- List of Canadian plants by family O
"Main page:"
List of Canadian plants by family Families:
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I J K | L | M | N | O | P Q | R | S | T | U V W | X Y ZOedipodiaceae * "
Oedipodium griffithianum "Oleaceae * "
Fraxinus americana " — white ash
* "Fraxinus latifolia " — Oregon ash
* "Fraxinus nigra " — black ash
* "Fraxinus pennsylvanica " — green ash
* "Fraxinus profunda " — pumpkin ash
* "Fraxinus quadrangulata " — blue ashOnagraceae * "
Boisduvalia densiflora " — denseflower spike-primrose
* "Boisduvalia glabella " — smooth spike-primrose
* "Calylophus serrulatus " — yellow evening-primrose
* "Camissonia andina " — Blackfoot River suncup
* "Camissonia breviflora " — shortflower suncup
* "Camissonia contorta " — dwarf contorted suncup
* "Circaea alpina " — small enchanter's-nightshade
* "Circaea lutetiana " — southern broadleaf enchanter's-nightshade
* "Circaea x intermedia " — intermediate enchanger's-nightshade
* "Clarkia amoena " — farewell-to-spring
* "Clarkia pulchella " — largeflower clarkia
* "Clarkia purpurea " — winecup clarkia
* "Clarkia rhomboidea " — tongue clarkia
* "Epilobium anagallidifolium " — alpine willowherb
* "Epilobium angustifolium " — fireweed
* "Epilobium arcticum " — arctic willowherb
* "Epilobium brachycarpum " — panicled willowherb
* "Epilobium ciliatum " — hairy willowherb
* "Epilobium clavatum " — clavate-fruit willowherb
* "Epilobium coloratum " — purpleleaf willowherb
* "Epilobium davuricum " — Dahuria willowherb
* "Epilobium foliosum " — California willowherb
* "Epilobium glaberrimum " — glaucous willowherb
* "Epilobium halleanum " — glandular willowherb
* "Epilobium hornemannii " — Hornemann's willowherb
* "Epilobium lactiflorum " — whiteflower willowherb
* "Epilobium latifolium " — river beauty
* "Epilobium leptocarpum " — slender-fruited willowherb
* "Epilobium leptophyllum " — linear-leaved willowherb
* "Epilobium luteum " — yellow willowherb
* "Epilobium minutum " — smallflower willowherb
* "Epilobium mirabile " — Olimple Mountain willowherb
* "Epilobium oregonense " — Oregon willowherb
* "Epilobium palustre " — marsh willowherb
* "Epilobium saximontanum " — Rocky Mountain willowherb
* "Epilobium strictum " — downy willowherb
* "Epilobium x wisconsinense "
* "Gaura biennis " — biennial gaura
* "Gaura coccinea " — scarlet gaura
* "Gayophytum diffusum " — diffuse groundsmoke
* "Gayophytum humile " — low groundsmoke
* "Gayophytum racemosum " — racemed groundsmoke
* "Gayophytum ramosissimum " — much-branch groundsmoke
* "Ludwigia alternifolia " — bushy seedbox
* "Ludwigia palustris " — marsh seedbox
* "Ludwigia polycarpa " — many-fruit false-loosestrife
* "Oenothera biennis " — common evening-primrose
* "Oenothera caespitosa " — tufted evening-primrose
* "Oenothera clelandii " — lesser four-point evening-primrose
* "Oenothera elata " — Hooker's evening-primrose
* "Oenothera flava " — long-tubed evening-primrose
* "Oenothera fruticosa " — narrowleaf sundrops
* "Oenothera nuttallii " — white-stemmed evening-primrose
* "Oenothera oakesiana " — Oakes' evening-primrose
* "Oenothera pallida " — pale evening-primrose
* "Oenothera parviflora " — northern evening-primrose
* "Oenothera perennis " — small sundrops
* "Oenothera pilosella " — meadow evening-primrose
* "Oenothera villosa " — hairy evening-primroseOphioglossaceae * "
Botrychium acuminatum " — moonwort
* "Botrychium ascendens " — upward-lobed moonwort
* "Botrychium boreale " — northern moonwort
* "Botrychium campestre " — prairie dunewort
* "Botrychium crenulatum " — crenulate moonwort
* "Botrychium dissectum " — cutleaf grapefern
* "Botrychium hesperium " — western moonwort
* "Botrychium lanceolatum " — triangle grapefern
* "Botrychium lineare " — narrowleaf grapefern
* "Botrychium lunaria " — moonwort grapefern
* "Botrychium matricariifolium " — chamomile grapefern
* "Botrychium minganense " — Mingan's moonwort
* "Botrychium montanum " — mountain moonwort
* "Botrychium mormo " — little goblin moonwort
* "Botrychium multifidum " — leathery grapefern
* "Botrychium oneidense " — bluntlobe grapefern
* "Botrychium pallidum " — pale moonwort
* "Botrychium paradoxum " — peculiar moonwort
* "Botrychium pedunculosum " — stalked moonwort
* "Botrychium pinnatum " — northern moonwort
* "Botrychium pseudopinnatum " — false daisyleaf grapefern
* "Botrychium rugulosum " — rugulose grapefern
* "Botrychium simplex " — least grapefern
* "Botrychium spathulatum " — spoonleaf moonwort
* "Botrychium tunux "
* "Botrychium virginianum " — rattlesnake fern
* "Botrychium x watertonense "
* "Botrychium yaaxudakeit "
* "Ophioglossum pusillum " — northern adder's-tongue
* "Ophioglossum vulgatum " — southern adder's-tongueOrchidaceae * "
Amerorchis rotundifolia " — round-leaved orchis
* "Aplectrum hyemale " — puttyroot
* "Arethusa bulbosa " — dragon's mouth
* "Calopogon tuberosus " — tuberous grass-pink
* "Calypso bulbosa " — fairy slipper
* "Cephalanthera austiniae " — phantom orchid
* "Coeloglossum viride " — longbract green orchis
* "Corallorhiza maculata " — spotted coralroot
* "Corallorhiza mertensiana " — Merten's coralroot
* "Corallorhiza odontorhiza " — autumn coralroot
* "Corallorhiza striata " — striped coralroot
* "Corallorhiza trifida " — early coralroot
* "Cypripedium acaule " — pink lady's-slipper
* "Cypripedium arietinum " — ram's-head lady's-slipper
* "Cypripedium candidum " — small white lady's-slipper
* "Cypripedium guttatum " — spotted lady's-slipper
* "Cypripedium montanum " — mountain lady's-slipper
* "Cypripedium parviflorum " — American yellow lady's-slipper
* "Cypripedium passerinum " — sparrow's-egg lady's-slipper
* "Cypripedium reginae " — showy lady's-slipper
* "Cypripedium x andrewsii " — Andrews' lady's-slipper
* "Cypripedium x columbianum " — Columbian lady's-slipper
* "Cypripedium x favillianum "
* "Cypripedium x landonii " — Landon's lady's-slipper
* "Dactylorhiza praetermissa " — southern marsh orchid
* "Epipactis gigantea " — giant helleborine
* "Galearis spectabilis " — showy orchis
* "Goodyera oblongifolia " — giant rattlesnake-plantain
* "Goodyera pubescens " — downy rattlesnake-plantain
* "Goodyera repens " — dwarf rattlesnake-plantain
* "Goodyera tesselata " — checkered rattlesnake-plantain
* "Isotria medeoloides " — small whorled pogonia
* "Isotria verticillata " — large whorled pogonia
* "Liparis liliifolia " — large twayblade
* "Liparis loeselii " — Lösel's twayblade
* "Listera auriculata " — auricled twayblade
* "Listera australis " — southern twayblade
* "Listera borealis " — northern twayblade
* "Listera caurina " — western twayblade
* "Listera convallarioides " — broad-leaved twayblade
* "Listera cordata " — heartleaf twayblade
* "Listera x veltmanii " — Veltman's twayblade
* "Malaxis brachypoda " — white adder's-mouth
* "Malaxis diphyllos " — Aleutian adder's-mouth
* "Malaxis paludosa " — bog adder's-mouth
* "Malaxis unifolia " — green adder's-mouth
* "Piperia candida " — white piperia
* "Piperia elegans " — hillside rein orchid
* "Piperia elongata " — denseflower rein orchid
* "Piperia transversa " — royal rein orchid
* "Piperia unalascensis " — Alaska rein orchid
* "Platanthera albida " — vanilla-scent bog orchid
* "Platanthera aquilonis "
* "Platanthera blephariglottis " — white-fringe orchis
* "Platanthera chorisiana " — Choriso bog orchid
* "Platanthera clavellata " — small green woodland orchid
* "Platanthera dilatata " — leafy white orchis
* "Platanthera flava " — southern rein orchid
* "Platanthera grandiflora " — large purple-fringe orchis
* "Platanthera hookeri " — Hooker's orchis
* "Platanthera hyperborea " — leafy northern green orchid
* "Platanthera lacera " — green-fringe orchis
* "Platanthera leucophaea " — eastern prairie white-fringed orchid
* "Platanthera leucostachys " — scentbottle
* "Platanthera obtusata " — small northern bog orchid
* "Platanthera orbiculata " — large roundleaf orchid
* "Platanthera praeclara " — western prairie white-fringed orchid
* "Platanthera psycodes " — small purple-fringe orchis
* "Platanthera stricta " — slender bog orchid
* "Platanthera x andrewsii " — Andrews' platanthera
* "Platanthera x hollandiae " — Holland's platanthera
* "Platanthera x keenanii " — Keenan's platanthera
* "Platanthera x media "
* "Platanthera x reznicekii " — Reznicek's platanthera
* "Platanthera x vossii " — Voss' platanthera
* "Pogonia ophioglossoides " — rose pogonia
* "Spiranthes casei " — Case's ladies'-tresses
* "Spiranthes cernua " — nodding ladies'-tresses
* "Spiranthes lacera " — southern slender ladies'-tresses
* "Spiranthes lucida " — shining ladies'-tresses
* "Spiranthes magnicamporum " — Great Plains ladies'-tresses
* "Spiranthes ochroleuca " — yellow nodding ladies'-tresses
* "Spiranthes ovalis " — lesser ladies'-tresses
* "Spiranthes romanzoffiana " — hooded ladies'-tresses
* "Spiranthes x intermedia "
* "Spiranthes x simpsonii " — Simpson's ladies'-tresses
* "Triphora trianthophora " — nodding pogoniaOrobanchaceae * "
Boschniakia hookeri " — Vancouver groundcone
* "Boschniakia rossica " — northern groundcone
* "Boschniakia strobilacea " — California groundcone
* "Conopholis americana " — American cancer-root
* "Epifagus virginiana " — beechdrops
* "Orobanche californica " — California broomrape
* "Orobanche corymbosa " — flat-top broomrape
* "Orobanche fasciculata " — clustered broomrape
* "Orobanche ludoviciana " — Louisiana broomrape
* "Orobanche pinorum " — pine broomrape
* "Orobanche uniflora " — one-flowered broomrapeOrthotrichaceae * "
Amphidium californicum "
* "Amphidium lapponicum "
* "Amphidium mougeotii "
* "Drummondia prorepens "
* "Orthotrichum affine "
* "Orthotrichum alpestre "
* "Orthotrichum anomalum "
* "Orthotrichum consimile "
* "Orthotrichum cupulatum "
* "Orthotrichum gymnostomum "
* "Orthotrichum hallii "
* "Orthotrichum laevigatum "
* "Orthotrichum lyellii "
* "Orthotrichum obtusifolium " — blunt bristle-moss
* "Orthotrichum ohioense "
* "Orthotrichum pallens "
* "Orthotrichum pellucidum "
* "Orthotrichum pulchellum "
* "Orthotrichum pumilum "
* "Orthotrichum pusillum "
* "Orthotrichum pylaisii "
* "Orthotrichum rivulare "
* "Orthotrichum rupestre "
* "Orthotrichum sordidum "
* "Orthotrichum speciosum "
* "Orthotrichum stellatum "
* "Orthotrichum stramineum "
* "Orthotrichum strangulatum "
* "Orthotrichum striatum "
* "Orthotrichum tenellum "
* "Ulota coarctata "
* "Ulota crispa "
* "Ulota curvifolia "
* "Ulota drummondii "
* "Ulota hutchinsiae "
* "Ulota megalospora "
* "Ulota obtusiuscula "
* "Ulota phyllantha "
* "Zygodon conoideus "
* "Zygodon gracilis "
* "Zygodon reinwardtii "
* "Zygodon viridissimus "Osmundaceae * "
Osmunda cinnamomea " — cinnamon fern
* "Osmunda claytoniana " — interrupted fern
* "Osmunda regalis " — royal fernOxalidaceae * "
Oxalis dillenii " — Dillen's woodsorrel
* "Oxalis montana " — white woodsorrel
* "Oxalis oregana " — Oregon woodsorrel
* "Oxalis stricta " — common yellow woodsorrel
* "Oxalis suksdorfii " — western yellow oxalis
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.