- Intel MCS-96
Intel MCS-96 is a family ofmicrocontrollers (MCU) commonly used inembedded system s. The family is often referred to as the 8xC196 family, or 80196, the most popular MCU in the family. These MCUs are commonly used inhard disk drives,modem s, printers, pattern recognition and motor control.The family of microcontrollers are 16 bit, however they do have some 32 bit operations. The operates at 16, 20, 25, and 50
MHz , and is separated into 3 smaller families. The HSI (high speed input) family operates at 16 and 20 MHz, the HSO (high speed output) family operates at 16 and 20 MHz, and the EPA (event processor array) family operates at all of the frequencies.The main features of the MSC 96 family is on-chip memory,
Register-to-register architecture , threeoperand instructions, bus controller to allow 8 or 16 bit bus widths,flat addressability of large register files.=809x/839x/879x family=
The 809x/839x/879x ICs are a members of the MCS-96 family. Although MCS-96 is thought of as the 8x196 family, the 8095 was the first member of the family. Later the 8096, 8097, 8395, 8396, and 8397 were added to the family.
Intel 809x/839x/879x ICs are 12MHz , 16bit microcontrollers . Themicrochip is based on a 5 V, 3 micrometre,HMOS process. The microcontroller has an on-chip ALU, 4 channel 10 bitanalog-to-digital converter (ADC), 8 bitpulse width modulator (PWM),watchdog timer , 4 16bit software timers,hardware multiply and divide, and 8 KB of on-chipROM . The 8095 is ROMless and has five 8 bit high speedI/O , fullduplex serial port , as well as an ADC input and PWM output.The 8095 comes in a 68-pin
Ceramic DIP package, and the following part number variants. C8095-90The 8095 was used in the
Roland MT-32 . The package type used in the MT-32 was a DIP48 and is pictured above. The above '68-pin CDIP' reference might not be correct?=8x196/8xC196 family=The MCS-96 family is generally thought of as the 80C196 IC, even thought the family includes the 809x/839x/879x microcontrollers, which came first. Members of this sub-family are 80C196, 83C196, 87C196 and 88C196.
*: http://www.datasheetcatalog.com/datasheets_pdf/8/0/9/5/8095.shtml (Accessed September 07, 2007)
*Intel, "MCS-96 809X-90,839X-90", Order #270016-004, T-49-19-16;T-49-19-59, Oct 1987 (Preliminary)
*: http://www.datasheetcatalog.com/datasheets_pdf/8/0/9/5/8095-90.shtml (Accessed September 07, 2007)
*http://www.cpushack.net/chippics/Intel/8x9x/IntelC8095-90.html (Accessed September 07, 2007)
*http://dragonsdawn.org/photos/MacIICard.jpg (Accessed September 07, 2007)
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