Pain brié

Pain brié
Pains briés

Pain brié is a traditional Normandy bread. Its name comes from the pounding of the dough, as "brie" is derived from the Old Norman verb brier, meaning "to pound". The preparation includes a long kneading period and a beating of the dough, which tightens it, producing a heavy, yeasted bread with a tight crumb.

The name "brie" was once believed to have come about because the bread was thought to have been kneaded with Brie (cheese).


  • The Concise Larousse Gastronomique: The World's Greatest Cookery Encyclopedia, Prosper Montagne, 2003. p169.
  • The Breads of France: And How to Bake Them in Your Own Kitchen, Bernard Clayton, 2002. p88.

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