Jean-Charles Brisard

Jean-Charles Brisard

Jean-Charles Brisard is an international expert and consultant on international terrorism. He authored the first and most exhaustive study ever written on the financial network of the Bin Laden organization, "The economic environment of Osama Ben Laden". His report was written for the French intelligence community and published by the French National Assembly in 2001.

He testified on his work before the US Congress Joint Inquiry into the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, before the US Senate Banking Committee and reported on terrorism financing for the President of the UN Security Council.

He served as an expert or witness in prosecutions of terrorism financing and money laundering cases in France, Switzerland, the UK and the United States. He also provides training to the French authorities on terrorism and terrorism financing.

Since June 2002, he is serving as lead investigator for lawyers representing families of the 911 victims in the course of civil lawsuits.

He is the author of "Forbidden Truth: U.S.-taliban Secret Oil Diplomacy And The Failed Hunt For Bin Laden" and"The New Face of Al-Qaeda" about Jordanian terrorist Abu Musab al-Zarqawi. [Daniel Benjamin, "Face of the Insurgency," "The New York Times", Sept. 18, 2005]

He is putting together a database about worldwide financing of International Terrorism.


* Jean-Charles Brisard and David Corn, " [ Debating September 11] ", "The Nation" July 22, 2002
* Jean-Charles Brisard, " [ Al-Qaida monitored U.S. negotiations with Taliban over oil pipeline] ", "" June 5, 2002


External links

* [ JCB-Blog] , Brisard's blog
* " [ The Brain against Bin Laden] ", "Der Spiegel" October 16, 2006
* [ Cooperative Research entry on Jean-Charles Brisard]
* [ International Analyst Network profile of Jean-Charles Brisard]
* [ US Senate Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs, Hearing on The Financing of Terror Organizations] October 22, 2003

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