Vegetal pole

Vegetal pole

In developmental biology, the term vegetal pole refers to the lower hemisphere of a blastula embryo (as it is conventionally drawn, in reality the vegetal pole may not be the lower hemisphere). The vegetal pole contains large yolky cells that divide very slowly, in contrast with the animal pole above it. The vegetal pole draws its name from its inactivity relative to the lively animal pole. In some cases, the vegetal pole is thought to differentiate into the extraembryonic membranes that protect and nourish the developing embryo, such as the placenta in mammals and the chorion in birds.

ee also

* gastrulation
* embryogenesis

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  • vegetal pole — n the point on the surface of an egg that is diametrically opposite to the animal pole and usu. marks the center of the protoplasm containing more yolk, dividing more slowly and into larger blastomeres than that about the animal pole, and giving… …   Medical dictionary

  • vegetal pole — Embryol. the relatively inactive part of an ovum opposite the animal pole, containing much yolk and little cytoplasm. Cf. animal pole. [1895 1900] * * * …   Universalium

  • vegetal pole — veg′etal pole n. dvl the relatively inactive part of an ovum opposite the animal pole, containing much yolk and little cytoplasm • Etymology: 1895–1900 …   From formal English to slang

  • vegetal pole — noun : the point on the surface of an egg that is diametrically opposite to the animal pole and usually marks the center of the protoplasm containing more yolk, dividing more slowly and forming larger blastomeres than that about the animal pole,… …   Useful english dictionary

  • vegetal pole — noun Date: 1896 the point on the surface of an egg that is diametrically opposite to the animal pole and usually marks the center of the protoplasm containing more yolk see blastula illustration …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • vegetal pole — opposite to the animal pole on the egg. Later in embryonic development corresponds to the point on the yolk cell furthest from the developing blastodisc …   Dictionary of ichthyology

  • vegetal pole — The surface of the egg opposite to the animal pole. Usually the cytoplasm in this region is incorporated into future endoderm cells …   Dictionary of molecular biology

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