

s of the nucleotide and the Mg2+ ion, which coordinates the β- and the γ-phosphate.The consensus sequence of the P-loop is GxxxxGK(S/T), which is often referred to as Walker A motif. Upon nucleotide hydrolysis the P-loop does not change its conformation significantly, it rather stays bound to the remaining phosphate groups.

Proteins with (functional) P-loops include ATP synthase, myosin, transducin, helicase and Small GTPases like Ras.

PTPs (Protein tyrosine phosphatases) which catalyse the hydrolysis of an inorganic phosphate from a phosphotyrosine residue (see Tyrosine kinase) also contain a P-loop-similar motif. The conserved sequence of this motif is CxxxxxR(S/T)

ee also

*ATP Synthase


Walker,J.E., Saraste,M., Runswick,M.J. and Gay,N.J. (1982) EMBO J., 1, 945–951 [http://www.pubmedcentral.nih.gov/articlerender.fcgi?tool=pubmed&pubmedid=6329717 Full-text article at pubmedcentral.]

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