

infobox software
name = Greenfoot

caption = Greenfoot running on Mac OS X
collapsible = yes
developer = Poul Henriksen, Michael Kölling, Davin McCall and Bruce Quig
latest release version = 1.4.5
latest preview version = 1.4.5
operating system = Cross-platform
platform = Java
language = Multilingual
genre = Integrated development environment
license = Proprietary, freeware
website =

Greenfoot is an interactive Java development environment developed primarily for educational purposes. It allows easy development of two-dimensional graphical applications, such as simulations and interactive games.

It is mainly aimed at programming education (object-oriented programming with Java) at high school and early university level.

Greenfoot allows implemention of and interaction with objects in the context of "scenarios". Scenarios can differ widely. Those included with the software download include a lunar lander game, an ants simulation, and turtle graphics. Also available are a lift simulation, Conway's game of life, and an on-screen piano.

Once objects are under development, they can interactively be placed into a Greenfoot 'world', and developers can directly interact with these objects to invoke methods.

Greenfoot is currently being developed at the University of Kent and Deakin University with support from Sun Microsystems.

Greenfoot is free. Its implementation is based on the BlueJ development environment.


The Greenfoot project was initiated by Michael Kölling in 2003, and a first prototype was built by Poul Henriksen (Masters student) and Michael Kölling (supervisor) in 2003/2004. [ [ P. Henriksen Masters thesis: A Direct Interaction Tool for Object-Oriented Programming Education] ] From 2005 development was continued involving the other members of the BlueJ Group at the University of Kent and Deakin University. [ [ Greenfoot contributors] ]

The first full release, Greenfoot version 1.0, was published on 31st May 2006, with further releases following occasionally thereafter. [ [ Version history] ]

In May 2007, the Greenfoot project was awarded the "Duke's Choice Award" in the category "Java Technology in Education".

Greenfoot Gallery

Greenfoot scenarios can be exported to a publicly accessible web site, the [ Greenfoot Gallery] . On the Gallery, other web users can play, rate and discuss the scenarios. Source code can also be exchanged via the Gallery.

Current Release

As of 2 July 2008 version 1.4.5 is available. The most significant addition in the release is the export function to the Greenfoot Gallery. [ [ Download Greenfoot] ]

Greenfoot is available for Microsoft Windows, Mac OS X, Linux, Sun Solaris, and any recent JVM.

See also


External links

* [ Official Greenfoot website]
* [ Screenshots]
* [ The Greenfoot Gallery]


Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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