Codex Pisanus

Codex Pisanus

The Codex Florentinus, formerly the Codex Pisanus, is a 6th century Byzantine copy of the "Pandects" of Emperor Justinian, ("Justiniani Augusti Digestorum seu Pandectarum"), the digest of laws assembled under his direction. Its names reflect the fact that it was conserved in Pisa before it came to the Laurentian Library in Florence. The Codex is bilingual, written in Greek with a Latin translation, shortly after 533 A.D. During Justinian's time, it was certainly still possible to write codices in both imperial languages in Constantinople. Among the few Greek manuscripts retained in Western European libraries through the Middle Ages, most were bilingual, for knowledge of Greek was all but completely lost in the West.

Bernardo Tanucci, the reforming minister of King Carlo of Naples made his youthful reputation at the University of Pisa, defending the authenticity of the "Codex".

A facsimile edition was edited by A. Corbino and B. Santalucia, Florence, 1988

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