Konjaku Hyakki Shūi

Konjaku Hyakki Shūi

is the third book of Japanese artist Toriyama Sekien's famous "Gazu Hyakki Yakō" series, published ca. 1781. These books are supernatural bestiaries, collections of ghosts, spirits, spooks and monsters, many of which Toriyama based on literature, folklore, other artwork. These works have had a profound influence on subsequent "yōkai" imagery in Japan.

List of creatures

First Volume - 雲

* is a clam that has grown to an enormous size, at which point it rises to the surface of the sea and breathes out a mirage of distant cities. [http://park.org/Japan/CSK/hyakki/zukan/jyuui/kumo/sinkiro.html]

* is the spirit of China's Purple Mountain. It appears as a red, man-faced dragon, a thousand " [ri] " tall. [http://park.org/Japan/CSK/hyakki/zukan/jyuui/kumo/syokuin.html]

* is a tree which grows in remote mountains recesses, with flowers that resemble human faces. These faces are always smiling, even as they fall from their branches. [http://park.org/Japan/CSK/hyakki/zukan/jyuui/kumo/ninmen.html]

* is a sea creature which is human from the chest up, and a fish below. [http://park.org/Japan/CSK/hyakki/zukan/jyuui/kumo/ningyo.html]

* is magical incense which can conjure up the spirits of the dead. [http://park.org/Japan/CSK/hyakki/zukan/jyuui/kumo/hangon.html]

* is a spirit which lives inside a thousand year old tree. It resembles a black dog with a human face and no tail. [http://park.org/Japan/CSK/hyakki/zukan/jyuui/kumo/houkou.html]

* is a phenomenon in which stones are suddenly thrown through the air somewhere deep in the mountains. It is thought to be the work of the "tengu". [http://park.org/Japan/CSK/hyakki/zukan/jyuui/kumo/tengutu.html]

* is the bell which was melted by Kiyohime, a woman who fell in love with a young priest, and through the rage of unrequited love became a terrible serpent demon. When the priest fled and hid underneath this temple bell, the serpent surrounded the bell and destroyed herself and her would-be lover in flames of her rage. [http://park.org/Japan/CSK/hyakki/zukan/jyuui/kumo/dojoji.html]

* is a man who became mute, and was made to drink medicine and then had a candle placed on his head. "Todaiki" became his nickname. [http://park.org/Japan/CSK/hyakki/zukan/jyuui/kumo/todaiki.html]

* is the ghost of an old man who worked hard to pass on his rice fields to his descendants. His children squandered the fields and sold them to someone else, and so the old man appeared in the fields as a black, one-eyed creature crying for his rice fields to be returned. [http://park.org/Japan/CSK/hyakki/zukan/jyuui/kumo/dorotabo.html]

* was a woman who came to a mountain temple and was called the head priest's wife, because she lived in his quarters. She stole rice and money from the people who came to the temple, and as punishment became a terrible demon hag who eats the skin from corpses. [http://park.org/Japan/CSK/hyakki/zukan/jyuui/kumo/kokuriba.html]

* is an old woman who is the assistant of Jibun Senjō, the spirit of face powder. She walks through the snow during the twelfth month of the lunar calendar, wearing an oversized "sugegasa" hat. [http://park.org/Japan/CSK/hyakki/zukan/jyuui/kumo/osiroi.html]

* is an old woman who holds a red snake in her left hand and a blue snake in her right hand. She guards a certain "snake mound", possibly because she is the wife of a monstrous serpent named "Jagoemon" who is sealed there. [http://park.org/Japan/CSK/hyakki/zukan/jyuui/kumo/c_jakotuba.html]

* is a woman's shadow cast by the light of the moon on the paper sliding door of a house where "mononoke" live. [http://park.org/Japan/CSK/hyakki/zukan/jyuui/kumo/kageonna.html]

* is a giant woman who appears behind you while you are walking alone down city streets. She cackles in a terrifying manner. She may be the ghost of a prostitute. [http://park.org/Japan/CSK/hyakki/zukan/jyuui/kumo/kerakera.html]

* is a spirit made of smoke that rises out of a house. [http://park.org/Japan/CSK/hyakki/zukan/jyuui/kumo/enenra.html]

Second Volume - 霧

* is the demon-woman of Mount Togakushi. [http://park.org/Japan/CSK/hyakki/zukan/jyuui/kiri/momijiga.html]

* is an oxcart with a huge human face on the front, which appears on hazy moonlit nights in Kyoto. [http://park.org/Japan/CSK/hyakki/zukan/jyuui/kiri/oborogu.html]

* is the ghost of a burned monk that appears on Mount Toribe. [http://park.org/Japan/CSK/hyakki/zukan/jyuui/kiri/kazenbo.html]

* Minobi

* Aoandon

* Ameonna

* Kosamebō

* Gangikozō

* Ayakashi

* Kidō

* Onihitokuchi

* Jatai

* Kosodenote

* Hatahiro

* Ōzatō

* Himamushinyūdō

* Sesshōseki

* Fūri

* Morinjinokama

Third Volume - 雨

nihongo|Rashōmon-no-oni|, "Oni of Rashōmon"
















* [http://scene5.com/yokai/database/index/b3.htm]
* [http://park.org/Japan/CSK/hyakki/etc/obake_index-iroha.html]

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