- Free group
mathematics , a group "G" is called free if there is asubset "S" of "G" such that any element of "G" can be written in one and only one way as a product of finitely many elements of "S" and their inverses (disregarding trivial variations such as "st"-1 = "su"-1"ut"-1).A related but different notion is a
free abelian group .History
Free groups first arose in the study of
hyperbolic geometry , as examples ofFuchsian group s (discrete groups acting by isometries on thehyperbolic plane ). In an 1882 paper,Walther von Dyck pointed out that these groups have the simplest possible presentations. [cite journal | last = von Dyck | first = Walther | authorlink = Walther von Dyck | title = Gruppentheoretische Studien | journal = Mathematische Annalen | volume = 20 | issue = 1 | pages = 1–44 | date = 1882 | url = http://www.springerlink.com/content/t8lx644qm87p3731 | doi = 10.1007/BF01443322] The algebraic study of free groups was initiated by Jakob Nielsen in 1924, who gave them their name and established many of their basic properties. [cite journal | last = Nielsen | first = Jakob | authorlink = Jakob Nielsen (mathematician) | title = Die Isomorphismen der allgemeinen unendlichen Gruppe mit zwei Erzeugenden | journal =Mathematische Annalen | volume = 78 | issue = 1 | pages = 385–397 | date = 1917 | url = http://www.springerlink.com/content/xp12702q30q40381 | doi = 10.1007/BF01457113 | id=MR|1511907, JFM|46.0175.01 ] [cite journal | last = Nielsen | first = Jakob | authorlink = Jakob Nielsen (mathematician) | title = On calculation with noncommutative factors and its application to group theory. (Translated from Danish) | journal = The Mathematical Scientist | volume = 6 (1981) | issue = 2 | pages = 73–85 | date = 1921] [cite journal | last = Nielsen | first = Jakob | authorlink = Jakob Nielsen (mathematician) | title = Die Isomorphismengruppe der freien Gruppen | journal = Mathematische Annalen | volume = 91 | issue = 3 | pages = 169-209 | date = 1924} | url = http://www.springerlink.com/content/l898u32j37u10671 | doi = 10.1007/BF01556078]Max Dehn realized the connection with topology, and obtained the first proof of the full Nielsen-Schreier Theorem. [See cite journal | last = Magnus | first = Wilhelm | authorlink = Wilhelm Magnus | coauthors = Moufang, Ruth | title = Max Dehn zum Gedächtnis | journal = Mathematische Annalen | volume = 127 | issue = 1 | pages = 215–227 | date = 1954 | url = http://www.springerlink.com/content/l657774u3w864mp3 | doi = 10.1007/BF01361121.]Otto Schreier published an algebraic proof of this result in 1927, [cite journal | last = Schreier | first = Otto | authorlink = Otto Schreier | title = Die Untergruppen der freien Gruppen | journal = Abhandlungen aus dem Mathematischen Seminar der Universität Hamburg | volume = 5 | date = 1928 | pages = 161–183] andKurt Reidemeister included a comprehensive treatment of free groups in his 1932 book on combinatorial topology. [cite book | last = Reidemeister | first = Kurt | authorlink = Kurt Reidemeister | title = Einführung in die kombinatorische Topologie | publisher = Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft | date = 1972 (1932 original) | location = Darmstadt] Later on in the 1930s,Wilhelm Magnus discovered the connection between thelower central series of free groups andfree Lie algebra s.Examples
The group (Z,+) of
integer s is free; we can take "S" = {1}. A free group on a two-element set "S" occurs in the proof of theBanach–Tarski paradox and is described there.On the other hand, any nontrivial finite group cannot be free, since the elements of a free generating set of a free group have infinite order.
algebraic topology , thefundamental group of a bouquet of "k" circles (a set of "k" loops having only one point in common) is the free group on a set of "k" elements.Construction
The free group "FS" with free generating set "S" can be constructed as follows. "S" is a set of symbols and we suppose for every "s" in "S" there is a corresponding "inverse" symbol, "s"-1, in a set "S-1". Let "T" = "S" ∪ "S"-1, and define a word in "S" to be any written product of elements of "T". That is, a word in "S" is an element of the
monoid generated by "T". The empty word is the word with no symbols at all. For example, if "S" = {"a", "b", "c"}, then "T" = {a, a-1, b, b-1, c, c-1}, and:is a word in "S". If an element of "S" lies immediately next to its inverse, the word may be simplified by omitting the "s", "s"-1 pair::A word that cannot be simplified further is called reduced. The free group "FS" is defined to be the group of all reduced words in "S". The group operation in "FS" isconcatenation of words (followed by reduction if necessary). The identity is the empty word.Universal property
The free group "FS" is the universal group generated by the set "S". This can be formalized by the following
universal property : given any function ƒ from "S" to a group "G", there exists a unique homomorphism "φ": "FS" → "G" making the following diagram commute:That is, homomorphisms "FS" → "G" are in one-to-one correspondence with functions "S" → "G". For a non-free group, the presence of relations would restrict the possible images of the generators under a homomorphism.The above property characterizes free groups up to
isomorphism , and is sometimes used as an alternative definition. It is known as theuniversal property of free groups, and the generating set "S" is called a basis for "FS". The basis for a free group is not uniquely determined.Being characterized by a universal property is the standard feature of
free object s inuniversal algebra . In the language ofcategory theory , the construction of the free group (similar to most constructions of free objects) is afunctor from thecategory of sets to thecategory of groups . This functor isleft adjoint to theforgetful functor from groups to sets.Facts and theorems
Some properties of free groups follow readily from the definition:
#Any group "G" is the homomorphic image of some free group F("S"). Let "S" be a set of "generators" of "G". The natural map "f": F("S") → "G" is an epimorphism, which proves the claim. Equivalently, "G" is isomorphic to a
quotient group of some free group F("S"). The kernel of "f" is a set of "relations" in the presentation of "G". If "S" can be chosen to be finite here, then "G" is called finitely generated.
#If "S" has more than one element, then F("S") is not abelian, and in fact the center of F("S") is trivial (that is, consists only of the identity element).
#Two free groups F("S") and F("T") are isomorphic if and only if "S" and "T" have the samecardinality . This cardinality is called the rank of the free group "F". Thus for every cardinal number "k", there is,up to isomorphism, exactly one free group of rank "k".
#A free group of finite rank "n" > 1 has an exponential growth rate of order 2"n" − 1.A few other related results are:
#The "Nielsen–Schreier" theorem: Anysubgroup of a free group is free.
#A free group of rank "k" clearly has subgroups of every rank less than "k". Less obviously, a free group of rank greater than 1 has subgroups of all countable ranks.
#Thecommutator subgroup of a free group of rank "k" > 1 has infinite rank; for example for F("a","b"), it is freely generated by thecommutator s ["a""m", "b""n"] for non-zero "m" and "n".
#The free group in two elements isSQ universal ; the above follows as any SQ universal group has subgroups of all countable ranks.
#Any group that acts on a tree, freely and preserving the orientation, is a free group of countable rank (given by 1 plus theEuler characteristic of the quotient graph).
#TheCayley graph of a free group of finite rank, with respect to a free generating set, is a tree on which the group acts freely, preserving the orientation.Free abelian group
The free abelian group on a set "S" is defined via its universal property in the analogous way, with obvious modifications:Consider a pair ("F", "φ"), where "F" is an abelian group and "φ": "S" → "F" is a function. "F" is said to be the free abelian group on "S" with respect to "φ" if for any abelian group "G" and any function "ψ": "S" → "G", there exists a unique homomorphism "f": "F" → "G" such that
:"f"("φ"("s")) = "ψ"("s"), for all "s" in "S".
The free abelian group on "S" can be explicitly identified as the free group F("S") modulo the subgroup generated by its commutators, [F("S"), F("S")] , i.e.its
abelianisation . In other words, the free abelian group on "S" is the set of words that are distinguished only up to the order of letters. The rank of a free group can therefore also be defined as the rank of its abelianisation as a free abelian group.Tarski's problems
Around 1945,
Alfred Tarski asked whether the free groups on two or more generators have the same first order theory, and whether this theory is decidable. harvtxt|Sela|2006 answered the first question by showing that any two nonabelian free groups have the same first order theory, and harvtxt|Kharlampovich|Myasnikov|2006 answered both questions, showing that this theory is decidable.A similar unsolved (in 2008) question in
free probability theory asks whether thevon Neumann group algebra s of any two non-abelian finitely generated free groups are isomorphic.ee also
Cayley graph
*Generating set of a group
*Presentation of a group
*Nielsen transformation , a factorization of elements of the automorphism group of a free groupNotes
last=Kharlampovich|first= Olga|last2= Myasnikov|first2= Alexei
title=Elementary theory of free non-abelian groups
journal=J. Algebra |volume=302 |year=2006|issue= 2|pages= 451–552
*W. Magnus, A. Karrass and D. Solitar, "Combinatorial Group Theory", Dover (1976).*citation|id=MR|2238945
last=Sela|first= Z.
title=Diophantine geometry over groups. VI. The elementary theory of a free group.
journal=Geom. Funct. Anal. 16 |year=2006|issue= 3|pages= 707–730
*J.-P. Serre, "Trees", Springer (2003) (English translation of "arbres, amalgames, SL2", 3rd edition, "astérisque" 46 (1983))
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