List of Canadian plants by family C

List of Canadian plants by family C

"Main page:" List of Canadian plants by family

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I J K | L | M | N | O | P Q | R | S | T | U V W | X Y Z


* "Brasenia schreberi" — watershield


* "Escobaria vivipara" — foxtail pincushion cactus
* "Opuntia fragilis" — brittle prickly-pear
* "Opuntia humifusa" — eastern prickly-pear
* "Opuntia polyacantha" — panhandle prickly-pear


* "Callitriche hermaphroditica" — autumnal water-starwort
* "Callitriche heterophylla" — large water-starwort
* "Callitriche marginata" — winged water-starwort
* "Callitriche palustris" — vernal water-starwort
* "Callitriche terrestris" — terrestrial water-starwort


* "Calypogeia fissa"
* "Calypogeia integristipula"
* "Calypogeia muelleriana"
* "Calypogeia neesiana"
* "Calypogeia sphagnicola"
* "Calypogeia suecica"
* "Calypogeia trichomanis"
* "Metacalypogeia schusterana"


* "Asyneuma prenanthoides" — California harebell
* "Campanula aparinoides" — marsh bellflower
* "Campanula aurita" — Yukon bellflower
* "Campanula lasiocarpa" — common Alaska harebell
* "Campanula parryi" — Parry's northern harebell
* "Campanula rotundifolia" — American harebell
* "Campanula scouleri" — Scouler's bellflower
* "Campanula uniflora" — Arctic harebell
* "Campanulastrum americanum" — tall bellflower
* "Downingia elegans" — common downingia
* "Downingia laeta" — Great Basin downingia
* "Githopsis specularioides" — common blue-cup
* "Heterocodon rariflorum" — western pearl-flower
* "Lobelia cardinalis" — cardinal-flower
* "Lobelia dortmanna" — water lobelia
* "Lobelia inflata" — Indian-tobacco
* "Lobelia kalmii" — Kalm's lobelia
* "Lobelia siphilitica" — great blue lobelia
* "Lobelia spicata" — palespike lobelia
* "Lobelia x speciosa"
* "Triodanis perfoliata" — claspingleaf Venus'-looking-glass


* "Humulus lupulus" — common hop


* "Cleome serrulata" — bee spiderflower
* "Polanisia dodecandra" — common clammyweed


* "Diervilla lonicera" — northern bush-honeysuckle
* "Linnaea borealis" — twinflower
* "Lonicera caerulea" — western honeysuckle
* "Lonicera canadensis" — American fly-honeysuckle
* "Lonicera ciliosa" — orange honeysuckle
* "Lonicera dioica" — mountain honeysuckle
* "Lonicera hirsuta" — hairy honeysuckle
* "Lonicera hispidula" — California honeysuckle
* "Lonicera involucrata" — four-line honeysuckle
* "Lonicera oblongifolia" — swamp fly-honeysuckle
* "Lonicera reticulata" — grape honeysuckle
* "Lonicera utahensis" — Utah honeysuckle
* "Lonicera villosa" — mountain fly-honeysuckle
* "Sambucus nigra" — common elderberry
* "Sambucus racemosa" — red elderberry
* "Symphoricarpos albus" — snowberry
* "Symphoricarpos hesperius" — spreading snowberry
* "Symphoricarpos occidentalis" — northern snowberry
* "Symphoricarpos oreophilus" — mountain snowberry
* "Triosteum angustifolium" — yellowleaf tinker's-weed
* "Triosteum aurantiacum" — coffee tinker's-weed
* "Triosteum perfoliatum" — perfoliate tinker's-weed
* "Viburnum acerifolium" — mapleleaf viburnum
* "Viburnum edule" — squashberry
* "Viburnum lantanoides" — alderleaf viburnum
* "Viburnum lentago" — nannyberry
* "Viburnum nudum" — possum-haw viburnum
* "Viburnum opulus" — guelder-rose viburnum
* "Viburnum rafinesquianum" — downy arrowwood
* "Viburnum recognitum" — northern arrowwood


* "Arenaria capillaris" — fescue sandwort
* "Arenaria congesta" — capitate sandwort
* "Arenaria humifusa" — creeping sandwort
* "Arenaria longipedunculata" — low sandwort
* "Cerastium alpinum" — alpine chickweed
* "Cerastium arvense" — mouse-ear chickweed
* "Cerastium beeringianum" — Bering Sea chickweed
* "Cerastium brachypodum" — mouse-ear chickweed
* "Cerastium cerastioides" — starwort chickweed
* "Cerastium fischerianum" — Fischer's chickweed
* "Cerastium maximum" — great chickweed
* "Cerastium nigrescens" — black mouse-ear chickweed
* "Cerastium nutans" — nodding chickweed
* "Cerastium regelii" — Regel's chickweed
* "Dianthus repens" — carnation
* "Honckenya peploides" — seabeach sandwort
* "Lychnis alpina" — alpine campion
* "Minuartia arctica" — Arctic stitchwort
* "Minuartia austromontana" — Columbian stitchwort
* "Minuartia biflora" — mountain stitchwort
* "Minuartia dawsonensis" — rock stitchwort
* "Minuartia elegans" — Ross' stitchwort
* "Minuartia groenlandica" — mountain sandwort
* "Minuartia litorea"
* "Minuartia macrocarpa" — longpod stitchwort
* "Minuartia marcescens" — serpentine stitchwort
* "Minuartia michauxii" — Michaux's stitchwort
* "Minuartia nuttallii" — Nuttall's stitchwort
* "Minuartia obtusiloba" — alpine stitchwort
* "Minuartia pusilla" — dwarf stitchwort
* "Minuartia rossii" — Ross' stitchwort
* "Minuartia rubella" — boreal stitchwort
* "Minuartia stricta" — rock sandwort
* "Minuartia tenella" — slender stitchwort
* "Minuartia yukonensis" — Yukon stitchwort
* "Moehringia lateriflora" — grove sandwort
* "Moehringia macrophylla" — largeleaf sandwort
* "Paronychia canadensis" — forked nailwort
* "Paronychia fastigiata" — cluster-stemmed nailwort
* "Paronychia sessiliflora" — low nailwort
* "Sagina caespitosa" — tufted pearlwort
* "Sagina decumbens" — small-flowered pearlwort
* "Sagina maxima" — sticky-stem pearlwort
* "Sagina nivalis" — snow pearlwort
* "Sagina nodosa" — knotted pearlwort
* "Sagina saginoides" — Arctic pearlwort
* "Silene acaulis" — moss campion
* "Silene antirrhina" — sleepy catchfly
* "Silene douglasii" — Douglas' campion
* "Silene drummondii" — Drummond's campion
* "Silene involucrata" — Arctic catchfly
* "Silene menziesii" — Menzies' pink
* "Silene parryi" — Parry's campion
* "Silene repens" — creeping catchfly
* "Silene scouleri" — Scouler's catchfly
* "Silene sorensenis" — Sorensen's catchfly
* "Silene spaldingii" — Spalding's campion
* "Silene taimyrensis" — Taimyr catchfly
* "Silene tayloriae" — Peel River catchfly
* "Silene uralensis" — apetalous catchfly
* "Silene x hampeana"
* "Spergularia canadensis" — Canada sandspurry
* "Spergularia macrotheca" — beach sandspurry
* "Spergularia salina" — saltmarsh sandspurry
* "Stellaria alaskana" — Alaska starwort
* "Stellaria alsine" — trailing stitchwort
* "Stellaria americana" — American stitchwort
* "Stellaria borealis" — northern stitchwort
* "Stellaria calycantha" — northern stitchwort
* "Stellaria ciliatosepala" — tundra stitchwort
* "Stellaria crassifolia" — fleshy stitchwort
* "Stellaria crassipes" — tundra starwort
* "Stellaria crispa" — crimped stitchwort
* "Stellaria dicranoides" — matted starwort
* "Stellaria humifusa" — creeping sandwort
* "Stellaria longifolia" — longleaf stitchwort
* "Stellaria longipes" — long-stalked stitchwort
* "Stellaria nitens" — shiny stitchwort
* "Stellaria obtusa" — Rocky Mountain stitchwort
* "Stellaria umbellata" — umbellate stitchwort
* "Wilhelmsia physodes" — merkia


* "Catoscopium nigritum"


* "Celastrus scandens" — climbing bittersweet
* "Euonymus atropurpureus" — wahoo
* "Euonymus obovatus" — running strawberry-bush
* "Euonymus occidentalis" — western strawberry-bush
* "Paxistima myrsinites" — Oregon boxleaf


* "Cephalozia affinis"
* "Cephalozia bicuspidata"
* "Cephalozia catenulata"
* "Cephalozia connivens"
* "Cephalozia lacinulata"
* "Cephalozia leucantha"
* "Cephalozia loitlesbergeri"
* "Cephalozia lunulifolia"
* "Cephalozia macounii"
* "Cephalozia macrostachya"
* "Cephalozia pleniceps"
* "Cladopodiella fluitans" — cladopodiella moss
* "Cladopodiella francisci"
* "Hygrobiella laxifolia"
* "Nowellia curvifolia"
* "Pleuroclada albescens"
* "Schofieldia monticola"


* "Cephaloziella arctica"
* "Cephaloziella brinkmani"
* "Cephaloziella divaricata"
* "Cephaloziella elachista"
* "Cephaloziella hampeana"
* "Cephaloziella massalongi"
* "Cephaloziella phyllacantha"
* "Cephaloziella rubella"
* "Cephaloziella spinigera"
* "Cephaloziella subdentata"
* "Cephaloziella turneri"
* "Cephaloziella uncinata"


* "Ceratophyllum demersum" — common hornwort
* "Ceratophyllum echinatum" — prickly hornwort


* "Atriplex acadiensis" — maritime saltbush
* "Atriplex alaskensis" — Alaska orache
* "Atriplex argentea" — silvery saltbush
* "Atriplex canescens" — four-wing saltbush
* "Atriplex falcata" — sickle saltbush
* "Atriplex franktonii" — Frankton's saltbush
* "Atriplex gardneri" — Gardner's saltbush
* "Atriplex glabriuscula" — northeastern saltbush
* "Atriplex gmelinii" — Gmelin's saltbush
* "Atriplex littoralis" — tropical saltbush
* "Atriplex nudicaulis" — Baltic saltbush
* "Atriplex nuttallii" — Nuttall's saltbush
* "Atriplex patula" — halberd-leaf orache
* "Atriplex powellii" — Powell's saltbush
* "Atriplex prostrata" — creeping saltbush
* "Atriplex subspicata" — orache
* "Atriplex truncata" — wedge-leaved saltbush
* "Atriplex x aptera"
* "Chenopodium album" — Missouri goosefoot
* "Chenopodium atrovirens" — dark goosefoot
* "Chenopodium berlandieri" — pitseed goosefoot
* "Chenopodium capitatum" — strawberry goosefoot
* "Chenopodium desiccatum" — narrowleaf goosefoot
* "Chenopodium foggii" — Fogg's goosefoot
* "Chenopodium fremontii" — Fremont's goosefoot
* "Chenopodium hians" — Hian's goosefoot
* "Chenopodium humile" — marshland goosefoot
* "Chenopodium incanum" — mealy goosefoot
* "Chenopodium leptophyllum" — narrowleaf goosefoot
* "Chenopodium pratericola" — desert goosefoot
* "Chenopodium rubrum" — coastblite goosefoot
* "Chenopodium salinum" — Rocky Mountain goosefoot
* "Chenopodium simplex" — giantseed goosefoot
* "Chenopodium standleyanum" — Standley's goosefoot
* "Chenopodium subglabrum" — smooth goosefoot
* "Chenopodium watsonii" — Watson's goosefoot
* "Corispermum americanum" — American bugseed
* "Corispermum hookeri" — Hooker's bugseed
* "Corispermum ochotense" — Okhotian bugseed
* "Corispermum pallasii" — Pallas' bugseed
* "Corispermum villosum" — hairy bugseed
* "Cycloloma atriplicifolium" — winged pigweed
* "Endolepis dioica" — Suckley's saltbush
* "Krascheninnikovia lanata" — winter-fat
* "Monolepis nuttalliana" — Nuttall's poverty-weed
* "Salicornia borealis" — boreal saltwort
* "Salicornia maritima" — jointed glasswort
* "Salicornia rubra" — western glasswort
* "Salicornia virginica" — Virginia glasswort
* "Sarcobatus vermiculatus" — black greasewood
* "Sarcocornia pacifica" — Pacific glasswort
* "Suaeda calceoliformis" — American sea-blite
* "Suaeda maritima" — herbaceous seepweed
* "Suaeda moquinii" — shrubby seepweed
* "Suaeda rolandii" — Rolands' sea-blite
* "Suckleya suckleyana" — poison suckleya


* "Helianthemum bicknellii" — plains frostweed
* "Helianthemum canadense" — Canada frostweed
* "Hudsonia ericoides" — golden-heather
* "Hudsonia tomentosa" — sand-heather
* "Lechea intermedia" — narrowleaf pinweed
* "Lechea maritima" — beach pinweed
* "Lechea mucronata" — hairy pinweed
* "Lechea pulchella" — Leggett's pinweed
* "Lechea stricta" — upright pinweed
* "Lechea tenuifolia" — slender pinweed


* "Clethra alnifolia" — coast pepperbush


* "Athalamia hyalina"
* "Peltolepis quadrata"
* "Sauteria alpina"


* "Climacium americanum" — tree moss
* "Climacium dendroides" — tree climacium moss


* "Hypericum anagalloides" — tinker's-penny
* "Hypericum ascyron" — great St. John's-wort
* "Hypericum boreale" — northern St. John's-wort
* "Hypericum canadense" — Canadian St. John's-wort
* "Hypericum dissimulatum" — disguised St. John's-wort
* "Hypericum ellipticum" — pale St. John's-wort
* "Hypericum gentianoides" — orange-grass St. John's-wort
* "Hypericum kalmianum" — Kalm's St. John's-wort
* "Hypericum majus" — larger Canadian St. John's-wort
* "Hypericum mutilum" — slender St. John's-wort
* "Hypericum prolificum" — shrubby St. John's-wort
* "Hypericum punctatum" — common St. John's-wort
* "Hypericum scouleri" — western St. John's-wort
* "Hypericum sphaerocarpum" — roundfruit St. John's-wort
* "Triadenum fraseri" — marsh St. John's-wort
* "Triadenum virginicum" — Virginia marsh St. John's-wort


* "Tradescantia occidentalis" — prairie spiderwort
* "Tradescantia ohiensis" — Ohio spiderwort


* "Conocephalum conicum" — snakeskin liverwort


* "Calystegia macounii" — Macoun's bindweed
* "Calystegia sepium" — hedge false bindweed
* "Calystegia silvatica" — shortstalk false bindweed
* "Calystegia soldanella" — seashore bindweed
* "Calystegia spithamaea" — low bindweed
* "Ipomoea pandurata" — bigroot morning-glory


* "Cornus alternifolia" — alternate-leaf dogwood
* "Cornus amomum" — silky dogwood
* "Cornus canadensis" — Canada bunchberry
* "Cornus drummondii" — northern roughleaf dogwood
* "Cornus florida" — flowering dogwood
* "Cornus nuttallii" — Pacific dogwood
* "Cornus racemosa" — grey dogwood
* "Cornus rugosa" — roundleaf dogwood
* "Cornus sericea" — silky dogwood
* "Cornus suecica" — Swedish dwarf dogwood
* "Cornus unalaschkensis" — western dwarf dogwood
* "Cornus x acadiensis"
* "Cornus x slavinii"


* "Crassula aquatica" — water pygmyweed
* "Crassula connata" — sand pygmyweed
* "Penthorum sedoides" — ditch-stonecrop
* "Rhodiola integrifolia" — entire-leaf stonecrop
* "Rhodiola rosea" — roseroot stonecrop
* "Sedum divergens" — spreading stonecrop
* "Sedum lanceolatum" — lanceleaf stonecrop
* "Sedum oreganum" — Oregon stonecrop
* "Sedum spathulifolium" — Pacific stonecrop
* "Sedum stenopetalum" — narrowpetal stonecrop
* "Sedum villosum" — purple stonecrop


* "Echinocystis lobata" — wild mock-cucumber
* "Marah oreganus" — coast manroot
* "Sicyos angulatus" — one-seed bur-cucumber


* "Chamaecyparis nootkatensis" — Alaska cedar
* "Juniperus communis" — ground juniper
* "Juniperus horizontalis" — creeping juniper
* "Juniperus scopulorum" — Rocky Mountain juniper
* "Juniperus virginiana" — eastern red-cedar
* "Juniperus x fassettii"
* "Thuja occidentalis" — northern white-cedar
* "Thuja plicata" — western red-cedar


* "Cuscuta cephalanthi" — buttonbush dodder
* "Cuscuta coryli" — hazel dodder
* "Cuscuta gronovii" — Gronovius dodder
* "Cuscuta megalocarpa" — bigfruit dodder
* "Cuscuta pentagona" — field dodder
* "Cuscuta polygonorum" — smartweed dodder
* "Cuscuta salina" — saltmarsh dodder


* "Blysmus rufus" — red bulrush
* "Bulbostylis capillaris" — densetuft hairsedge
* "Carex adelostoma" — circumpolar sedge
* "Carex adusta" — crowded sedge
* "Carex aggregata" — glomerate sedge
* "Carex alata" — broadwing sedge
* "Carex albicans" — bellow-beaked sedge
* "Carex albonigra" — black-and-white scale sedge
* "Carex albursina" — white bear sedge
* "Carex alopecoidea" — foxtail sedge
* "Carex amphibola" — eastern narrowleaf sedge
* "Carex amplifolia" — bigleaf sedge
* "Carex anguillata" — snail sedge
* "Carex annectens" — yellowfruit sedge
* "Carex anthoxanthea" — yellow-flowered sedge
* "Carex aperta" — Columbian sedge
* "Carex appalachica" — Appalachian sedge
* "Carex aquatilis" — water sedge
* "Carex arcta" — northern clustered sedge
* "Carex arctata" — black sedge
* "Carex arctiformis" — polar sedge
* "Carex argyrantha" — hay sedge
* "Carex assiniboinensis" — Assiniboine sedge
* "Carex atherodes" — awned sedge
* "Carex athrostachya" — jointed-spike sedge
* "Carex atlantica" — prickly bog sedge
* "Carex atratiformis" — black sedge
* "Carex atrofusca" — scorched alpine sedge
* "Carex atrosquama" — blackened sedge
* "Carex aurea" — golden-fruit sedge
* "Carex backii" — Rocky Mountain sedge
* "Carex baileyi" — Bailey's sedge
* "Carex bebbii" — Bebb's sedge
* "Carex bicknellii" — Bicknell's sedge
* "Carex bicolor" — two-colour sedge
* "Carex bigelowii" — Bigelow's sedge
* "Carex bipartita" — Arctic hare's-foot sedge
* "Carex blanda" — woodland sedge
* "Carex bolanderi" — Bolander's sedge
* "Carex bonanzensis" — Yukon sedge
* "Carex brevicaulis" — shortstem sedge
* "Carex brevior" — fescue sedge
* "Carex breweri" — Brewer's sedge
* "Carex bromoides" — bromelike sedge
* "Carex brunnescens" — brownish sedge
* "Carex bullata" — button sedge
* "Carex buxbaumii" — Buxbaum's sedge
* "Carex canescens" — hoary sedge
* "Carex capillaris" — hairlike sedge
* "Carex capitata" — capitate sedge
* "Carex careyana" — Carey's sedge
* "Carex castanea" — chestnut-coloured sedge
* "Carex cephaloidea" — thinleaf sedge
* "Carex cephalophora" — ovalleaf sedge
* "Carex chordorrhiza" — creeping sedge
* "Carex circinata" — coiled sedge
* "Carex communis" — fibrous-root sedge
* "Carex comosa" — bristly sedge
* "Carex concinna" — beautiful sedge
* "Carex concinnoides" — northwestern sedge
* "Carex conoidea" — field sedge
* "Carex cordillerana" — Cordillera sedge
* "Carex crawei" — Crawe's sedge
* "Carex crawfordii" — Crawford's sedge
* "Carex crinita" — fringed sedge
* "Carex cristatella" — crested sedge
* "Carex crus-corvi" — ravenfoot sedge
* "Carex cryptolepis" — northeastern sedge
* "Carex cumulata" — clustered sedge
* "Carex cusickii" — Cusick's sedge
* "Carex davisii" — Davis' sedge
* "Carex debilis" — white-edge sedge
* "Carex deflexa" — short-stemmed sedge
* "Carex deweyana" — shortscale sedge
* "Carex diandra" — lesser panicled sedge
* "Carex digitalis" — slender wood sedge
* "Carex disperma" — softleaf sedge
* "Carex douglasii" — Douglas' sedge
* "Carex duriuscula" — needleleaf sedge
* "Carex dutillyi" — Dutilly's sedge
* "Carex eburnea" — ebony sedge
* "Carex echinata" — little prickly sedge
* "Carex eleusinoides" — goosegrass sedge
* "Carex emoryi" — Emory's sedge
* "Carex engelmannii" — Engelmann's sedge
* "Carex exilis" — coast sedge
* "Carex exsiccata" — beaked sedge
* "Carex festucacea" — fescue sedge
* "Carex feta" — green-sheath sedge
* "Carex filifolia" — thread-leaved sedge
* "Carex flaccosperma" — thinfruit sedge
* "Carex flava" — yellow sedge
* "Carex folliculata" — long sedge
* "Carex formosa" — handsome sedge
* "Carex frankii" — Frank's sedge
* "Carex garberi" — elk sedge
* "Carex geyeri" — Geyer's sedge
* "Carex glacialis" — alpine sedge
* "Carex glareosa" — weak-cluster sedge
* "Carex gmelinii" — Gmelin's sedge
* "Carex gracilescens" — slender sedge
* "Carex gracillima" — graceful sedge
* "Carex granularis" — meadow sedge
* "Carex gravida" — heavy-fruited sedge
* "Carex grayi" — Asa Gray's sedge
* "Carex grisea" — inflated narrowleaf sedge
* "Carex gynandra" — nodding sedge
* "Carex gynocrates" — northern bog sedge
* "Carex hallii" — Hall's sedge
* "Carex hassei" — Hasse's sedge
* "Carex haydeniana" — Hayden's sedge
* "Carex haydenii" — cloud sedge
* "Carex heleonastes" — Hudson Bay sedge
* "Carex hendersonii" — Henderson's sedge
* "Carex heteroneura" — different-nerve sedge
* "Carex hirsutella" — hirsute sedge
* "Carex hirtifolia" — pubescent sedge
* "Carex hitchcockiana" — Hitchcock's sedge
* "Carex holostoma" — Arctic marsh sedge
* "Carex hoodii" — Hood's sedge
* "Carex hookeriana" — Hooker's sedge
* "Carex hormathodes" — marsh straw sedge
* "Carex hostiana" — host sedge
* "Carex houghtoniana" — Houghton's sedge
* "Carex houghtoniana" — shoreline sedge
* "Carex hystericina" — porcupine sedge
* "Carex illota" — smallhead sedge
* "Carex incurviformis" — seaside sedge
* "Carex infirminervia"
* "Carex inops" — longstolon sedge
* "Carex interior" — inland sedge
* "Carex interrupta" — green-fruited sedge
* "Carex intumescens" — greater bladder sedge
* "Carex jamesii" — Nebraska sedge
* "Carex juniperorum" — cedar sedge
* "Carex krausei" — Krause's sedge
* "Carex lacustris" — lakebank sedge
* "Carex laeviconica" — smooth-cone sedge
* "Carex laeviculmis" — smoothstem sedge
* "Carex laevivaginata" — smooth-sheath sedge
* "Carex lapponica" — Lapland sedge
* "Carex lasiocarpa" — slender sedge
* "Carex laxa" — weak sedge
* "Carex laxiculmis" — spreading sedge
* "Carex laxiflora" — looseflower sedge
* "Carex leavenworthii" — Leavenworth's sedge
* "Carex lenticularis" — shore sedge
* "Carex leptalea" — bristly-stalk sedge
* "Carex leptonervia" — finely-nerve sedge
* "Carex leptopoda" — short-scaled sedge
* "Carex limosa" — mud sedge
* "Carex livida" — livid sedge
* "Carex loliacea" — rye-grass sedge
* "Carex longii" — greenish-white sedge
* "Carex lucorum" — blue ridge sedge
* "Carex lugens" — spruce-muskeg sedge
* "Carex lupuliformis" — false hop sedge
* "Carex lupulina" — hop sedge
* "Carex lurida" — shallow sedge
* "Carex luzulina" — woodrush sedge
* "Carex lyngbyei" — Lyngbye's sedge
* "Carex mackenziei" — MacKenzie's sedge
* "Carex macloviana" — Falkland Island sedge
* "Carex macrocephala" — bighead sedge
* "Carex macrochaeta" — Alaska largeawn sedge
* "Carex magellanica" — boreal bog sedge
* "Carex marina" — sea sedge
* "Carex maritima" — seaside sedge
* "Carex meadii" — Mead's sedge
* "Carex membranacea" — fragile-seed sedge
* "Carex merritt-fernaldii" — Merritt Fernald's sedge
* "Carex mertensii" — Merten's sedge
* "Carex mesochorea" — midland sedge
* "Carex michauxiana" — Michaux's sedge
* "Carex microchaeta" — alpine tundra sedge
* "Carex microglochin" — false uncinia sedge
* "Carex microptera" — smallwing sedge
* "Carex misandra" — shortleaf sedge
* "Carex misandroides" — man-hater sedge
* "Carex molesta" — troublesome sedge
* "Carex muehlenbergii" — Mühlenberg's sedge
* "Carex muskingumensis" — Muskingum sedge
* "Carex nardina" — nard sedge
* "Carex nebrascensis" — Nebraska sedge
* "Carex nigra" — black sedge
* "Carex nigricans" — black alpine sedge
* "Carex nigromarginata" — blackedge sedge
* "Carex normalis" — greater straw sedge
* "Carex norvegica" — Scandinavian sedge
* "Carex novae-angliae" — New England sedge
* "Carex obnupta" — slough sedge
* "Carex obtusata" — blunt sedge
* "Carex oligocarpa" — eastern few-fruit sedge
* "Carex oligosperma" — few-seed sedge
* "Carex ormostachya" — necklace spike sedge
* "Carex ovalis" — oval sedge
* "Carex pachystachya" — thickhead sedge
* "Carex paleacea" — chaffy sedge
* "Carex pallescens" — pale sedge
* "Carex pansa" — sand-dune sedge
* "Carex parryana" — Parry's sedge
* "Carex pauciflora" — few-flower sedge
* "Carex paysonis" — Payson's sedge
* "Carex peckii" — white-tinged sedge
* "Carex pedunculata" — longstalk sedge
* "Carex pellita" — woolly sedge
* "Carex pensylvanica" — Pennsylvania sedge
* "Carex petasata" — liddon sedge
* "Carex petricosa" — rock sedge
* "Carex phaeocephala" — mountain hare sedge
* "Carex piperi" — Piper's sedge
* "Carex plantaginea" — plantain-leaf sedge
* "Carex platylepis" — broadscale sedge
* "Carex platyphylla" — broadleaf sedge
* "Carex pluriflora" — several-flowered sedge
* "Carex podocarpa" — shortstalk sedge
* "Carex praeceptorum" — teacher's sedge
* "Carex praegracilis" — clustered field sedge
* "Carex prairea" — prairie sedge
* "Carex prasina" — drooping sedge
* "Carex praticola" — northern meadow sedge
* "Carex preslii" — Presl's sedge
* "Carex projecta" — necklace sedge
* "Carex proposita" — Smoky Mountain sedge
* "Carex pseudocyperus" — cyperus-like sedge
* "Carex pyrenaica" — Pyrenean sedge
* "Carex radiata" — stellate sedge
* "Carex ramenskii" — Ramenski's sedge
* "Carex rariflora" — loose-flowered sedge
* "Carex raymondii" — black sedge
* "Carex raynoldsii" — Raynolds' sedge
* "Carex recta" — saltmarsh sedge
* "Carex retroflexa" — reflexed sedge
* "Carex retrorsa" — retrorse sedge
* "Carex richardsonii" — Richardson's sedge
* "Carex rosea" — rosy sedge
* "Carex rossii" — short sedge
* "Carex rostrata" — beaked sedge
* "Carex rotundata" — roundfruit sedge
* "Carex rufina" — snowbed sedge
* "Carex rupestris" — rock sedge
* "Carex sabulosa" — sand sedge
* "Carex salina" — saltmarsh sedge
* "Carex sartwellii" — Sartwell's sedge
* "Carex saxatilis" — russett sedge
* "Carex saximontana" — Rocky Mountain sedge
* "Carex scabrata" — rough sedge
* "Carex schweinitzii" — Schweinitz' sedge
* "Carex scirpoidea" — bulrush sedge
* "Carex scoparia" — broom sedge
* "Carex scopulorum" — Holm's Rocky Mountain sedge
* "Carex seorsa" — weak stellate sedge
* "Carex shortiana" — Short's sedge
* "Carex siccata" — dryspike sedge
* "Carex silicea" — seabeach sedge
* "Carex simulata" — copycat sedge
* "Carex sparganioides" — bur-reed sedge
* "Carex spectabilis" — northwestern showy sedge
* "Carex sprengelii" — longbeak sedge
* "Carex squarrosa" — squarrose sedge
* "Carex sterilis" — dioecious sedge
* "Carex stipata" — awl-fruit sedge
* "Carex striatula" — lined sedge
* "Carex stricta" — tussock sedge
* "Carex stylosa" — long-styled sedge
* "Carex suberecta" — prairie straw sedge
* "Carex subfusca" — rusty sedge
* "Carex subspathacea" — Hoppner's sedge
* "Carex supina" — weak Arctic sedge
* "Carex swanii" — Swan's sedge
* "Carex sychnocephala" — many-headed sedge
* "Carex tahoensis" — Lake Tahoe sedge
* "Carex tenera" — slender sedge
* "Carex tenuiflora" — sparseflower sedge
* "Carex terrae-novae" — Newfoundland sedge
* "Carex tetanica" — rigid sedge
* "Carex tincta" — tinged sedge
* "Carex tonsa" — shaved sedge
* "Carex torreyi" — Torrey's sedge
* "Carex torta" — twisted sedge
* "Carex tribuloides" — blunt broom sedge
* "Carex trichocarpa" — hairyfruit sedge
* "Carex trisperma" — three-seed sedge
* "Carex tuckermanii" — Tuckerman's sedge
* "Carex tumulicola" — foothill sedge
* "Carex typhina" — cattail sedge
* "Carex umbellata" — hidden sedge
* "Carex unilateralis" — one-sided sedge
* "Carex ursina" — bear sedge
* "Carex utriculata" — beaked sedge
* "Carex vacillans"
* "Carex vaginata" — sheathed sedge
* "Carex vallicola" — valley sedge
* "Carex vesicaria" — inflated sedge
* "Carex virescens" — ribbed sedge
* "Carex viridula" — little green sedge
* "Carex vulpinoidea" — fox sedge
* "Carex wiegandii" — Wiegand's sedge
* "Carex willdenowii" — Willdenow's sedge
* "Carex williamsii" — Williams' sedge
* "Carex woodii" — pretty sedge
* "Carex x abitibiana" — Abitibi sedge
* "Carex x anticostensis" — Anticosti sedge
* "Carex x calderi" — Calder's sedge
* "Carex x connectens"
* "Carex x crinitoides"
* "Carex x exsalina"
* "Carex x firmior"
* "Carex x flavicans"
* "Carex x grahamii" — Graham's sedge
* "Carex x hartii" — Hart's sedge
* "Carex x helvola"
* "Carex x josephi-schmittii" — Joseph Schmitt's sedge
* "Carex x knieskernii" — Knieskern's sedge
* "Carex x langeana" — Lange's sedge
* "Carex x leutzii" — Leutz' sedge
* "Carex x limula"
* "Carex x mainensis" — Maine sedge
* "Carex x mendica"
* "Carex x neobigelowii"
* "Carex x neofilipendula"
* "Carex x neomiliaris"
* "Carex x neopaleacea"
* "Carex x neorigida"
* "Carex x nubens"
* "Carex x paleacoides"
* "Carex x pannewitziana" — Pannewitz' sedge
* "Carex x patuensis"
* "Carex x persalina"
* "Carex x physocarpioides"
* "Carex x pieperiana" — Pieper's sedge
* "Carex x pseudohelvola"
* "Carex x quebecensis" — Québec sedge
* "Carex x quirponensis"
* "Carex x reducta"
* "Carex x rollandii" — Rolland's sedge
* "Carex x saxenii" — Saxen's sedge
* "Carex x spiculosa"
* "Carex x stenolepis"
* "Carex x subimpressa"
* "Carex x sublimosa"
* "Carex x subnigra"
* "Carex x subpaleacea"
* "Carex x subreducta"
* "Carex x subsalina"
* "Carex x subviridula"
* "Carex x sullivantii" — Sullivant's sedge
* "Carex x supergoodenoughii" — Goodenough's sedge
* "Carex x trichina"
* "Carex x ungavensis" — Ungava sedge
* "Carex xerantica" — white-scaled sedge
* "Cladium mariscoides" — twigrush
* "Cyperus bipartitus" — shining flatsedge
* "Cyperus dentatus" — toothed sedge
* "Cyperus diandrus" — umbrella flatsedge
* "Cyperus echinatus" — globe flatsedge
* "Cyperus eragrostis" — tall flatsedge
* "Cyperus erythrorhizos" — redroot flatsedge
* "Cyperus esculentus" — Chufa flatsedge
* "Cyperus flavescens" — yellow flatsedge
* "Cyperus houghtonii" — Houghton's umbrella-sedge
* "Cyperus lupulinus" — Great Plains flatsedge
* "Cyperus odoratus" — rusty flatsedge
* "Cyperus schweinitzii" — Schweinitz' flatsedge
* "Cyperus squarrosus" — awned cyperus
* "Cyperus strigosus" — straw-coloured flatsedge
* "Dulichium arundinaceum" — three-way sedge
* "Eleocharis acicularis" — least spikerush
* "Eleocharis aestuum"
* "Eleocharis atropurpurea" — purple spikerush
* "Eleocharis compressa" — flat-stemmed spikerush
* "Eleocharis diandra" — Wright's spikerush
* "Eleocharis elliptica" — slender spikerush
* "Eleocharis engelmannii" — Engelmann's spikerush
* "Eleocharis equisetoides" — horsetail spikerush
* "Eleocharis erythropoda" — bald spikerush
* "Eleocharis fallax" — creeping spikerush
* "Eleocharis geniculata" — capitate spikerush
* "Eleocharis halophila" — saltmarsh spikerush
* "Eleocharis intermedia" — matted spikerush
* "Eleocharis kamtschatica] " — Kamtchatka spikerush
* "Eleocharis macrostachya" — creeping spikerush
* "Eleocharis mamillata" — softstem spikerush
* "Eleocharis nitida" — slender spikerush
* "Eleocharis obtusa" — blunt spikerush
* "Eleocharis olivacea" — capitate spikerush
* "Eleocharis ovata" — ovate spikerush
* "Eleocharis palustris" — creeping spikerush
* "Eleocharis parvula" — small spikerush
* "Eleocharis quadrangulata" — squarestem spikerush
* "Eleocharis quinqueflora" — few-flower spikerush
* "Eleocharis robbinsii" — Robbins' spikerush
* "Eleocharis rostellata" — beaked spikerush
* "Eleocharis smallii" — Small's creeping spikerush
* "Eleocharis tenuis" — slender spikerush
* "Eleocharis tuberculosa" — long-tuberculed spikerush
* "Eleocharis uniglumis" — creeping spikerush
* "Eriophorum altaicum" — white-bristle cottongrass
* "Eriophorum angustifolium" — narrowleaf cottongrass
* "Eriophorum brachyantherum" — shortanther cottongrass
* "Eriophorum callitrix" — sheathed cottongrass
* "Eriophorum chamissonis" — russett cottongrass
* "Eriophorum gracile" — slender cottongrass
* "Eriophorum russeolum" — russet cottongrass
* "Eriophorum scheuchzeri" — Scheuchzer's cottongrass
* "Eriophorum tenellum" — rough cottongrass
* "Eriophorum vaginatum" — tussock cottongrass
* "Eriophorum virginicum" — tawny cottongrass
* "Eriophorum viridicarinatum" — green-keeled cottongrass
* "Eriophorum x gauthieri" — Gauthier's cottongrass
* "Eriophorum x medium"
* "Eriophorum x porsildii" — Porsild's cottongrass
* "Eriophorum x pylaieanum"
* "Eriophorum x rousseauanum" — Rousseau's cottongrass
* "Fimbristylis autumnalis" — slender fimbry
* "Fimbristylis puberula" — hairy fimbristylis
* "Fuirena pumila" — dwarf umbrella-sedge
* "Isolepis cernua" — low bulrush
* "Kobresia myosuroides" — Pacific kobresia
* "Kobresia sibirica" — Siberian kobresia
* "Kobresia simpliciuscula" — simple kobresia
* "Lipocarpha micrantha" — dwarf bulrush
* "Rhynchospora alba" — white beakrush
* "Rhynchospora capillacea" — horned beakrush
* "Rhynchospora capitellata" — brownish beakrush
* "Rhynchospora fusca" — brown beakrush
* "Schoenoplectus acutus" — hardstem bulrush
* "Schoenoplectus americanus" — three-square bulrush
* "Schoenoplectus fluviatilis" — river bulrush
* "Schoenoplectus heterochaetus" — slender bulrush
* "Schoenoplectus maritimus" — saltmarsh bulrush
* "Schoenoplectus novae-angliae" — New England bulrush
* "Schoenoplectus pungens" — three-square bulrush
* "Schoenoplectus purshianus" — weakstalk bulrush
* "Schoenoplectus robustus" — saltmarsh bulrush
* "Schoenoplectus saximontanus" — Rocky Mountain bulrush
* "Schoenoplectus smithii" — Smith's bulrush
* "Schoenoplectus subterminalis" — water bulrush
* "Schoenoplectus tabernaemontani" — softstem bulrush
* "Schoenoplectus torreyi" — Torrey's bulrush
* "Schoenoplectus x oblongus"
* "Scirpus atrocinctus" — black-girdle bulrush
* "Scirpus atrovirens" — woolgrass bulrush
* "Scirpus cyperinus" — cottongrass bulrush
* "Scirpus expansus" — woodland beakrush
* "Scirpus georgianus" — Georgia bulrush
* "Scirpus hattorianus"
* "Scirpus longii" — Long's bulrush
* "Scirpus microcarpus" — smallfruit bulrush
* "Scirpus nevadensis" — Nevada bulrush
* "Scirpus pallidus" — pale bulrush
* "Scirpus pedicellatus" — stalked bulrush
* "Scirpus pendulus" — pendulous bulrush
* "Scirpus x peckii" — Peck's bulrush
* "Scleria pauciflora" — few-flower nutrush
* "Scleria triglomerata" — whip nutrush
* "Scleria verticillata" — low nutrush
* "Trichophorum alpinum" — alpine cottongrass
* "Trichophorum caespitosum" — tufted clubrush
* "Trichophorum clintonii" — Clinton's bulrush
* "Trichophorum planifolium" — bashful bulrush
* "Trichophorum pumilum" — Rolland's leafless-bulrush

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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