- The John Henson Project
"The John Henson Project" was an American
reality television series that explores the world through the eyes of hostJohn Henson . The series was shown onSpike TV in 2004. The intent of the show was to create a half hour variety-type program that would highlight news, entertainment and sports from a "guy"'s perspective, punctuated by Henson's sardonic sense of humor. (Once known asThe Nashville Network and, later,The National Network , Spike's programming was directed primarily at adult males.) The show would feature regular segments like "Cruise the News", "Guys and Balls" (sports recap) and "Man of the Week" (usually saluting a particularly foolish or unlucky individual in the news). More bizarre features were "Could I Kick His Ass?", where Henson would handicap himself, Vegas-style, in theoretical fights with celebrities and reenactments of famous sports tirades performed by grade school aged children.External links
*imdb title|id=0389646|title=The John Henson Project
*Tv.com show|id=24050|title=The John Henson Project
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