Witter Bynner Fellowship

Witter Bynner Fellowship

Witter Bynner Fellowships are administered by the Library of Congress and sponsored by the Witter Bynner Foundation for Poetry, an organization that provides grant support for poetry programs through nonprofit organizations. Fellows are chosen by the U.S. Poet Laureate, and are expected to participate in a poetry reading at the Library of Congress in October and to organize a poetry reading in their respective cities.

The Fellows

*2007 —Laurie Lamon, David Tucker
*2006 —Joseph Stroud, Connie Wanek
*2005 —Claudia Emerson, Martin Walls
*2004 —Dana Levin, Spencer Reece
*2003 —Major Jackson, Rebecca Wee
*2002 —George Bilgere, Katia Kapovich
*2001 —Tory Dent, Nick Flynn
*2000 —Naomi Shihab Nye, Joshua Weiner
*1999 —David Gewanter, Heather McHugh
*1999 —Campbell McGrath, Carol Muske
*1998 —Carl Phillips

ee also

*Witter Bynner Poetry Prize
*American poetry
*List of poetry awards
*List of literature awards
*List of years in poetry
*List of years in literature

External links

* [http://www.bynnerfoundation.org/] The Witter Bynner Foundation for Poetry Web site
* [http://www.loc.gov/poetry/prize-fellow.html] Library of Congress Web page on Witter Bynner Fellowships

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