
Chingola is located in Zambia
Location in Zambia
Coordinates: 12°32S 27°51E / 12.533°S 27.85°E / -12.533; 27.85
Country Flag of Zambia.svg Zambia
Province Copperbelt Province
District Chingola District
Elevation 4,472 ft (1,363 m)
Population (2008)
 - Total 157,340

Chingola is a city in Zambia's Copperbelt Province, the country's copper-mining region, with a population of 157,340 (2008 census). It is the home of Nchanga Copper Mine, a deep-shaft high-grade content copper mining operation, which subsequently (in the 1960s) led to the development of two open pit operations, Chingola Open Pit and then Nchanga Open Pit (the latter being the second largest open cast mine in the world).



Chingola was founded somewhat later than the cities in the south-eastern half of the Copperbelt, in 1943, when the Nchanga Mine was started up. It was, at one point, known to be the cleanest town in Zambia.

Mines at Chingola

Nchanga Mines Open Pit workings lie in an arc 11 km long around the west and north of the town, covering nearly 30 km². The deepest part of the pit is 400 m lower than the surrounding plateau.

See Copperbelt Province for the history of the copper-mining industry.


A freight-only branch of Zambian Railways services the town from Kitwe.The branch includes the movement of copper ore to the smelters at Nkana in Kitwe.

In Chingola, the main road to Lubumbashi in DR Congo via Chililabombwe and Konkola branches off the main Copperbelt highway running south-east from Kitwe going north-west to Solwezi.

There´s also an airport with IATA code CGJ in Chingola.

Health Facilities

The town has two hospitals: Nchanga North General Hospital (Government-owned, bed capacity 283) and Nchanga South Hospital (privately-owned by the KCM (Konkola Copper Mines Plc) , bed capacity about 100).

Features of Chingola

National Monuments

Other features



  • Elevation = 1363m
  • Population = 16,332

Born in Chingola

  • Samuel Matete (born 1968), Zambian athlete
  • Felix Bwalya (born 1970), Zambian boxer (d. 1997)
  • Jacoline Loewen (born 1960), Zambian writer, author of The Power of Strategy and e-Business by Struik New Holland, and Money Magnet by Wiley.[1]
  • Dennis Freeman (born 1954), founder of In-Home Tutors (American tutoring company)
  • Michael Anthony Coombs (born 1963)
  • Andrew (AJ) Hendricks (born 1974), raconteur and adventurer.
  • Christine H Smith (nee Anderson) (born 1959), teacher and children's advocate.

Coordinates: 12°32S 27°51E / 12.533°S 27.85°E / -12.533; 27.85

Safety feedback

Chingola is good place to live. It has excellent climate and people.


  1. ^ Loewen, Jacoline (2008). Money Magnet: Attract Investors to Your Business. Canada, Toronto: John Wiley & Sons. ISBN 978-0-470-15575-2

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