

FOJE was one of the most successful and best known Lithuanian rock bands. It was formed in the present-day Antakalnis Secondary School in Vilnius by Andrius Mamontovas, Arnoldas Lukošius and Darius Tarasevičius in 1983 under the name of "Sunki Muzika"(with a literal meaning of "heavy music"), few months later Algis Kriščiūnas joined the band. In 1984 it was renamed to FOJE (with a literal meaning of "foyer"). Through its years, the band survived a lot of lineup changes, and released more than 10 albums. In 1997 the band finally decided to disband and performed 3 huge gigs in Lithuanian cities of Klaipėda, Kaunas, and Vilnius, with an attendance of 60,000 in the final performance on 17 May in Vingis Park of Vilnius.[1] After the disbanding band's leader Andrius Mamontovas started a successful solo career. Two of the bands songs - Laužo šviesa (The Light of the Bonfire) (1989) and Meilės nebus per daug (There will not be too much love) (1994) - were voted by the media professionals into the TOP 20 best Lithuanian songs of the 20th century in 2000.[2]




  • Darius Tarasevičius (19831985) - Bass
  • Romas Rainys (19851988) Bass, Guitar
  • Eugenijus Pugačiukas (19851991) - Drums
  • Saulius Valikonis (19861988, 19891991) - Saxophone
  • Gediminas Siminškis (19881989) - Bass
  • Jaunius Beinortas (19881989) - Guitar
  • Robertas Meržvinskas (19881989) - Saxophone
  • Robertas Griškevičius (19891990) - Keyboards


  • 1989 - Geltoni Krantai (Yellow Shores) (MC)
  • 1990 - Žodžiai Į Tylą (Words Into Silence) (LP, MC)
  • 1991 - Gali Skambėti Keistai (It Can Sound Strange) (LP, CD, MC) - first CD album in Lithuanian music history
  • 1992 - Kitoks Pasaulis (A Different World) (LP, CD, MC)
  • 1993 - Vandenyje (In The Water) (LP, CD, MC)
  • 1994 - Tikras Garsas (The Real Sound) (MC)
  • 1994 - M-1 (dancemixes) (CD, MC)
  • 1994 - Čia Esu (I Am Here) (MC)
  • 1994 - Čia Esu (LP Picture Disc)
  • 1995 - Kai Perplauksi Upę (When You Will Swim Across The River) (CD, MC)
  • 1995 - Live On The Air (MC)
  • 1996 - 1982 (MC, CD)
  • 1997 - The Flowing River EP (CD)
  • 1997 - Mokykla (School) (MC)
  • 1999 - Vilnius - Kaunas - Klaipėda (CD, MC)
  • 2002 - Paveikslas (The Picture) (CD, MC)
  • 2006 - Kita Paveikslo Pusė (The Other Side of the Picture) (CD)


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