- Nochnoy Dozor (pressure group)
Nochnoy Dozor ( _ru. Ночной дозор, Night Watch, _et. Öine Vahtkond) is a pressure group of some
Russophone s living inEstonia . [ [http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/main.jhtml?xml=/news/2007/04/30/westonia30.xml Telegraph.co.uk] : Estonia blames memorial violence on Russia] It was set up in the summer of 2006 to defend the Bronze Soldier memorial in the Estonian capital,Tallinn , against defacing, relocation and exhumation. [ [http://pomnim.com/news.php Statement] from the Night Watch official website]Estonian authorities have labeled the group as neo-StalinistFact|date=May 2007. They have made several anti-governmental statements [ [http://www.postimees.ee/280407/esileht/siseuudised/257712.php Venelased süüdistavad valitsust vandalismis] et icon] and are allegedly supported by the
Russian Foreign Ministry . [ [http://www.postimees.ee/250407/esileht/siseuudised/257066.php Äärmuslaste aktsioonide tagant paistab Vene diplomaatide vari] et icon] Russian news agencies have labeled the group as anti-fascist. [ [http://itar-tass.com/eng/level2.html?NewsID=11495199&PageNum=0 ITAR-TASS] : Three activists of Night Watch movement detained in Estonia] [ [http://en.rian.ru/analysis/20070428/64620110.html RIA Novosti] : Russian-Estonian relations: stuck between a rock and a hard place]The group has made a number of public statements dubbing various Estonian politicians
Nazi -minded and called for their resignation. These statements are often rapidly taken up byRussian language media channels. Following the relocation ofBronze Soldier of Tallinn in April2007 , the group called for resignation of the whole Estonian cabinet of ministers. In July2007 , the group was instrumental in constructing anartificial controversy over the 50thbirthday party ofRein Lang , Estonian Minister of Justice, and called for his resignation. [PostimeesJuly 6 ,2007 : [http://www.postimees.ee/060707/esileht/siseuudised/270888.php Rein Langi juubelipidu äratas huvi Vene meedias] ]In
November 25 ,2007 the group had been accused of spreading desinformation about the secretdevaluation of theEstonian Kroon . The Security Police board has started investigation. [ [http://www.postimees.ee/131207/esileht/siseuudised/301171.php Kapo: krooni «devalveerimispäeva» mainiti esimesena portaalis Arif] et icon] Accusation is based on a message published at organization's message board [ [http://rus.delfi.ee/daily/estonia/article.php?id=17540556 "Ночной дозор" распространяет дезинформацию] ] , message originated from the portal Arif where it appeared under header "Business training. This is a game's scenario". Originally, message had been posted at organization's forum without any references to Arif's website and without mentioning "This is a game's scenario" part from Arif.ee websiteFact|date=March 2008. Later, after several speculations in local media and blogs, mentioning Nochnoy Dozor's forum as a source, a link to Arif's website has been added on Nochnoy Dozor's forum and a message describing news post as a game as well appeared [ [http://www.pomnim.com/frm/viewtopic.php?t=2405 Nochnoy Dozor's forum] ] . According to the Russian news portal Newsru.com, press secretary of the Security Police board let media know that organization singled out Nochnoy Dozor because of this organization's connections to Russia [http://money.newsru.com/article/27Nov2007/eesti Полиция Эстонии проверяет роль организации "Ночной дозор" в истории с валютной паникой] ] . He said that there's no ground for the criminal investigation, however investigation can continue on a different ground. However, in the original press release there is no mention of "singling out" Nochnoy Dozor nor are there plans to continue official criminal investigation [ [http://tartu.postimees.ee/021207/esileht/krimi/298116.php Kapo siiski uurib krooni devalveerimise valeteate tagamaid] et icon] .See also
Dmitri Linter References
External links
* [http://pomnim.com Official website] ru icon, with some information in Estonian and English
* [http://www.pomnim.com/index_eng.htm Petition of ‘night patrol’]
* [http://www.dozor.ee Another ND site] ru icon
*Eesti Ekspress May 31 ,2006 : [http://www.ekspress.ee/viewdoc/2E449F8723F1AD05C225717F003951E7 Notšnoi Dozor] et icon byViktoria Ladõnskaja , an article on the early history of the group
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