- Pinehesy
Pinehesy, Panehesy or Panehasy, depending on different transliteration was
Viceroy of Kush [WhosWhoInAncientEgyptReference|page=p.145] during the reign ofRamesses XI , the last king of the Egyptian 20th Dynasty.His career started with the suppression and then removal of the High Priest of
Amun inKarnak , Thebes, Amenhotep, whom he chased north. Pinehesy extended his influence over much of the south of Egypt and defied an order of Ramesses XI to retreat. The lawlessness of his soldiers, the famine and disorder which ensued in Upper Egypt were ended by the new High Priest of Amun,Herihor in the 19th year of the reign of Ramesses XI, who drove Pinehesy back intoNubia . Paiankh, the newly appointed Viceroy of Kush, was unable to defeat him, and it appears that he died of old age still in control of lower Nubia [Lázlo Török, "The Kingdom of Kush: Handbook of the Napatan-Meriotic Civilization", pp.105ff.] .Bibliography
* Lynn Meskell, "Private Life in New Kingdom Egypt", Princeton University Press 2002
* Lázlo Török, "The Kingdom of Kush: Handbook of the Napatan-Meriotic Civilization", Brill Academic Publishers 1997References
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