Peace Mala

Peace Mala

Infobox_Company | company_name = Peace Mala
company_type = Charitable organization
slogan = 'Creative education that empowers and embraces all'
foundation = 2002, Cardiff, Wales, UK
location = Morriston, Wales, UK
founder = Pam Evans
key_people = Pam Evans (Founder)
Norma Glass MBE
Martin Green
Pam El-Hosaini
Levi Whitten-Connolly (General Leader of Young Peace Mala)
Nicholas Millard (Vice General Leader of Young Peace Mala)
products = Peace Mala bracelets
Guides for Teachers
homepage = []

Peace Mala ("The Peace Mala Youth Project for World Peace"), along with Young Peace Mala, is a Swansea-based organisation dedicated to the "promotion of understanding, respect, friendship, tolerance and peace between all communities, cultures and enlightened, compassionate faiths". [From the 'Main aims of Peace Mala' [] ] Peace Mala promotes global citizenship and invites all people to treat each other with respect and compassion regardless of race, colour, religion, gender, sexuality, ability, size or age.


Peace Mala was founded in the year 2002 by Pam Evans, former Head of the Department of Religious Studies at Coedcae Comprehensive School in Llanelli, Carmarthenshire, Wales. The idea came after a series of class discussions about the Tuesday September 11, 2001 attacks in New York. Pam and her students soon realised that the attacks had affected not only the victims of the atrocity, but that they had also contributed to the rise in Islamaphobia, racism, religious intolerance and fundamentalism witnessed in the world today. Racist taunts had been suffered by a number of Muslim pupils and other children from ethnic minority backgrounds. [Official account of the early history of the group. [] ]

This was particularly felt by Year 11 student Imran Sheikh, whose family originated from Pakistan. During an interview by BBC Wales, he commented "I suffered from racist taunts and our local mosque was attacked following September 11 and that is when the Peace Mala all started" [During an interview by BBC Wales, [ during a meeting with Esther Rantzen] upon winning first prize in the ChildLine in Partnership with Schools (CHIPS) initiative. [] ]


Peace Mala was officially launched in the UNA Temple of Peace in Cardiff, Wales on Wednesday 27th November 2002 by the Archbishop of Canterbury Rowan Williams (then Archbishop of Wales). He was joined by members of the fourteen faiths represented on the Peace Mala bracelet, NGOs, students and teachers of schools from across Wales, lecturers from the University of Wales, and pupils and staff of Coedcae Comprehensive School.

The ceremony opened with a procession of representatives from the fourteen faiths found on the Peace Mala bracelet. These were Christianity, Buddhism, Sikhism, Islam, Judaism, Bahá'í, ISKCON, Zoroastrianism, Tribal Religions, Jainism, Earth Religions, Taoism, Hinduism and Yungdrung Bön, respectively.


Through the promotion of peace, tolerance and respect, Peace Mala has received numerous awards for their work, notably The Prince's Trust Millennium Award in 2003, the Co-op Community Dividend Award in 2003, the ChildLine Cymru CHIPS Friendship and Respect Award in 2003 (1st Prize), and the Carmarthenshire Police Community Challenge Award in 2004. In 2004 Peace Mala was also awarded First Prize in the CEWC-Cymru "Right-On" National Competition to promote Human Rights in Welsh schools. In 2006, Peace Mala was awarded a grant by Awards for All (Wales) in support of the Peace Mala Awards for Youth.

Charitable Status

On 21st February 2007, Peace Mala, already a company limited by guarantee and not having a share capital, was entered in the Central Register of Charities as Registered Charity No. 1118053.


The Most Reverend Dr Rowan Williams Archbishop of Canterbury was patron of Peace Mala from 2003 until 2008 as the patronage of the Archbishop only lasts between 3 - 5 years. He continues to be an enthusiastic supporter of the project. Lama Khemsar Rinpoche, Spiritual Director of the "Yundrung Bön Study Centre" is the current patron of the organisation.

Dr Rowan Williams

Dr Williams and Pam Evans first met when he visited Coedcae School to give talks to the pupils about his work as Archbishop of Wales, a position now held by Barry Morgan. Dr Williams was one of the first persons to be contacted by Pam when she came up with the idea of the Peace Mala. One of Dr Williams final acts as Archbishop of Wales was to join 14 other religious dignitaries in the launch of the Peace Mala in November 2002.

In 2003, Pam Evans asked Dr Williams if he would be a patron. He accepted the offer saying he would be "honoured" [According to the Peace Mala account [] ] to hold the position.

His patronage ended in 2008 as the patronage of the Archbishop only lasts between 3 - 5 years. Peace Mala were lucky to have his patronage for the full five years.

Lama Khemsar Rinpoche

Lama Khemsar Rinpoche also visited Coedcae School prior to his involvement with Peace Mala. At the school he became known to the children as "Smiling Lama". Rinpoche left Tibet in 1959. He is the first resident Lama of the Yungdrung Bön tradition in Europe and also teaches widely in the USA.

Pam Evans asked Lama Khemsar Rinpoche if he would be a patron of the organisation after a 21 day peace retreat he undertook in Los Angeles. He replied saying that he would be "very happy" [According to the Peace Mala account [] ] to accept the position, valued the trust placed in him and that he would do his best to support the great vision of the Peace Mala.

Since then, Lama Khemsar Rinpoche's students have made use of the main room in the Peace Mala Registered Office for their weekly "Bon Zogchen Ngon-Dro" prayers and meditations. The Tibetan room at the centre is often used by Rinpoche when he visits Wales.


The Peace Mala website was created in 2002 using money granted by the Princes Trust Millennium Award. It was designed and published using 100% solar power by the web publishing company Arcania. The website includes news articles relating to Peace Mala activities and endorsements from prominent religious leaders, political dignitaries and celebrities including the His Holiness Pope John Paul II, His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama, Jillian Evans MEP, Sir Mark Tully Beth Nielsen Chapman, Bonnie Tyler and Barbara Dickson.


During late 2007, a disclaimer appeared on the website indicating the group's neutrality, and political and religious disassociations. The disclaimer was signed by all the Directors of Peace Mala including Pam Evans, Norma Glass MBE, Martin Green and Pam El-Hosaini.

quotation|Peace Mala is a non-political organisation. It does not support any party or movement over any other. Neither does it support one belief system above another. The aim of Peace Mala is to contribute to education for global citizenship through promoting understanding, respect, tolerance, and peace between communities, cultures and faiths. Our compassionate wish is for people, animals and the environment to be at peace.

Anyone may wear a Peace Mala. If members of political parties or peace movements choose to wear Peace Mala bracelets, it does not mean that Peace Mala automatically endorses that cause, although if it is working towards peace this is a good step forward. Peace Mala stands for total compassion for all beings without exception, and does not take sides with anyone against anyone else.|Pam Evans, Norma Glass MBE, Martin Green, Pam El-Hosaini

The Peace Mala Bracelet

A Peace Mala is a symbolic bracelet used to promote the message of the Golden Rule of mutual respect recognised by many spiritual paths. It consists of 16 beads arranged on black or clear elasticated thread and is accompanied by a colour explanatory booklet. Each coloured bead (following the order of a double rainbow) represents a different faith or religion (Christianity, Buddhism, Sikhism, Islam, Judaism, Bahá'í, ISKCON, Zoroastrianism, Tribal and Native Religions, Jainism, Earth Religions, Taoism, Hinduism and Yundrung Bön) with the central white bead representing the wearer and whatever path they may follow.

The beads of the Peace Mala are held in place by two knots which also have messages for the wearer. The first knot symbolises the wearer at the moment of their birth and emphasises their uniqueness and equality regardless of race, colour, religion, gender, sexuality or ability . The second knot reminds the wearer of the effects that our everyday actions have on other people and asks each person to "follow the path of peace and friendship to help create a better world." [Official description of the symbology and representations [] ]

All Peace Malas are currently hand made in Wales and are protected by UK Design Registration No 3008422.

Double Rainbow

These are the typical Peace Malas, which are made from 8mm, 7mm, and 6mm coloured glass beads. Peace Malas are also available in kit form, which are intended for use in classrooms or youth clubs and can be assembled with instructions found in the "Guide for Teachers" which comes with a CD-ROM that includes a PowerPoint presentation about Peace Mala, a made Peace Mala and classroom activities.

Black and White

The black and white version of the Peace Mala (which has fourteen black beads and a central white bead) was devised after a minority of supporters asked for a Peace Mala that was less colourful than the double rainbow. This alternative version of the Peace Mala has proved to be very popular with many teenage boys, Goths and some people who follow the Pagan path.

Solid Sterling Silver

Launched on Tuesday 8th November 2005 at the Peace Mala Registered Office by Welsh star Bonnie Tyler, the solid sterling silver Bespoke Peace Mala with hand carved symbols of the faiths, was designed by award winning Welsh Designer Jewellers, Mari Thomas and Nicola Palterman. Money raised from the sale of Bespoke Peace Malas is put towards the "Peace Mala International Awards for Youth".

Young Peace Mala

In 2008 Levi Whitten-Connolly and Nicholas Millard, both former students of Peace Mala founder Pam Evans were invited to head Young Peace Mala.

Young Peace Mala is the branch of Peace Mala that promotes Peace Mala in the age group of 4-21, a fundamental age group. Young Peace Mala, like Peace Mala, is an innovative, creative and award winning educational project that cuts through all forms of prejudice and intolerance.

Young Peace Mala aims to treat others, as we would wish to be treated . We empower the marginalised and bullied, promote greater understanding, respect and tolerance, celebrate cultural and religious diversity, promote creative education that is fun and empowering, teach good values and perceptions, promote sustainable change, teach conflict resolution and respect animals and the environment.

Peace Mala International Awards for Youth

In 2006 Peace Mala launched the "Peace Mala Awards for Youth". The awards encourage young people "to become aware of and involved with issues of peace, justice, tolerance and friendship." [According to Youth Awards page [] ] . The competition focuses in issues of equality, human rights and global citizenship.

The Youth Awards allows entrants from educational institutions, youth groups and faith groups. Two prizes are awarded. One for juniors (5-11)and the other for seniors (12-18).

In 2007, the Peace Mala Awards for Youth became an international competition with youth groups in the USA taking part in the project.

2006 Winners

Following a huge response from participants, Peace Mala decided to increase the deadline for competition entries. Many schools and youth groups sent in entries, but ultimately, it was decided that Ysgol Gynradd Brynaman (Brynaman Primary School) in Carmarthenshire and Pontygof Primary School in Ebbw Vale would win the competition.It was decided by the judges that these two entries were of such high calibre, as compared to senior entries, that both awards should be given to the junior entrants.

"Highly Commended" prizes were given to the Ethnic Youth Support Team in Swansea, the 1st Llansamlet Brownies in Swansea and to Swansea College Ty Coch Campus.

As a surprise to the winners, commemorative framed posters signed by Gary Marlon Suson from the Ground Zero Museum Workshop in New York were given as gifts to Pam Evans for the winners. Gary Marlon Suson was the official photographer appointed by New York Fire Department to be with the recovery workers at the site of Ground Zero after the attacks of September 11th.

The awards ceremony included many acts included a Native American Hoop Dance performed by First Nations descendant Malcolm Edwards (Rising Eagle), a performance of whirling by the Naqshbandi Haqqani-Mevlevi Dervishes led by Sheikh Ahmad Dede, songs performed by the Hemiola Young Musicians, and a song performed by Pam Evans herself (under the pseudonym of "Magic").

Registered Office

On Wednesday 18th August 2004, the Peace Mala Registered Office was officially opened during a ceremony attended by the Lord Mayor and Consort of the City of Swansea. They were joined by Stephen Thomas, Secretary of UNA Wales and Director of the Welsh Centre for International Affairs, various NGOs and faith representatives who celebrated the achievements of Peace Mala since its launch in the Temple of Peace in Cardiff with the Archbishop of Canterbury Rowan Williams two years previously. [Official account of the events [] ]

Faith representatives who attended included members of Govindas ISKCON Centre in Swansea, Native Indian 'Rising Eagle', the Granthi and members of the Guru Nanak Sikh Community Centre and Temple in Swansea, Tibetan Buddhists, Pagans, Hindus, Orthodox, Catholic and Anglican Christians, Bahá'í's, Sufi Muslims, members of Swansea Orthodox Synagogue, and Yungdrung Bön practitioners. Venerable Robert Williams Archdeacon of Gower represented the Archbishop of Canterbury Rowan Williams, and Lama Khyimsar Rinpoche, one of the patrons of Peace Mala, lead the opening ceremony. A candle for world peace was lit by Rinpoche and the Archdeacon. Prayers for peace and reconciliation were given by the representatives of all the faiths.

The Registered Office is currently used as a base for Peace Mala activities including workshops and public talks. Yungdrung Bön practitioners in Wales also use the centre for their weekly "Bon Zogchen Ngon-Dro" prayers and meditations. Yungdrung Bön (meaning "Eternal Light" or "Enlightened Teaching") is the pre-Buddhist Bön faith of Tibet. According to the booklet which accompanies every Peace Mala, Yungdrung Bon "promotes indiscriminate love and compassion for all sentient beings."

Peace Garden

Attached to the Registered Office is a peace garden designed for use as an area of peace and tranquility. The garden has many features including a shrine to Saint Francis of Assisi, Buddhist statues and prayer flags, a miniature Zen-style stone garden, water features, and a tree area which has been blessed in a ceremony lead by Witches, and Druids. There is also a tranquil area facing Mecca, which is dedicated to the Muslim faith.


Peace Mala raises awareness of issues of global interdependence and encourages schools and youth groups to be involved in activities that support compassionate causes and human rights.

The organisation views the acceptance and celebration of the plural global community, along with its diversity, as one of high importance. Peace Mala works with youth groups, state schools and colleges, religious schools and inter-faith groups across the UK and further afield. The desire is to educate young people and encourage the growth of a more tolerant generation.

Peace Mala had outlined its "Main Aims" as:
*Education for global citizenship through the promotion of understanding, respect, friendship, tolerance and peace between all communities, cultures and enlightened, compassionate faiths.
*Peace Mala supports human rights, confronts bullying and all forms of prejudice.'
*Peace Mala raises awareness of issues of global interdependence and encourages active compassion by learners that will effect positive changes locally and globally.

Fundraising For Children In Iraq

During the Summer of 2003, Pam Evans, then Head of the Department of Religious Studies at Coedcae Comprehensive School, was approached by some of her students who wished to organise a series of activities that would raise funds for children in Iraq. These pupils were members of the Peace Mala Club that had been formed in the school. Permission was granted by the Headteacher and the fund raising began. Activities included football matches between teams composed of mixed boys and girls, a Religious Studies Quiz, and general donations by pupils and staff at the school. These activities were all organised by the pupils themselves.

In total, £460 was raised and used for the production of 100 Peace Malas to be sent to a school in Iraq as a "symbol of peace, friendship and hope for the future". [ An account of the events. [] ] The rest of the funds were sent to a children's ward in an Iraqi hospital.

Fundraising For Children In Kwazulu

In December 2004 and January 2005, more fundraising activities were organised for the charity [ One Life] which helps HIV Positive and Aids orphans in Kwazulu, South Africa. A total of over £700 was raised for this cause. Coedcae Comprehensive School continues to support the work of 'One Life'.

See also

*Pam Evans

External links

* [ Peace Mala website]
*UK charity|1118053
* [ BBC News: Word spreads of Peace Mala]
* [ BBC News: Do you know your awareness bracelets?]


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