- 181 BC
By place
* Ptolemy V is poisoned after a reign of 24 years in which the Egyptian kingdom has declined in power and influence and has lost most of its empire outside Egypt other than
Cyprus andCyrenaica . The elder of his two sons,Ptolemy VI Philometor succeeds him, but since he is an infant, he rules under the regency of his mother Cleopatra the Syrian.Roman Republic
* Rome founds a colony at
Aquileia , on the narrow strip of land between the mountains and the lagoons, as a frontier fortress to check the advance of theIllyria ns.Asia Minor
Pharnaces I ofPontus decides to attack bothEumenes II ofPergamum andAriarathes IV ofCappadocia and therefore invadesGalatia with a large force. Eumenes leads an army to oppose him, however, hostilities are soon suspended following the arrival of Roman deputies, who have been appointed by theRoman Senate to inquire into the matters in dispute. Negotiations take place at Pergamum but are inconclusive, with Pharnaces' demands being rejected by the Romans as unreasonable. As a consequence, the war between Pontus and Pergamum and Cappadocia is renewed.Births
Ptolemy V Epiphanes ,Ptolemaic dynasty ruler of Egypt who has reigned from204 BC
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