords. Boris frequently spins pens with his hands while working, and is often seen typing with one hand.

Boris works at the Severnaya observatory in Siberia which watches over the two weapons satellites, Petya and Mischa. Boris left the observatory for a cigarette only minutes before its destruction by the Petya satellite. He had actually slipped away and flew off with General Arkady Ouromov and Xenia Onatopp, having allied himself with Alec Trevelyan to steal the GoldenEye satellite. His main purpose with Janus is to operate the GoldenEye satellite in exchange for a share of the profits. Boris helps his comrades kidnap Natalya Simonova, the only other survivor of the attack on Severnaya.

While attempting to crack the access codes for the GoldenEye, he obtains a grenade disguised as a pen from Bond's wide arsenal of gadgets. The explosive properties of the pen are unknown to him. The pen needs to be clicked three times to arm the grenade, and an additional three times to disarm it, which Boris does out of a nervous habit. Bond knocks the pen out of his hand leading to an explosion that destroys much of the control center, giving Bond and Natalya a perfect opportunity to escape. After the satellite control room is destroyed, Boris is amazed to see he managed to survive the incident, prompting him to jump up and shout his trademark exclamation ("I am invincible!") — at which point a vat of liquid nitrogen explodes, freezing him. He shows up in the videogame chronologically earlier than the incident at Severnaya.

Boris in GoldenEye 007 video game

Boris appears twice in "GoldenEye 007", a video game for the Nintendo 64 based on the film. The first time the player meets him is in the Severnaya observatory, where he is simply known as "Programmer". The player coerces him into disabling the security on a mainframe. This event does not occur in the film, as Bond never goes to the observatory in Severnaya in the movie.

The next time the player sees him is in the satellite control centre. When they meet, Boris fumbles with a Walther PPK (called PP7 in game for copyright reasons), then begs for his life claiming "Trevelyan made me do it!" This, like the player's previous encounter with him, is exclusive to the game. After this encounter with him in the game, he is then confirmed of being alive afterwords.

Boris is also playable as a multiplayer character.

General Ourumov

James Bond Character
name= Arkady Grigorovich Ourumov
portrayed=Gottfried John
affiliation=Soviet Army / Russian Ground Forces / Janus

Arkady Grigorovich Ourumov (Russian: Аркадий Григорович Урумов) is a fictional character in the James Bond film "GoldenEye", played by Gottfried John.


"HEAD OF SPACE DIVISION" Joining the Soviet Army at 18, Ourumov always had a zeal for power, and would constantly use any means necessary to get his way to the top. 27 years later, Ourumov, who had grown tiresome of having little power, was finally promoted to General and was given the important job of being in charge of a Soviet Russian Chemical Weapons Factory. During his early days in his new position he meets a young and bitter Alec Trevelyan, who tells Ourumov of his past, his hatred for MI6 and his future intentions, but making sure to leave out a few vital details about himself. Alec offers Ourumov a part in his plan and that he will be paid well and receive his status as the next "Iron Man Of Russia", Ourumov graciously accepts. The two pledge not to see each other until Alec and James Bond were to go on a mission to destroy Ourumov's base. However, Ourumov and Alec had different plans. Alec deliberately gets himself caught by Ourumov and his men, and Bond witnesses as Ourumov shoots Alec in the head. Ourumov attempts to catch Bond and almost succeeds, but Bond just manages to escape.

The shooting was staged, however. Unbeknownst to Bond, Trevelyan is alive, albeit deeply scarred on the right side of his face. He becomes an international terrorist under the name "Janus" (The two-faced Roman god). Ourumov, supposed to be executed for the destruction of the chemical weapons base, frames one of his soldiers for the incident and is instead promoted to the rank of Colonel General, and is placed in charge of the Severnaya Space Facility in Siberia. Ourumov also has the job of employing another member for The Janus Crime Syndicate - he hires Xenia Onatopp, an ex-Soviet fighter pilot, whom he is familiar with. For the next nine years The Janus Crime Syndicate would terrorize Russia without getting caught and all their identities remaining secret, and Ourumov was earning more power, which was starting to trouble the Russian Government.

A year before the main plot of Goldeneye takes place, Ourumov completes the establishment of their syndicate's greatest weapon: "GoldenEye". Two Goldeneye satellite dishes were built: one in Siberia, and one hidden in Cuba. Anyone who became suspicious of Ourumov ended up dead at the hands or perhaps thighs of Xenia. The Syndicate's first act was to take place, the stealing of The Tiger Helicopter Ourumov and Xenia personally took care of the operation under the strict order of Janus not to fail. They successfully manage to steal it before Bond could stop them, and arrive in Siberia hours later where the Second Act of their operation would take place. Ourumov made sure to hire the most intelligent computer programmer to take care of the Goldeneye weapon: Boris Grishenko. Ourumov and Xenia enter the satellite base where the corrupt general orders one of his men to give him the Goldeneye and authorization codes they need to testfire Goldeneye. Upon receiving these, Xenia suddenly shoots everyone in the base, and together they arm the Goldeneye to fire on Severnaya to eliminate the evidence. The two leave, pleased with their success, not knowing one person is still alive - Natalya Simonova.

Ourumov and Xenia take Boris with them and escape moments before the Goldeneye weapon detonates, and their witness Natalya narrowly escapes. Afterwards, Ourumov heads back to Russia to report to Defense Minister Mishkin. Ourumov soon learns that Natalya Simonova is alive and he leaves immediately frustrated with Xenia's failure to kill "everyone". He assigns Boris and Xenia to find her, which doesn't take them long. Ourumov takes Natalya to Alec's hideout where he ties her up in the Tiger helicopter to await her death. Bond also ends up tied up in the helicopter, moments after learning Alec is alive and that he is a traitor. Bond and Natalya escape moments before the Tiger helicopter explodes, but are soon caught by Russian troops and taken to a large government building where they are locked in a prison cell.

Later, upon hearing that Mishkin had Bond and Natalya in custody, Ourumov arrives and storms into the cell where Mishkin is interrogating the pair. Ourumov argues with Mishkin trying to convince him that Bond is the traitor. Mishkin yells for a guard to arrest Ourumov but the general turns and shoots both the guard and Mishkin with Bond's gun. After improvising a cover story, Ourumov then calls for the guards to kill Bond and Natalya, but is grabbed by Bond and beaten and thrown into a wall knocking him flat. Ourumov leads his soldiers throughout the base, searching for Bond and Natalya. Ourumov's men capture Natalya, leaving Bond to escape on his own. Ourumov takes one of his men and Natalya and they escape out into the streets by car, but soon Bond bursts through a wall behind them in a tank. He leaves behind a path of destruction as he chases Ourumov through the streets of St. Petersburg. Ourumov escapes and arrives at Alec's personal Bullet Train. He kills the soldier who drove them there in order to prevent him from revealing what Ourumov has done. Ourumov boards the train with Natalya, and explains to Trevelyan what has happened and that Bond has escaped. Later, their journey is halted by Bond, who uses the hijacked tank to stop the train. Bond boards the damaged train and holds Trevelyan and Onatopp at gun point. Ourumov is called in and he holds Natalya with a gun to her head. Bond reveals to Ourumov that Alec is a Lienz Cossack, leaving Ourumov shocked. Alec smooths things over by telling him how rich and powerful he will soon be. Bond demands that Natalya be released. Alec nods for Ourumov to shoot Natalya, but his intention is for Ourumov to distract Bond while he escapes, throwing the Russian General into a sacrificial lamb, at which, Ourumov is too slow and ends up being shot by Bond's AKS-74U, thereby putting an end to the "Iron Man Of Russia"'s life.

Ourumov in "GoldenEye 007" video game

In "GoldenEye 007", a video game for Nintendo 64 based on the movie, Ourumov appears in only three of the game's missions, initially when the then-Colonel murders 006 (which can be stopped if he is shot repeatedly when he first appears), another in which Bond infiltrates a Russian facility in Kyrgyzstan to investigate an unscheduled test firing of a missile, believed to be a cover for the launch of a GoldenEye satellite (this location, however, is never shown or mentioned in the film), and lastly in a mission aboard Janus' armoured train, where the General is holding Natalya Simonova at gunpoint. As in the movie, Bond shoots the General while in the train, thus saving Natalya's life. Ourumov is a playable character in the multiplayer mode.

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