Mathias Fuchs

Mathias Fuchs
Mathias Fuchs

Mathias Fuchs
Birth name Mathias Fuchs
Born Erlangen, Germany
Nationality Austrian
Field Art, Game Art, Ludic Interfaces
Training Technical University Vienna, Music Academy Vienna, (now University of Salford)
Movement Ludic Interfaces
Works postvinyl; Legible Ocean; PlastiCity.
Influenced by Iannis Xenakis, Brian Eno, Marcel Duchamp

Mathias Fuchs, (* October 20, 1956 in Erlangen/ Germany), studied computer science in Erlangen and Vienna (Vienna University of Technology), and composition in Vienna (Universität für Musik und darstellende Kunst Wien) and in Stockholm (EMS, Fylkingen). He holds degrees in Computer Science (Diplom Ingenieur), Electroacoustic Composition, and a PhD (Dr. phil).

Mathias Fuchs has been a university lecturer at University of Applied Arts Vienna, The University for Industrial Design in Linz, Universität für Musik und darstellende Kunst Wien, Sibelius Academy in Helsinki, the University of Salford in Greater Manchester, and at University of Potsdam.

Following a commissioned piece for "Synreal: The Unreal Modification",[1] a games exhibition organized by Institute for New Culture Technologies/t0, and curator Konrad Becker, Mathias Fuchs started working on, and increasingly focused on game art.

He has pioneered in the field of artistic use of games[2] and is a leading theoretician on Game Art and Games Studies. He is an artist, musician, media critic and currently Senior Lecturer at the University of Salford.



During the last 3 decades he presented sound- and media-installations in Vienna, London, Mexico City, Tokyo, Helsinki, Stockholm, Norwich, Cairo. Commissioned work for ISEA94 and ISEA 2004, 2006, 2008, Ars Electronica, PSi #11, Futuresonic, EAST, Millennium Dome. Since 2004 Mathias Fuchs' work focuses on Creative Games for Museums, Urban Planning and Theatre Performances. Mathias Fuchs has developed game art performances and game art installations for SIGGRAPH, ISEA (Inter-Society for the Electronic Arts), Mediaterra, Resfest, and the Coded Cultures Festival. [3] Coded Cultures Festival.[4] He worked in collaboration with Roy Ascott, Steve Dixon, Olly Farshi, Werner Moebius, Paul Sermon and others.

Screenshot from the "postvinyl" art game by Mathias Fuchs

Academic Activities

Mathias Fuchs started the first Masters Programme in "Creative Games" at the School of Art & Design at the University of Salford in Greater Manchester.

Creative Games is a discipline on the borderline of Games, Art, Critical Discourse. Main topics are:

  • History and Philosophy of Computer Games
  • Aesthetics of Computer Games
  • Games as Museums and Exhibitions
  • Computer Games as Musical Instruments and Sound Tools
  • Interactive Text Spaces
  • Embedded Games (Cross-media and mixed media)
  • City-Scapes in Ludic Contexts

Currently Mathias Fuchs leads a European programme development for a European Masters in Ludic Interfaces. "Ludic Interfaces" is the title of a European collaboration in creating a network of Academic Institutions and of world leading Media Centres to investigate, design and test publicly shared digital content.[5] The programme development is a joint project by the University of Potsdam, Universidad Politécnica de Valencia (Polytechnic University of Valencia), Universität für künstlerische und industrielle Gestaltung in Linz, and by the University of Salford. Since 2011 Mathias Fuchs holds a Visiting Professorship for "History of Media Culture" at the Univerrsity of Potsdam.

In 2010 Mathias Fuchs received his Doctor title for a PhD thesis on the meaning of sounds ("Sinn und Sound") by Humboldt University of Berlin.


  • Fuchs, Mathias; Leighton, Deborah (2011). "Ordsall Hall in Manchester. A Creative Game for Heritage Studies.". In Minhua Ma, Manuel Fradinho Oliveira, João Madeiras Pereira (in English). Serious Games Development and Applications. Vienna, Heidelberg, Dordrecht, London, New York: Springer. ISBN 978-3-642-23833-8. 
  • Fuchs, Mathias (2011). "Mouseology – Ludic Interfaces – Zero Interfaces". In Georg Russegger, Matthias Tarasiewicz, Michal Wlodkowski (in English). Coded Cultures. Creative Practices out of Diversity. Vienna, New York: Springer. Edition Angewandte. ISBN 978-3-7091-0457-6. 
  • Fuchs, Mathias (2010). "kendinize bir hayat edinin!". In Ekmel Ertan (in Turkish/ English). interpasif persona. Istanbul: BIS Body-Process Arts Association. ISBN 978-605-88807-1-9. 
  • Fuchs, Mathias (2010). Sinn und Sound. Berlin: Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Berlin. ISBN 978-3-86573-570-6. 
  • Fuchs, Mathias; Strouhal, Ernst (Eds.) (2010). Passagen des Spiels II. Das Spiel und seine Grenzen. Vienna, New York: Springer Verlag. ISBN 978-3-7091-0084-4. 
  • Fuchs, Mathias (2010). "Ludic Interfaces". In Ruth Catlow, Marc Garrett & Corrado Morgana. Artists Re:thinking Games. Liverpool: FACT. ISBN 3978-1-84631-271-2. 
  • Fuchs, Mathias; Strouhal, Ernst (2008). Games. Kunst und Politik der Spiele. Vienna: Sonderzahl Verlag. ISBN 978-3-85449-301-3. 
  • Fuchs, Mathias; Buchhart, Dieter (Eds.) (2005). Kunst und Spiel II. Cologne: Kunstforum international, Vol. 178. 
  • Fuchs, Mathias; Buchhart, Dieter (Eds.) (2005). Kunst und Spiel I. Cologne: Kunstforum international, Vol. 176. 
  • Fuchs, Mathias (2000). "Transformierende Spiegel, autonome Spiegel, Trickspiegel, verhüllte Spiegel". In Manfred Faßler. Ohne Spiegel Leben. Sichtbarkeiten und posthumane Menschenbilder. München: Fink Verlag. ISBN 3-7705-3414-X. 
  • Fuchs, Mathias (2000). "Disembodied Online". In Robert Pfaller. Interpassivität. Studien über delegiertes Genießen. Vienna, New York: Springer Verlag. ISBN 3-211-83303-X. 
  • Fuchs, Mathias (1996). "ParaReal". In Brigitte Felderer (in German). Wunschmaschine Welterfindung. Vienna, New York: Springer Verlag. ISBN 33-211-82872-9. 
  • Fuchs, Mathias; Reck, Hans Ulrich (1995). Sampling. Vienna: Verlag der Hochschule für Angewandte Kunst. ISBN 3-85211-044-0. 
  • Fuchs, Mathias (1995). "Hot oder Cool". In Christian Utz (in German). Musik.Labyrith.Kontext. Linz: ok, Offenes Kulturhaus. ISBN 3-85307-003-5. 
  • Fuchs, Mathias; Feuerstein, Thomas; Strickner, Claus; Zabelka, Mia (1993). Hausmusik. Vienna: Triton Verlag. ISBN 3-901310-08-8. 
  • Fuchs, Mathias (Ed.) (1989) (in German, Hungarian). Karten. Térképek. Vienna, Budapest: Verlag der Hochschule für Angewandte Kunst. 

Journals, Conference Papers, Articles in Magazines and Catalogues

  • Fuchs, Mathias (2009). "Cyberprovincialism". Coded Cultures. Exploring Creative Emergences. Vienna, Yokohama: ISBN 978-3-200-01532-6. 
  • Fuchs, Mathias (2009). "postvinyl". Re:live. Media Art Histories 2009. Melbourne: University of Melbourne & Victorian College of the Arts and Music. 
  • Fuchs, Mathias (2009). "Digital Tudor". Electronic Visualisation and the Arts (EVA 2009). London: EVA2009. 
  • Fuchs, Mathias (2009). "Spoilsports and Cardsharps". Proceedings of the Playful Experiences Seminar. Tampere, Finland: University of Tampere. 
  • Fuchs, Mathias (2007). "Pervasive DJing". Proceedings of the 4th International Symposium on Pervasive Gaming Applications. Aachen: Shaker Verlag. ISBN 978-3-8322-6288-4. 
  • Fuchs, Mathias (2003). "Spie(ge)l. Mirrors" (in English, German). Selfware.file02. Graz: MiDiHY und MVD. ISBN 3-9501666-7-X02. 
  • Fuchs, Mathias (2003). "Games People Play (Every Night and Every Day)" (in English, German). Selfware.file01. Graz: MiDiHY und MVD. ISBN 8-1750-0101-4. 
  • Fuchs, Mathias (1997). "Total Recall - Erinnern und Vergessen in der Musik". In Hans Ulrich Reck (in German). Konstruktionen des Erinnerns: Transitorische Turbulenzen. Cologne: Kunstforum Köln Band 127. 
  • Fuchs, Mathias (1994). "Are you sure you want to do this?" (in Dutch, German). Mediamatic Vol.8#1 The Storage Mania Issue.. Amsterdam: Mediamatic. ISBN 09-207-86-4. 


  1. ^ Synreal 1998 was one of the first international art shows on game art. See also Konrad Becker in an interview with Mathias Jansson on "Interview: Konrad Becker on “Synreal: The Unreal Modification” (1998)". 25 November 2009. Retrieved 12 September 2010. 
  2. ^ Rönnau, Jens (2006). artgames - Analogien zwischen - Kunst und Spiel. pp. 337. KUNSTFORUM International Köln. 
  3. ^ Farshi, Olly (2005). Klangspiele. In: Kunst und Spiel, Bd. I. pp. 70. KUNSTFORUM International Köln. 
  4. ^ Russegger, Georg/ Tarasiewicz, Matthias / Wlodkowski, Michal (2009). Coded Cultures. Exploring Creative Ermergences. Vienna. ISBN 978-3-200-01532-6. 
  5. ^ An interview by Digital Arts and Architecture Lab with Mathias Fuchs can be found on "Unplugged heads 2.0 vom 09. März 2010".$1E$2F$3. Retrieved 12 September 2010.  (German)

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