Senior TT

Senior TT

The Senior TT is a motorcycle road race that takes place during the Isle of Man TT festival; an annual event at the end of May and beginning of June. The Senior TT is the last race of the festival and takes place on the Friday of race week. The Marquis de Mouzilly St. Mars trophy is now presented annually to the winner of the race. Between 1949 and 1976 this race was part of the Grand Prix motorcycle racing season.

Engine capacity

The 1911 Isle of Man TT was the first time the Senior TT race took place and was open to 500 cc single-cylinder and 585 cc twin-cylinder motorcycles. It was won by Oliver C Godfrey, riding an Indian, at an average speed of 47.63 mph for the 5 laps of the Snaefell Mountain Course that was in use for the first time that year. The 1912 event was the first to limit the Senior TT to only 500 cc machines and this engine capacity prevailed until 1984.

The engine capacity has been modified from the usual (up to) 500 cc and is now (up to) 1,000 cc, though 1,000 cc machines were permitted in 1985 and 1986, 1,300 cc in 1987, 1988 and 1989, and 750 cc in 1990-1998.

The current specification for entries into the Senior TT race are: [ [] 2006 race schedule (retrieved 29 October 2006)]
* Any machine complying with the following specifications:
** TT Superbike: (Machines complying with World Superbike and/or British Superbike specifications)
*** (Over 750cc up to 1000cc 4 cylinders 4-stroke)
*** (Over 750cc up to 1000cc 3 cylinders 4-stroke)
*** (Over 800cc up to 1000cc 2 cylinders 4-stroke)
** Supersport Junior TT (without limitation of tyre choice)
** TT Superstock (without limitation of tyre choice)
** Other machines admitted at the discretion of the Organisers

peed and Lap Records

The lap record for the Senior TT is 17 minutes and 21.99 seconds [ [] 2007 Senior TT Race Statistics(retrieved 10th June 2007)] at an average speed of 130.354 mph set by John McGuinness during lap 6 of the 2007 Senior TT race.

enior TT Race Winners


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