restrictive practices — UK US noun [plural] business unfair limits that workers or employers put on the rights of others in order to protect their own interests Thesaurus: strikes and other union activityhyponym * * * reˌstrictive ˈpractices [restrictive practices] … Useful english dictionary
Restrictive Practices Court — The Restrictive Practices Court is a senior court of record in the United Kingdom. It was created in 1956 to foster competition through enforcement of the Restrictive Trade Practices Act 1956. [Restrictive Practices Court Act 1956] Though the… … Wikipedia
restrictive practices — noun In antitrust law, practices that restrict other business, such as price fixing, market sharing, monopolizing, or attempting to monopolize markets … Wiktionary
restrictive practices — re.strictive practices n [plural] 1.) unreasonable rules that are used by a ↑trade union to limit the kind of work that members of other trade unions are allowed to do for a company 2.) an unfair trade agreement between companies that limits the… … Dictionary of contemporary English
restrictive practices — noun (plural) 1 unreasonable limits that one trade union puts on the kind of work that members of other trade unions are allowed to do 2 an unfair trade agreement between companies that limits the amount of competition there is … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
restrictive practices — UK / US noun [plural] business unfair limits that workers or employers put on the rights of others in order to protect their own interests … English dictionary
restrictive — re‧stric‧tive [rɪˈstrɪktɪv] adjective 1. greatly limiting or controlling what is allowed to happen: • The rest of Europe kept interest rates high to match the Bundesbank s restrictive monetary policies. • Environmentalists have drafted another… … Financial and business terms
restrictive practice — restrictive practices N COUNT: usu pl Restrictive practices are ways in which people involved in an industry, trade, or profession protect their own interests, rather than having a system which is fair to the public, employers, and other workers … English dictionary
restrictive practice — UK US noun [C] UK ► [often plural] HR, WORKPLACE a limit placed by a trade union on the types of work that its members can do: »The union has imposed restrictive practices and is inflexible in its demands. ► (also restrictive trade practice, also … Financial and business terms
restrictive trade practices — /rɪˌstrɪktɪv treɪd ˌpræktɪsɪz/, restrictive practices /rɪˌstrɪktɪv præktɪsɪz/ plural noun 1. an arrangement between companies to fix prices or to share the market in order to restrict trade 2. ways of working which make people less free (such as… … Dictionary of banking and finance