216 BC

216 BC



By place

Roman Republic

* The Carthaginian general, Hannibal, moves his forces southward through Italy and seizes the large army supply depot at Cannae on the Aufidus River.
* 2 AugustThe Battle of Cannae (east of Naples) ends in victory for Hannibal whose 40,000-man army defeats a Roman force of 70,000 led by consuls Lucius Aemilius Paullus (who is killed in the battle) and Gaius Terentius Varro.
* Following Hannibal's victory, many regions begin to defect from Rome, while others are conquered by Hannibal's forces. In Apulia and in Bruttium, Hannibal finds many supporters.
* As he lacks the catapults and battering rams needed to besiege Rome, Hannibal focuses on laying waste the fields surrounding the city, forcing Rome to import grain at inflated prices.
* After the defeat at Cannae, Roman general, Marcus Claudius Marcellus, commands the remnants of the Roman army at Canusium and saves the city of Nola and southern Campania from occupation by Hannibal.
* A loan of money and supplies for the Roman army in Sicily is sought and obtained from Hiero II of Syracuse. Fact|date=November 2007
* The city of Capua switches sides to join Hannibal and the Carthaginian army winters there.
* The Roman historian Quintus Fabius Pictor is sent to Delphi in Greece to consult the Oracle for advice about what Rome should do after its defeat in the Battle of Cannae.


* Philip V of Macedon, still resenting Rome's interference in Illyrian politics, seizes his opportunity to invade Illyria. Ambassadors from Philip V visit Hannibal at his headquarters in Italy. These actions mark the beginning of the First Macedonian War between Rome and Macedonia.


* A revolt of the Egyptian peasants is put down by Ptolemy IV.




* August 2Lucius Aemilius Paullus, Roman consul and general (killed in the Battle of Cannae)
* August 2Gnaeus Servilius Geminus, Roman consul 217 BC (killed in the Battle of Cannae)
* August 2Marcus Minucius Rufus, Roman consul 221 BC, Master of the Horse 217 BC (killed in the Battle of Cannae)

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