- Virginia furniture
From the
era to today, Virginia furniture has a longtradition .
=Colonial Days=In colonial days, when
cabinetmaker [ [http://www.history.org/Almanack/life/trades/tradecab.cfm Cabinetmaker at Colonial Williamsburg ] ]Anthony Hay madefurniture inColonial Williamsburg , at least six shops catered to local tastes. As the colony grew in taste and sophistication, shops developed in other port cities such as Norfolk, Fredericksburg, Alexandria and Petersburg. [ [http://www.history.org/Foundation/journal/summer03/cabinet.cfm Cabinetmakers Preserve Colonial Craftsmanship ] ] For instance, in Fredericksburg alone, more than a dozenmanufacturers madeEurope an stylefurniture in shops owned by cabinetmakers like Robert and Alexander Walker, James Allen and Thomas Miller. Many of these early cabinetmakers also worked at housejoinery , making an intimate connection between the rooms and the objects in them [ [http://www.kenmore.org/collections/furniture/furniture.html Kenmore Collections - Furniture ] ] .Developments
Across the South, furniture making flourished and
Virginia was no exception. During the early part of the century, mosthistorians thought thatfurniture making was centered around larger Northern cities likePhiladelphia and New York. But in recent years,scholars andVirginia historians have come to understand that in early colonial and Federal years, thestate had a more vibrant furniture industry than first imagined. [ [http://www.tfaoi.com/aa/3aa/3aa368.htm Furniture of the American South 1680 - 1830: The Colonial Williamsburg Collection ] ] Styles included Chippendale, Queen Anne andvernacular styles. AsVirginia citizens emigrated west in the 19th century,Virginia stylists andfurniture makers took theirpatterns andstyles with them [ [http://www.chipstone.org/SpecialProjects/CWSF/cwsf-25.html Southern Furniture 1680-1830 ] ] . Not all thestyles mimicked the British;emigrants like the German Johannes Spitler brought theirnative painting andfolk decorative styles to theShenandoah Valley [http://aic.stanford.edu/sg/wag/1992/WAG_92_shelton.pdf] .Some companies from the early 19th century survived. In 1830, E.A. Clore was founded. It is now one of the oldest companies in the
United States and still makesfurniture at its Madison County location.In the 19th century, a typical small
town likeWaterford, Virginia had a number of smallmanufacturers , in Waterford's case makers like John Mount, William T. Mount, and Lewis N. Hough. [ [http://www.waterfordhistory.org/history/waterford-furniture.htm Furniture Makers in Waterford, Virginia ] ]Early to mid 20th Century
By the 20th century, the interest in
historic preservation fostered by groups like theAssociation for the Preservation of Virginia Antiquities meant a renewed interest in colonialstyles . Companies likeBiggs Furniture grew out of a smallantiques shop in Richmond into a majorreproductions manufacturer that came close to rivaling Ethan Allen. With the establishment ofColonial Williamsburg in the 1930s, the interest in colonial reproductions grew, though reproductions of the Williamsburg collection sold at CW'sCraft House were made by theKittinger Company ofNew York .Through the 20th century,
mass-marketed furniture prevailed, and companies likeStanley Furniture ,Pulaski Furniture ,Rowe Furniture andBassett Furniture grew into nationalbrand s. They grew around the area of Martinsville, where they sometimes even formed company towns. The height of this movement came whenThomas Bahnson Stanley , founder ofStanley Furniture , becameGovernor of Virginia in 1954. Many of these companies now show theirwares inHigh Point, North Carolina , the American city most synonymous withfurniture , located just south of Martinsville. With the advent of the more casual 1970s,rustic pine "crate -style" furniture became the rage, when Richmond-based [ [http://www.thisendup.com/ This End Up Furniture Co., Inc ] ] This End Up led thetrend by opening astore on Richmond'sStrawberry Street in 1975.Late 20th Century - Early 21 Century
Imports gained strength through the 1990s and early 21st century, and once dominant Virginia companies have struggled with the onslaught of
Asia nimports [ [http://www.virginiabusiness.com/magazine/yr2002/aug02/furniture.shtml Virginia Business Online: Furniture under fire ] ] . While not a descriptive adjective like Williamsburg, Virginia furniture is also a look, and a Virginia style of decorating has permeated the world ofinterior design .Virginia natives likeNancy Lancaster ,William Haines ,Charlotte Moss andBunny Williams have had influential roles in interior design usingneo-traditional and modern approaches. In addition, high end start ups like [http://www.mckinnonharris.com/ McKinnon & Harris] have created newmarkets inlawn andgarden furniture .In recent years as imports have gained strength, companies like
Kingsley Bate andFlexa have located manufacturing and/or distribution facilities in Virginia because of the state's easy access ports inHampton Roads . In October 2006, Gov.Tim Kaine announced thatSwedwood North America , a subsidiary ofIKEA , would build a North American manufacturing center in Cane Creek Center nearDanville, Virginia , and employ up to 740 people at that Pittsylvania County plant. [ [http://www.governor.virginia.gov/MediaRelations/newsReleases/viewRelease.cfm?id=266 Official Site of the Governor of Virginia ] ]Links
References in the Text
Mass Manufacturers Based in Virginia
* [http://www.hookerfurniture.com/ Hooker Furniture]
* [http://www.pulaskifurniture.com/ Pulaski Furniture]
* [http://www.stanleyfurniture.com/ Stanley Furniture]
* [http://www.rowefurniture.com/ Rowe Furniture]
* [http://www.bassettfurniture.com/ Bassett Furniture]
* [http://www.waterfordfurniture.com/ Waterford Furniture]
* [http://www.bellabathrooms.co.uk/ Bathroom Furniture]
* [http://www.cort1.com/about/about_us.cfm CORT Furniture of Fairfax, Virginia]
* [http://www.ridgewayclocks.com/default.asp Ridgeway Clocks]
* [http://www.hendersonsfurniture.com/ Henderson's Furniture of Forest, Virginia]
* [http://www.vachurchfurniture.com/ Virginia Church Furniture, Pulaski]
* [http://www.homegallery.us/ Home Gallery Furniture, Since 1913]Colonial Reproductions Makers in Virginia
* [http://www.antiquesbuiltdaily.com/ The Workshop of Charles Neil]
* [http://www.jakecress.com/ Jake Cress]
* [http://www.owensuters.com/history.htm Owen Suter's]
* [http://www.henkelharris.com/ Henkel Harris]
* [http://www.harrisonburg.org/suters.html Suter's of Virginia]
* [http://www.jaegerandernst.com/ Jaeger & Ernst]
* [http://www.18thcenturyreproductions.com/ Randall Frey]
* [http://www.tomseelyfurniture.com/index.html Tom Seeley Furniture]
* [http://www.eaclore.com/ E. A. Clore Sons, Inc.]
* [http://www.howertonfurniture.com/ Howerton Furniture]Importers Headquartered or major operations in Virginia
* [http://www.schewels.com/ Schewel Furniture Company]
* [http://www.kingsleybate.com/about.html Kingsley Bate]
* [http://www.swedwood.com/ Swedwood, IKEA subsidiary]General Reproductions Made in Virginia
* [http://www.hardwoodartisans.com/ Hardwood Artisans]
Foreign Companies With Virginia Headquarters
* [http://www.gloster.com/ Gloster]
* [http://www.flexa.dk/Default.aspx?AreaId=9 Flexa]Other Links
* [http://www.sapfm.org/workshops.html Society of Period Furniture Makers]
* [http://www.journals.uchicago.edu/cgi-bin/resolve?id=doi:10.1086/382160&erFrom=-410113288911967773Guest Mannerist Tendency in Virginia Furniture]
* [http://www.kenmore.org/collections/furniture/furniture.html Kenmore Furniture Collection]
* [http://www.gatewayva.com/biz/virginiabusiness/magazine/yr1999/may99/tstock.html Virginia Business Article on Industry, 1999]
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