- Peter Hobson
R. P. Hobson, or Peter Hobson, is a
Professor ofDevelopmental Psychopathology atUniversity College London known for his work onautism and experimentalchild psychology . His research leads him to conclusions concerning the origins ofconsciousness , summarized in a book for the general reader,The Cradle of Thought .The core of his analysis is that human minds are the outcome of a successful series of interactions between infant and caregiver(s). In this Hobson's research has built on foundations established by
Colwyn Trevarthen from the mid-1970s onwards. Trevarthen identified distinct steps in pre-lingual infant development,Primary Intersubjectivity andSecondary Intersubjectivity , which endow the infant's developing mind/brain with the architecture necessary for the achievement of symbolic thought.He is occasionally confused with
Associate Professor Peter Hobson (P.R. Hobson) who is a lecturer in the School of Education Studies,University of New England, Australia and specialises in professional ethics and in theory and philosophy of education; or withProfessor Peter Hobson (P.R. Hobson) who is a Particle Physicist at Brunel University, UK. They are not related in any way.Hobson throws further light on this basic claim by examining what occurs in cases where, for genetic or environmental reasons, infants are denied the opportunity to investigate
intersubjective relationships. To achieve a rare vantage point on human development withoutunethical experimentation, Hobson examines cases ofautism , Down's syndrome,congenital blindness and extreme social deprivation (for which statistically significant numbers of orphans rescued fromNicolae Ceauşescu 's Romanianorphanage s were available). The obstacles each of these circumstances placed in the way of normal infant-caregiver interaction are finely examined.Hobson's argument constitutes a challenge to certain flavors of
sociobiology and Evolutionary Psychology, in that it traces the conception of the human mind back to a 'cradle' of social interactions, without which consciousness in the full, human sense is unobtainable. On the other hand, Hobson demonstrates that a hard-wired emotional connection is crucial for an infant to start the process of intersubjective learning. The experience of having an emotion elicited by another human being, and eliciting emotional responses in others, is identified as the material out of which humans fashion their sense of self,other , object andsymbol .Hobson's thesis is of growing interest in Philosophy of Mind and related disciplines.
Edward Skidelsky suggests that Hobson fatally overlooks the fact that people with autism learn to speak (see External Links, below). Others have understood Hobson to be blaming parents for autism, a charge explicitly rejected inThe Cradle of Thought .Publications
The Cradle of Thought 2002
* Cognitive and social factors in the development of infants with Down Syndrome. Down Syndrome Research and Practice. Moore DG, Oates JM, Hobson RP and Goodwin J. (2002)
* On engaging with people in early childhood: The case of congenital blindness. Clinical Child Psychology & Psychiatry. Sandler AM and Hobson RP (2002)
* Are infants with autism socially engaged? A study of retrospective parental reports. Journal of Autism & Developmental Disorders. Wimpory DC, Hobson RP, Williams JMG and Nash S. (2000)
* Imitation and identification in autism. Journal of Child Psychology & Psychiatry, 40: 649-659. Hobson RP and Lee A. (1999)
* Autism and Congential Blindness. Journal of Autism and Development Disorders, 29: 45-56. Hobson RP and Lee A. (1999)
* Individual differences in young children's IQ: A social-developmental perspective. Journal of Child Psychology & Psychiatry, 40: 455-464. Crandell LE and Hobson RP (1999)
*Autism and the Development of Mind 1993ee also
Evolutionary psychology
**Evolutionary developmental psychology
*Lev Vygotsky External links
* [http://www.newscientist.com/article/mg17523515.300.html Interview in New Scientist]
* [http://www.newstatesman.co.uk/site.php3?newTemplate=NSArticle_NS&newTop=Section%3A+Front+Page&newDisplayURN=200203250043 Criticism from Edward Skidelsky]
* [http://uccllt.ucdavis.edu/leo.cfm More background on the concepts of Primary and Secondary intersubjectivity]
* [http://www.ich.ucl.ac.uk/ich/academicunits/Behavioural_and_brain_sciences/Research/#h2_1019 Peter Hobson's current research]
* [http://www.rdiconnect.com/resources/viewResource.asp?pid=139 Review of Cradle of Thought]
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.