LOOP Barcelona

LOOP Barcelona

LOOP – THE PLACE FOR VIDEOART LOVERS is the annual meeting point in Barcelona for video art lovers around the world.

The platform takes the form of Festival + Fair + Conferences.

The LOOP Festival present works of 800 artists to 200.000 visitors in 100 locations, from important museums to restaurants and shops across Barcelona. During two weeks LOOP acts like a showcase of curated exhibitions, important video art collections, renown universities and international festivals.

The 44 galleries invited by the Committee for the LOOP Fair present recent works of emerging and well-known artists to 4,000 professionals, journalists, curators and collectors from around the world. This selection is completed with presentations of specialized magazines and international distribution companies.

For the next three years, the LOOP Conferences will be organized around the title "The Fronteers of Videoart". This program consists of lectures, round tables, presentations and screenings.

LOOP counts with the support of the Government of Catalunya, the Spanish Ministry of Culture as well as other institutional and corporate sponsors. LOOP is widely covered in the national and international media, as one of the major events in video art and audiovisual creation.


2008The sixth edition, LOOP'08, opened its doors from the 6th until the 18th of may, 2008. The LOOP Festival has changed Barcelona in the capital of video art showing the works of more than 800 artists in 142 spaces across the city. The program LOOP Diverse, which was created last year with the objective to explore the possibilities of video art as a vehicle of intercultural dialogue, has been stimulated on the occasion of the European Year of Intercultural Dialogue 2008. During this edition the 16 principal collectives of Barcelona’s residential immigrants were involved, and works from their countries of origin has been shown in a total of 37 establishments. The program was closed by a round table in the CCCB with the presence of the artists Hannah Collins and M. Rosa Jijón. The LOOP Fair occupied 44 rooms in the Hotel Catalonia Ramblas, where the 44 proposals from participating galleries were exhibited. LOOP’08 had a high quality of the work presented and the greater influx of national and international professionals, commissioners and collectors, signifying a higher rate of sales and contacts made with regards to past editions.


The awards are the following:
*SCREEN PROJECTS Award. In recognition of the best contribution made by a gallery present at the Fair, provided with 2,000 euros and the invitation to participate in the next edition.
*LOOP CATALONIA Award. 6,000 euros will be awarded to the gallery with the best work.
*MACBA Award. The video art work will become part of the artistic background of the MACBA.

Participating galleries in the LOOP'08 Fair

* [http://www.alinevidal.com Aline Vidal] , Paris (France)
* [http://www.angelsbarcelona.com Àngels Barcelona] , Barcelona (Spain)
* [http://www.galerie-beckers.de Anita Beckers] , Frankfurt (Germany)
* [http://www.artagents.de Art Agents] , Hamburg (Germany)
* [http://www.bernhardbischoff.ch BK Galerie Bernhard Bischoff] , Berna (Switzerland)
* [http://www.byartprojects.com Braverman by Art Projects] , Tel Aviv (Israel)
* [http://www.carlestache.com Carles Taché] , Barcelona (Spain)
* [http://www.cgrimes.com Christopher Grimes] , Santa Monica (USA)
* [http://www.cortexathletico.com Cortex Athletico] , Bordeaux (France)
* [http://www.dna-galerie.de DNA] , Berlin (Germany)
* [http://www.edbprojects.nl Ellen de Bruijne Projects] , Amsterdam (The Netherlands)
* [http://www.espaivisor.com Espaivisor - Galería Visor] , Valencia (Spain)
* [http://www.figgevonrosen.com Figge Von Rosen] , Colonia (Germany)
* [http://www.gfilomenasoares.com Filomena Soares] , Lisbon (Portugal)
* [http://www.galerieofmarseille.com Galerieofmarseille] , Marseille (France)
* [http://www.gallery55s.com Gallery 55] , Shanghai (China)
* [http://www.gbacency.fr gb agency] , Paris (France)
* [http://www..galerie-gillian-morris.com Gillian Morris] , Berlin (Germany)
* [http://www.changsgallery.com.tw Grand Siecle] , Taipei (Taiwan)
* [http://www.bartschi.ch Guy Bärtschi] , Geneva (Switzerland)
* [http://www.hardocreartcontemporary.com Hardcore Art Contemporary] , Miami (USA)
* [http://www.horrachmoya.com Horrach Moyà] , Palma de Mallorca (Spain)
* [http://www.galeriajoanprats.com Joan Prats] , Barcelona (Spain)
* [http://www.galeriewolff.com Jocelyn Wolff] , Paris (France)
* [http://www.kunstagenten.de Kunstagenten] , Berlin (Germany)
* [http://www.bankgalerie.com La B.A.N.K.] , Paris (France)
* [http://www.lacajablanca.com La Caja Blanca] , Palma de Mallorca (Spain)
* [http://www.galerialluciahoms.com Llucià Homs] , Barcelona (Spain)
* [http://www.luxegallery.net Luxe] , New York (USA)
* [http://www.magdabellotti.com Magda Bellotti] , Madrid (Spain)
* [http://www.martinmertens.com Martin Mertens] , Berlin (Germany)
* [http://www.mirtademare-art.nl Mirta Demare] , Rotterdam (The Netherlands)
* [http://mizuma-art.co.jp Mizuma] , Tokyo (Japan)
* [http://www.galeriampa.com Moisés Pérez de Albéniz] , Pamplona (Spain)
* [http://www.mummeryschnelle.com Mummery + Schnelle] , London (UK)
* [http://www.galerieolafstueber.de Olaf Stüber] , Berlin (Germany)
* [http://www.oliverhoug.com Olvier Houg] , Lyon (France)
* [http://www.pfoac.com Pierre-François Ouellette Art Contemporain] , Montreal (Canada)
* [http://www.pushthebuttonplay.com Play] , Berlin (Germany)
* [http://www.rubicongallery.ie Rubicon] , Dublin (Ireland)
* [http://www.galeriasenda.com Senda] , Barcelona (Spain)
* [http://www.sollertis.com Sollertis] , Toulouse (France)
* [http://www.tomasmarch.com Tomás March] , Valencia (Spain)
* [http://www.veracortes.com Vera Cortês Art Agency] , Lisbon (Portugal)


External links

* [http://www.loop-barcelona.com Official website]

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