

Pherae (Greek: Φεραί) was an ancient Greek town in southeastern Thessaly.Mish, Frederick C., Editor in Chief. “Pherae.” "Websters Ninth New Collegiate Dictionary". 9th ed. Springfield, MA: Merriam-Webster Inc., 1985. ISBN 0-87779-508-8, ISBN 0-87779-509-6 (indexed), and ISBN 0-87779-510-X (deluxe).] In mythology, it was the home of King Admetus, whose wife, Alcestis, Heracles went into Hades to rescue. In history, it was more famous as the home of the fourth-century B.C. tyrants Jason and Alexander of Pherae, who took control of much of Thessaly before their defeat by the Thebans.


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  • PHERAE — urbs Magnesiae, hodie Ienizar aut Sidro, 90. stadiis a Pagasis in Circium, et 160. a Pelio monte in Occasum, Briet. Baudrand. vide supra. PHERAEA Arcadiae urbs, Sophiano …   Hofmann J. Lexicon universale

  • PHERAE quod PERAE — PHERAE, quod PERAE adhuc teste Leunclaviô, et Ienizar, teste Mardô, oppid. Thessaliaegeminum, ad distantiam 1. stad. in Pelasgia regione a Pelio monte 180. stad. distans, teste Strabone, a Pagasis 90. inter Demetriadem et Pharsalum, apud… …   Hofmann J. Lexicon universale

  • PHERAE vulgo Cheramidi Sophiano — et aliis, oppid. Messeniae, in ora sinûs Messeniaci, inter Messenen ad Boream et Abeam ad Austrum, ad radices montis Taygeti, inter confinia Laconiae ad Ortum, et ostia Pamisi fluv. ad Occasum, 15. mill. pass. a Messene in Caeciam, vix 10. ab… …   Hofmann J. Lexicon universale

  • Pherae — geographical name ancient town SE Thessaly …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • Pherae — /fear ee/, n. (in ancient geography) a town in SE Thessaly: the home of Admetus and Alcestis. * * * …   Universalium

  • Pherae — /fear ee/, n. (in ancient geography) a town in SE Thessaly: the home of Admetus and Alcestis …   Useful english dictionary

  • Alexander of Pherae — Alexander (Gr. polytonic|Ἀλέξανδρος) was tagus or despot of Pherae in Thessaly, and ruled from 369 BC to 358 BC.cite encyclopedia | last = Elder | first = Edward | authorlink = | title = Alexander of Pherae | editor = William Smith | encyclopedia …   Wikipedia

  • Jason of Pherae — (Ancient Greek: Ιάσων των Φερών), was the ruler of Thessaly during the period just before Philip II of Macedon came to power. He was appointed tagus , or king, of Thessaly in the 370s BC and soon extended his control to much of the surrounding… …   Wikipedia

  • Alexander Of Pherae — ▪ Greek ruler died 358 BC       despot of Pherae in Thessaly, Greece, from 369 to 358, whose tyranny caused the intervention of a number of city states in Thessalian affairs. The other Thessalian cities, refusing to recognize Alexander as tagos,… …   Universalium

  • PHARAE vel PHERAE — PHARAE, vel PHERAE urbs Cretae a Misenis condita, Plin. l. 4. c. 2. Item urbs Messenes, ex qua erant Apharetiadae: hanc Aristomenes, post proelium ad Apri Monumentum diripuit, cumque eum cum praeda revertentem Anaxander spartanorum Rex a tergo… …   Hofmann J. Lexicon universale

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