

A quadruple-double is a basketball term, defined as an individual performance in a game in which a player accumulates a double digit number total in four of these five categories: points, rebounds, assists, steals, and blocked shots. In NBA history, only four players have recorded officially recognized quadruple-double performances.


The NBA officially recognizes four quadruple-doubles:
* Nate Thurmond, October 18, 1974, Chicago vs. Atlanta; 22 points, 14 rebounds, 13 assists, 12 blocks. (OT) [ [http://www.nba.com/history/players/thurmond_bio.html NBA.com: Nate Thurmond Bio] ]
* Alvin Robertson, February 18, 1986, San Antonio vs. Phoenix; 20 points, 11 rebounds, 10 assists, 10 steals. [ [http://www.nba.com/spurs/history/spurs_history.html#13 San Antonio Spurs History] ]
* Hakeem Olajuwon, March 29, 1990, Houston vs. Milwaukee; 18 points, 16 rebounds, 10 assists, 11 blocks. [ [http://www.basketball-reference.com/boxscores/199003290HOU.html HOU/MIL Box Score (1990-03-29)] ]
* David Robinson, February 17, 1994, San Antonio vs. Detroit; 34 points, 10 rebounds, 10 assists, 10 blocks. [ [http://www.basketball-reference.com/boxscores/199402170SAS.html SAS/DET Box Score (1994-02-17)] ]

Near misses

On March 3 1990, Hakeem Olajuwon of the Houston Rockets was credited with 29 points, 18 rebounds, 10 assists, and 11 blocks in a game against Golden State. [ [http://www.basketball-reference.com/boxscores/199003030HOU.html HOU/GSW Box Score (1990-03-03)] ] The NBA does not recognize this as a quadruple-double in his biography, [cite web | url=http://www.nba.com/playerfile/hakeem_olajuwon/bio.html | title=Hakeem Olajuwon Bio | work=NBA.com | accessdate=2008-08-14] although he is credited with 10 assists in his career stats. The initial game report credited Olajuwon with only 9 assists. Later review of the game by the team led to him being awarded a tenth assist; however, the NBA did not allow the late change and refused to recognize the feat as a quadruple-double.Fact|date=August 2008

Other notable instances have occurred where players with triple-doubles finished the game within one stat of a quadruple-double:

* Rick Barry, October 29, 1974, Golden State vs. Buffalo; 30 points, 10 rebounds, 11 assists, 9 steals. [ [http://news.google.com/archivesearch?q=rick+barry+30+points+10+rebounds&scoring=t&sa=N&sugg=d&as_ldate=10/1974&as_hdate=10/1974&lnav=hist9 Newspaper articles archive] , Google. ]
* Larry Steele, November 16, 1974, Portland vs. L.A. Lakers; 12 points, 11 rebounds, 9 assists, 10 steals. [http://www.nba.com/media/blazers/05RecordsWeb.pdf Flirting With a Quad, pg. 15] ]
* Johnny Moore, January 8, 1985, San Antonio vs. Golden State; 26 points, 11 rebounds, 13 assists, 9 steals. [ [http://www.nba.com/spurs/history/spurs_history.html#12 San Antonio Spurs History] ]
* Larry Bird, February 18, 1985, Boston at Utah; 30 points, 12 rebounds, 10 assists, 9 steals. [ [http://www.nba.com/celtics/history/Stats_TripleDoubles.html Celtics Triple-Doubles] ] [http://nbahoopsonline.com/History/Leagues/NBA/moststealsinagame.html Most steals by an individual in a NBA game] ]
* Micheal Ray Richardson, October 30, 1985, New Jersey vs. Indiana; 38 points, 11 rebounds, 11 assists, 9 steals. [ [http://www.nba.com/media/mediacentral/0203MG_NJN_06.pdf Nets All-Time Triple-Doubles, pg. 96] ]
* Clyde Drexler, January 10, 1986, Portland at Milwaukee; 26 points, 9 rebounds, 11 assists, 10 steals.
* Clyde Drexler, November 1, 1996, Houston vs. Sacramento; 25 points, 10 rebounds, 9 assists, 10 steals. [ [http://www.basketball-reference.com/boxscores/199611010HOU.html HOU/SAC Box Score (1996-11-01)] ]

Prior to 1973-74

The NBA started recording both blocked shots and steals in the 1973-74 season, so quadruple-doubles have only been possible since that time. There is much speculation that Bill Russell and Wilt Chamberlain, two of the best all-around players before that time, may have recorded quadruple-doubles, as they both were very skilled at blocking shots. Also, other players from the era, notably Jerry West and Oscar Robertson, could conceivably have had quadruple-doubles. However, as not many games of that time were recorded on film and blocks and steals were not official statistics at the time, this is largely conjectural.

Unofficially, Jerry West once scored 44 points, 12 rebounds, 10 assists and 10 blocks according to his official NBA biography. [ [http://www.nba.com/history/players/west_bio.html Jerry West Bio] , nba.com] ] Wilt Chamberlain also recorded one known instance; in Game 1 of the 1967 Eastern Division Finals versus the Boston Celtics he tallied 24 points, 32 rebounds, 13 assists and 12 blocks according to the game's statistician.cite book
last = Cherry
first = Robert
title = Wilt: Larger Than Life
publisher = Triumph Books
month = November | year = 2004
pages = 173
isbn = 1572439157

American Basketball Association (2000–)

* Jamel Staten, February 2, 2007, Minnesota Ripknees vs. St. Louis Stunners; 29 points, 13 rebounds, 10 assists, 10 steals. [http://www.oursportscentral.com/services/releases/?id=3466030] . Accessed August 30, 2008.]

NCAA Division I men

* Lester Hudson, November 13, 2007, Tennessee-Martin vs. Central Baptist; 25 points, 12 rebounds, 10 assists, 10 steals. [ [http://sports.espn.go.com/ncb/boxscore?gameId=273172630 UTM/CBC Box Score (2007-11-13)] ] [http://www.utmsports.com/fullstory.cfm?id=2855&sport=Men's%20Basketball SKYHAWK JUNIOR MAKES NCAA HISTORY WITH QUADRUPLE-DOUBLE] . University of Tennessee at Martin - UT Martin Sports, November 14, 2007 (Quadruple-double history mention)] This is the only quadruple-double in NCAA Division I men's basketball history.

=American Basketball League=

* Debbie Black, December 8, 1996, Colorado Xplosion vs. Atlanta Glory; 10 points, 14 rebounds, 12 assists, 10 steals. [cite web|url=http://www.wnba.com/sun/news/dblack_retires.html|title=Sun: Debbie Black Announces Retirement|publisher=WNBA Enterprises, LLC|date=accessdate=2008-08-26] This is the only quadruple-double in women's professional basketball history (a quadruple-double has never occurred in the WNBA).

NCAA Division I women

* Ann Meyers, February 18, 1978, UCLA vs. Stephen F. Austin; 20 points, 14 rebounds, 10 assists, 10 steals. [http://www.utmsports.com/fullstory.cfm?id=2855&sport=Men's%20Basketball SKYHAWK JUNIOR MAKES NCAA HISTORY WITH QUADRUPLE-DOUBLE] . University of Tennessee at Martin - UT Martin Sports, November 14, 2007 (Quadruple-double history mention)] This is the only quadruple-double in NCAA Division I women's basketball history.


Analogous to a quadruple-double, a quintuple-double can be defined as a performance in which an individual collects at least 10 each of points, rebounds, assists, steals and blocks in a single game. Since such a feat has never happened at any level of basketball, the term five-by-five has been coined for a game where a player gets at least 5 each of the five stats listed.


ee also

* Double-double
* Triple-double

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