Institute for International Political Studies

Institute for International Political Studies

name =ISPI
native_name =Istituto per gli Studi di Politica Internazionale
established =1934
type = Private
endowment =
staff =70
president =Ambassador Boris Biancheri
director =Paolo Magri
students =4500
postgrad =70 (in two masters Courses)
calendar = Trimester
city =Milan
state =
country =Italy
campus =Urban
affiliations =Bocconi University
website = [] [ EN]
logo =
publictransit =M1 Red Line: Cordusio />Tramway

Institute for International Political Studies - ISPI (full official name in Italian Istituto per gli Studi di Politica Internazionale), founded in 1934, ISPI is one of the oldest Italian institutes specialising in international affairs. It is a legally recognised association, transformed into a non-profit making corporation in 1972, operating under the supervision of the Foreign Ministry and administratively under the control of the Treasury and State Auditors' Office. Its seat is Palazzo Clerici, a splendid example of eighteenth-century Milanese patrician building which boasts among its treasures the famous room with a Tiepolo fresco.

Today, just as seventy years ago, the Institute is an impartial scientific benchmark for all those interested in international issues: from members of the political and cultural worlds to operators in the business community, public administrations, international bodies and non governmental organisations.

The vocation of the Institute is to promote the study of international politics and economics, particularly international affairs and strategic problems; train young men and women intending to work in international surroundings, as well as supply a forum for discussion and debate at a high level.

Besides carrying out research, publishing studies, training and organising events, the Institute possesses a documentation centre composed of both volume and periodical libraries.

The characteristic of ISPI's work is an interdisciplinary approach, guaranteed by its close collaboration with specialists (not always academic) in economic, legal, historic and strategic studies and its partnership with prestigious institutions and research centres all over the world (including the DGAP in Berlin, IFRI in Paris, the Royal Institute of International Affairs in London, CARI in Buenos Aires, the Shanghai Institute for International Studies, the Netherlands Institute of International Relations, the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace in Washington, etc.).


Founded in 1934, ISPI is one of the oldest Italian institutes specialising in international affairs. It is a legally recognised association, transformed into a non-profit making corporation in 1972, operating under the supervision of the Foreign Ministry and administratively under the control of the Treasury and State Auditors' Office. Its seat is Palazzo Clerici, a splendid example of eighteenth-century Milanese patrician building which boasts among its treasures the famous room with a Tiepolo fresco.

Clerici Palace

Palazzo Clerici is located in the heart of Milan, in an area demarcated by today's Via Clerici (formerly Contrada del Prestino dei Bossi), Via Porrone and Via Broletto (formerly Contrada di Porta Comasina) in the parishes of San Tommaso and San Protaso. The building belonged to the Visconti family of Somma and, after a number of real-estate transactions, the property was entirely purchased by the Clericis. Originally from Damaso on Lake Como, the Clerici was a family first dedicated to textile trading that moved to Milan in 1613, where it widened its trading network and started acquiring bureaucratic careers within the Milanese magistracy.


The traditional aim of ISPI research is to survey the political, strategic and economic trends in the international system. The core research section contains the final publication of projects conducted by ISPI at times jointly with other institutes. The results of ISPI research projects are circulated in the quarterly Ispi-Relazioni Internazionali, which also publishes previews and synopses as well as in a series on international issues entitled Policy Brief.


In 1950 ISPI started to organise indepth seminars on international themes. Following an agreement with the Foreign Ministry in 1969, these were then transformed into a year-long course of preparation for the competitive examination leading to a diplomatic career. This experience later led in 1999 to the creation of a Master's Degree in International Affairs designed for those aiming either at entering the diplomatic corps or working in an international field (e.g. international or non governmental organisations).

Winter/Summer School

ISPI also offers many brief courses which form a Winter School and Summer School, as well as part-time diplomas indepthing the main international problems. More than 130 courses have been offered since 2000, with an overall attendance of more than 4,500 students and young professionals coming from all over Italy and abroad.The activity of the Institute has been recently enriched by the presence of specialist courses like the Progetto Cina and the National Course for the Formation of Humanitarian Operators (jointly organised with the Foreign Ministry and the UNDP-BCPR).

Finally, to answer the increasing need for professional up-dating for diplomats already in service, ISPI collaborates with the Diplomatic Institute for the Foreign Ministry in organising teaching modules for the Course of Professional Training for delegation advisors.

Masters degrees

ISPI has now activate three Masters courses:

# "Master in Diplomacy"
# "Master in International Cooperation (Development)"
# "Master in International Cooperation (Emergencies)"

External links

* [ Istituto per gli Studi di Politica Internazionale (ISPI) website] it icon
* [ Istituto per gli Studi di Politica Internazionale (ISPI) website] en icon

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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