

Sumar is a male Orca born at SeaWorld Orlando in Florida on May 14, 1998.

His mother is Taima and he is her first calf. Just a six months after birth, an incident happened when, during a show, his mother attacked him, pushing him against the glass, trying to make him fall. The crowd was evacuated and the show canceled. The trainers tried to move Taima to another tank and finally separated her from her son. Since then, the two of them have been always separated and Kalina and Katina became his surrogate mothers until he was transferred to SeaWorld San Diego in California on March 8, 1999. Afterwards, he spent a few months at now-closed SeaWorld Ohio before being transferred back to the San Diego park. There, he was mothered by Corky II. He is very gentle with other Orcascite web
title = Deaths of marine mammals hit staffers especially hard
publisher = Union-Tribune Publishing Co. (
date = October 10 2007
url =
accessdate = 2007-10-10
] and trainers. He spends a lot of time with Nakai. However, the dominant female Kasatka has a tendency to pick on him time to time. He is one of three males currently at the park, and is seen as a possible breeding male in the future; Nakai, the younger male, is still too young to breed, and the older male Ulises seems to have a low sperm count and has failed all times to impregnate a female. Sumar is approaching full size for a typical bull orca: his dorsal fin is more and more leaning to its left, and it will not be long before its completely collapsed, his flukes are beginning to curl under. He is about 4.6 m (15.3 feet) long and weighs around 5,300 lbs. He is often used frequently for shows.

Family members/breed

*Mother: Taima
*Father: Tilikum (whale)
*Grandmothers: Gudrun*
*Grandfathers: Kanduke*
*Great-Grandmothers: T7/Innis
*Brothers: Tekoa
*Sisters: Malia, Nyar* (half), Unna (half), Kohana (half), and Skyla (half)
*Aunts: Katerina* and Nyar*
*Nieces: Nalani
*Nephews: Trua
*Cousins: T7B/Spiller, T7A/Arrow, T7B1, and T7B2
*Possible Relatives: Nandu*, Samoa*, Nootka III*, and Kenau*
*Breed: 25% Transient and 75% Icelandic

(Asterisk indicates a deceased relative)


External links

[ Videos of Sumar on ""]

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