Boris Pugo

Boris Pugo

Boris Karlovich Pugo ( _lv. Boriss Pugo, _ru. Бори́с Ка́рлович Пу́го) (February 19, 1937August 22, 1991, in Moscow) was a Latvian Communist political figure.

Pugo was born in Kalinin, USSR (now Tver, Russia) into a family of Latvian communists who had left Latvia following the loss of Communists in the Latvian independence war of 1918-1920. His family returned to Latvia after Soviet Union occupied and annexed it in 1940.

Pugo graduated from Riga Polytechnical in 1960 and worked in various Komsomol, Communist Party and Soviet government positions since then, both in Latvia and Moscow. His positions between 1960 and 1984 included the first secretary of the Central Committee of Komsomol of Latvian SSR, a secretary of the Central Committee of Komsomol of USSR, the first secretary of Riga City Committee of Communist Party and the chairman of KGB in Latvia.

Pugo was the first secretary of the Communist Party of the Latvian SSR from April 14, 1984 to October 4, 1988.

Between 1990 and 1991, he was the Minister of the Interior Affairs of the USSR. He was a member of the August Coup in 1991. He soon after committed suicide. He shot his wife and himself as soon as he realized that the coup had failed.

Several media (including "Moscow Times" and "TIME") have cast doubts on the circumstances of his suicide, suggesting he might have been killed and the murder masked as a suicide.

External links

* [ An article on Pugo's death in Moscow Times]

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