Anton Florian of Liechtenstein

Anton Florian of Liechtenstein

Anton Florian, Prince of Liechtenstein (28 May 1656 - 11 October 1721 Vienna) was Prince of Liechtenstein between 1719 and 1721.

During the War of the Spanish Succession, he went to Spain, where he was the Chief Intendant and Prime Minister of the Archduke Karl, who became Emperor Charles VI after the sudden death of his brother in 1711. Florian returned to Vienna for Charles's coronation. He was the Imperial Chief Intendant and Chairman of the Secret Council until he died in 1721.

In 1719, Charles VI created the new principality of Liechtenstein from the domains of Schellenberg and Vaduz, which were both held by the Liechtenstein family. This was done so that Anton Florian could be admitted to the Reichstag, which required that all members had land that was subordinate only to the Emperor himself (as opposed to land held in fief by higher nobles). Thus, Anton Florian became the first Prince of Liechtenstein. It and Luxembourg are the only states of the Holy Roman Empire that still exist.

Marriage and Issue

Anton married Eleonore Barbara of Thun-Hohenstein (4 May 1661 - 10 February 1723) on October 15, 1679. They had 11 children, most of whom died in early childhood.

*Franz Augustin (1680-1681)
*Eleonore (1681-1682)
*Antonia Maria Eleonore (12 January 1683 - 19 December 1715)
*Karl Josef Florian (b. and d. 1685)
*Anton Ignaz Josef (1689-1690)
*Josef Johann Adam (27 May 1690 - 17 December 1732)
*Innozenz Franz Anton (1693-1707)
*Maria Karoline Anna (23 August 1694 - 16 April 1735)
*Karl Josef (1697-1704)
*Anna Maria Antonie (1699-1753); married her cousin, Josef Wenzel, Prince of Liechtenstein
*Maria Eleonore (1703 - 18 July 1757); married Count Friedrich August von Harrach-Rohrau

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