International Ranger Federation

International Ranger Federation

The International Ranger Federation is an organisation which represents Park Rangers and Park Wardens across the world.

Many countries have agencies that undertake the protection and management of natural areas. The rangers within these organisations are represented at the international level by the International Ranger Federation (IRF). The IRF seeks to represent Park Rangers on a professional level. A number of countries also have affiliated organisations with the same goals.


The International Ranger Federation (IRF) was founded in 1992 with a signed agreement between the Countryside Management Association (CMA), representing rangers in England and Wales; the Scottish Countryside Rangers Association (SCRA); and the U.S. Association of National Park Rangers (ANPR).

As of 2006 42 associations of rangers, including national, state and territorial entities, have affiliated with the IRF. Additionally, rangers from 8 countries have applied for provisional membership in IRF while they attempt to establish ranger associations in their countries.


The goals of the IRF are to provide a forum for rangers from around the world to share their successes and failures in protecting the world's heritage and to promote information and technology transfer from countries in which protected area management enjoys broad public and government support to countries in which protected area management is less well supported.

Affiliated Organisations

The Australian Ranger Federation (ARF)Associazione Italiana Guardie dei Parchi e delle Aree Protette (AIGAP)

External links

* [ International Ranger Federation]
* [ AUSTRALIA - Australian Ranger Federation]
* [ CANADA - National Park Warden Association]
** [ Park] Information about Canada's ecozones, the species found in each, and the projects and programs undertaken by Park Wardens to manage ecosystems and ensure public safety
* [ CHILE - Cuerpo de Guardaparques de Chile]
* [ CZECH REPUBLIC - Association of Protected Areas Rangers of the Czech Republic]
* [ DENMARK Danish Ranger Association]
* [ ENGLAND and WALES - Countryside Management Association]
* [ ITALY - Associazione Ligure Agenti Di Vigilanza Ambientale]
* [ ITALY - Associazione Italiana Guardie dei Parchi e delle Aree Protete (AIGAP)]
* [ SCOTLAND - Scottish Countryside Rangers Association]
* [ SOUTH AFRICA - Game Rangers Association of Africa]
* [ UNITED STATES - Association of National Park Rangers]
* [ UNITED STATES - California State Park Rangers Association]
* [ SOUTH KOREA- Korean Rangers Association]
** [ SOUTH KOREA- Korea National Park Service] : Official website for Korean National Parks. There are twenty units in three types of National Parks, mountain, coastal and marine, historic site.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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