Plenty Coups

Plenty Coups

Plenty Coups (otherwise known as Aleek-chea-ahoosh) (1848 – 1932) was a Crow chief and visionary leader. He allied Crow with the whites when the war for the West was being fought, because the Sioux and Cheyenne (who were opposing white settlement of the area) were the traditional enemies of the Crow. Plenty Coups had also had a vision when he was very young that non-Native people would ultimately take control of his homeland (Montana), so he always felt that cooperation would benefit his people much more than opposition.

One of his famous quotes is: "Education is your greatest weapon. With education you are the white man's equal, without education you are his victim and so shall remain all of your lives. Study, learn, help one another always. Remember there is only poverty and misery in idleness and dreams - but in work there is self respect and independence."

He very much wanted the Crow to continue as a people and their customs and spiritual beliefs to carry on. His efforts on their behalf ensured that this happened.

He was the principal chief of the Mountain Crows, or the "Apsáalooke", of the Crow Nation.

Early Life: Buffalo Bull Facing The Wind

Plenty Coups was born into the Mountain Crow tribe in 1848 at the-cliffs-that-have-no-name (possibly near Billings, Montana), to his father Medicine-Bird and his mother Otter-woman. He was given the birth name Chíilaphuchissaaleesh, or "Buffalo Bull Facing The Wind".

At the time of his birth, the Crow nation's numbers had been decimated by smallpox from contact with white foreigners, reducing their population from between ten and fifteen thousand members down to around one- to two-thousand. Surrounding tribes took advantage of their reduced numbers and were incessantly attacking the Crows, in particular the Sioux. Additionally, all Indian nations, including the Crow, were under heavy pressure from foreigners who where exterminating bison and squeezing the various Indian nations together to compete for land and food, which created a peak of inter-tribal warfare at this time. Plenty Coups grew up facing perhaps the most difficult times his people had seen in many years, perhaps their history.

A Change Of Name

In accordance to tradition, as a young man his birth name was changed: his grandfather predicted that he would become chief of the Crow Tribe, live a very long life, and accomplish many great deeds, thus christening him "Alaxchiiaahush", meaning "many achievements". Plenty Coups is the English translation of his name, coming from the word coup, or act of bravery. Over the course of his life, he would live up to his name and his grandfather's predictions.

Visions Of The Future

Early in his life, Plenty Coups started having prophetic dreams and visions. Many seemed so far-fetched that no one believed them, but when they started coming true his fellow tribe members began to revere him and listened to him carefully:

When he was nine years old, he had a dream where he was told that he had great powers, and that if he used them well he would become a great chief. Later, when he was eleven years old, Plenty Coups went on a vision quest. He had a vision where he saw "many buffalo coming out of a hole. They spread over the plains, then disappeared. Cattle came out of the hole and covered the plains. Winds blew down the trees in the forest. Only one was left standing. In it was the home of the chickadee.”

His vision was interpreted to mean that the white man would take over the Indian lands and their way of life, like the wind that blew down the trees in the forest--all except one, which represented the Crows. The Crow tribe would be spared if they could learn how to work with the white man. His spirit guide then became the chickadee, and he would carry a pair of chickadee legs in a medicine bag he used for protection and spiritual power. This vision would guide his actions for the remainder of his life.

A Young Man Earns His Name

Young Warrior

Plenty Coups started learning early in life the ways of an Indian warrior. Constant attacks by neighboring tribes provided many opportunities to prove his valor, and he quickly started earning coups. He spent his youth fighting and learning alongside many other young warriors, including Medicine Crow (Sacred Raven), who would also become a chief along with Plenty Coup. Many times he would cover himself with a gray wolf hide, and sneak alone into an enemy camp and scout about. He would return to his fellow warriors and devise a plan of attack. They would execute the attack, and Plenty Coups would seek to touch an enemy with his coup stick, or take a weapon or horse, then return without being killed or captured. This was considered a greater act of bravery more than actually killing an enemy.

He soon gained a reputation for being fearless and cunning, like the wolf. He became a member of the elite warriors of his tribe, who stood apart and above the other warriors for their ferocity and bravery. They would do everything backwards, in a fashion that was bizarre to onlookers, which helped create fear in hearts of their enemies because of their reputation.

Young Diplomat

As a young man, Plenty Coups also gained a reputation for being a wise and eloquent speaker. He was often looked to for guidance and advice, and spoke out often during tribal councils regarding their neighboring enemies, and their interaction with the encroaching white population and their government.

The Last Great Chief

Plenty Coups was named Chief of the Mountain Crow at age 28. As a young man and chief, he was a fierce and well-respected warrior. He was thought to have between 50-100 feathers on his coup stick, each one representing an act of valor. Many times over, he had accomplished the four requirements for becoming a chief.

Warrior: Fighting To Protect A Nation

Plenty Coups became chief of the Crow Tribe in 1876, which is the same year the Battle of the Little Bighorn took place. Four Crow warriors worked as scouts for General Custer at this time, and were allied with the white man in order to fight their own primary enemies during this period: the Lakota, Sioux and Cheyenne. According to the interpretation of Plenty Coups' vision, cooperating with the white man was the only way to ensure the Crow's future survival in a white man's world.

Diplomat: Speaking To Protect A People

He was selected to represent the Crow in Washington, D.C., where he fought successfully against the U.S. senators' plans to abolish the Crow nation and take away their lands. He made many trips to Washington during those ten years in order protect his people. He was fairly successful in doing so, and managed to keep the Crow's original land (although it amounted to only 80% of what they originally were allotted.) despite many foreigners desire to take the land for gold prospecting and other uses. Many other Native Americans tribes had been relocated to reservations on entirely different land than where they had lived their lives.

Representative: A Native American In Washington

Chief Plenty Coups was selected as the sole representative of Native Americans for the dedication of the Tomb Of The Unknown Soldier and gave a short speech in his native tongue in honor of the soldier and the occasion. He placed his war-bonnet and coup stick upon the tomb, [ [ Unknown Soldier Of World War One ] at] and they are preserved in a display case there.


When he died in 1932 at age 84, he was considered by his people to be the last of the great chiefs.

Fulfillment of a Vision

Many of the predictions of Plenty Coups vision quest came true:
* He was married (his wife was Strikes-the-iron), but had no children of his own.
* Bison were almost wholly replaced by cattle.
* White (European) society and government dominated and completely changed Native America.
* Through diplomacy, foresight and strong leadership Plenty Coups was able to preserve the Crow Nation land, people and culture much more than most Native American tribes were able to.


Author Frank Bird Linderman wrote an autobiography with Chief Plenty Coups when Plenty Coups was 80 years old. Frank would visit Plenty Coups at his home on the Crow Reservation and ask the Chief to recount parts his life story. Two Crow Indians, Coyote-runs and Braided-scalp-lock, would assist Plenty Coups in recounting his life to F.B. Linderman. The resulting book of Plenty Coup's life was published 1930 as [ "Plenty-Coups: Chief of the Crows" (Bison Books) by Plenty Coups, Frank Bird Linderman]

Chief Plenty Coups State Park and Home

Inspired by a visit to George Washington's Mount Vernon plantation in Virginia in 1928, four years before his death Chief Plenty Coups donated 195 acres his personal land to Big Horn County to create a park for future generations to enjoy. The log cabin he lived in is there and is part of Chief Plenty Coups State Park. He is buried here and park visitors may visit his grave, along with a visitor's center and museum that has more information about Plenty Coups and his legacy. The whole park was renovated in 2003. [web cite |last= Hagengruber |first= James |title= Festivities will honor Plenty Coups, park |url= |publisher= Billings Gazette |date= 2003-08-28 |accessdate= 2007-09-02] The park is located near Pryor, Montana.


* "Education is your most powerful weapon. With education, you are the white man's equal; without education, you are his victim, and so shall remain all your lives."
* "The ground on which we stand is sacred ground. It is the blood of our ancestors." [ [ Native American Quote's ] at]
* "I hear the white men say there will be no more war. But this cannot be true. There will be other wars. Men have not changed, and whenever they quarrel they will fight, as they have always done." []

Notes and references

Further reading

* [ "A Place Of Peace"] by Bert Gildart
* cite book
title=Plenty-coups: Chief of the Crows (Second Edition) (Bison Book)
author=Frank B. Linderman
publisher=Bison Books

* "Radical Hope. Ethics in the Face of Cultural Devastation", Jonathan Lear, Harvard University Press, 2006, ISBN 0-674-02329-3


* [ "Native Spirit and the Sun Dance Way"] , DVD documentary about the preservation of the Crow Sun Dance religion with quotes from Plenty Coups, 2007, World Wisdom

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