Agent 212

Agent 212

Agent 212 is the name of a humorous Belgian comic about a fat police officer. The scripts are written by Raoul Cauvin, and Daniel Kox illustrates. The comic has been published in the "Spirou/Robbedoes" magazine since 1975. "Dupuis" has also published 25 comic books in French and Dutch featuring the caricature police officer. "Agent 212" is currently one of the best selling series in French, with 66,000 copies for the 25th album in 2006. [cite web|last=Ratier|first=Gilles|url=|title=ACBD bilan 2006||accessdate=2007-02-08]

The comics has also been translated into Indonesian language and sold in Indonesia published by MISURIND publishing company. It was reasonably popular but at that time 15-20 years ago, people will not spend that much money on comic books.


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