

Pals is a medieval town in Catalonia a few kilometres from the sea in the heart of the Bay of Emporda on the Costa Brava. It lies on the C31 Palafrugell to L'Estartit road. It has a historic centre on a hill surrounded by plains with an ancient Romanesque tower built between the 11th and 13th centuries which was used as a belltower - which is why it is known as the Torre de las Horas (Tower of the Hours).

The Gothic Quarter of the town has been substantially restored and there are cobbled streets interrupted by semicircular arches, façades with pointed arched windows and stone balconies. The town wall contains four square towers which date from the 12th century. The Josep Pla viewpoint (from which can be seen the fields of Empordà and the Medes Islands), the Plaza Mayor, the tombs in the Calle Mayor and the church of Sant Pere are other features of the town. There is an Underwater Archaeology Museum. On the edge of the main town is, “Masos de Pals”, which has a thriving urban centre and is popular as a location for holiday homes as is “Platja de Pals” (Pals beach ) a popular small holiday resort.

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