- WLAN Authentication and Privacy Infrastructure
WAPI (WLAN Authentication and Privacy Infrastructure) is a Chinese National Standard for
Wireless LAN (GB 15629.11-2003).Although it was allegedly designed to operate on top ofWiFi , compatibility with the security protocol used by the802.11 wireless networking standard developed by theInstitute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. (IEEE) is in dispute.WAPI works by having a central Authentication Service Unit (ASU) which is known to both the wireless user and the
access point and which acts as a central authority verifying both. The WAPI standard requires the use of asymmetric encryption algorithm" [http://www.suntzureport.com/wapi/wapi.pdf Wireless Authentication and Privacy Infrastructure Protocol (WAPI) Specification] ", Dapeng Zhu, Sun Tzu International LLC, retrieved 2005/02/26 from http://www.suntzureport.com/wapi/wapi.pdf N.B. this an explanation of the spec, not the spec itself.] ,SMS4 , which was eventually declassified in January 2006.In late 2003, the Chinese government announced a policy requiring that wireless devices sold in China include WAPI support and foreign companies wanting access to the Chinese market would have to partner with one of 11 Chinese firms to which the standard was disclosed. This issue became a point of trade discussions between the then
United States Secretary of State Colin Powell and his Chinese Government equivalent. China agreed to indefinitely postpone implementation of the policy.The Chinese Standards Association (SAC) subsequently submitted WAPI to the ISO standards organization for recognition as an international standard, at about the same time as the
IEEE 802.11i standard. After much debate related to both process issues and technical issues, the IEC/ISO Secretaries General decided to send the proposals to parallel fast track ballots. In March 2006, the 802.11i proposal was approved and the WAPI proposal was rejected. This result was confirmed at a Ballot Resolution meeting held in June 2006, during which the SAC delegation walked out.The result was subject to two appeals by SAC to the ISO/IEC Secretaries General that alleged "unethical" and "amoral" behaviour during the balloting process and irregularities during the ballot resolution process. The official Chinese news agency
Xinhua said on May 29, 2006, that appeals were filed in April and May 2006 and, the agency said, alleged that the IEEE was involved in "organizing a conspiracy against the China-developed WAPI, insulting China and other national bodies, and intimidation and threats." Xinhua did not make these allegations specific, as is an often standard practice for "news" produced through government collusion, (see [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Media_bias_in_the_United_States] ). In July 2006, 802.11i was published as an ISO/IEC standard. WAPI is no longer being considered by ISO/IEC and all appeals have been dismissed.After the preliminary results were announced in March 2006, various press reports from China suggested that WAPI may still be mandated in China. TBT (Technical Barrier to Trade) declarations to the WTO in January 2006 and a statement in June 2006 to ISO/IEC JTC1/SC6, in which SAC said they would not respect the status of 802.11i as an international standard, seemed to support this possibility. However, as of early 2007, the only official Chinese policy related to WAPI is a "government preference" for WAPI in government and government funded systems. It is unclear how strongly this preference has been enforced, and it seems to have had little effect on the non government market, which is overwhelmingly based on WiFi certified equipment using WPA2.
In early 2006, the Wired Authentication and Privacy Infrastructure (WAPI) Industrial Union was established to promote WAPI certification. It consists of 22 members, including
Lenovo ,Huawei and Beijing Founder Electronics, as well as China's four major telecom operators. This group has continued to promote WAPI within China during 2006 and 2007.References
* " [http://news.zdnet.com/2100-9584_22-5197087.html China reaches trade accord, postpones WAPI requirements indefinitely] "External links
* [http://www.suntzureport.com/wapi/ SunTzu International LLC on WAPI]
* [http://www.chinatechnews.com/index.php?action=show&type=news&id=2639 The Chinese WAPI Delegation has returned from Geneva, where at the headquarters of the International Organization for Standardization it took part in a meeting with a group promoting IEEE 802.11i]
* [http://www.eet.com/news/semi/showArticle.jhtml?articleID=181502994&pgno=1 The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) rejected China's domestic wireless LAN technology to become an international standard]
* [https://committees.standards.org.au/COMMITTEES/I-000/X0001/JTC001-N-7904.pdf ISO/IEC JTC 1 N7904]
* [http://english.people.com.cn/200605/29/eng20060529_269419.html Xinhua May 29, 2006, report on appeals to ISO]
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.