Bremser, Ray — (1934–1998) Like gregory corso and herbert huncke, Ray Bremser was educated on the streets and in prisons. charles plymell went so far as to say that Bremser was more “Beat,” in the street sense of the word than was allen ginsberg. Bremser… … Encyclopedia of Beat Literature
Frazer, Brenda — (Bonnie Bremser) (1939– ) One of the most intelligent, resourceful, and talented women of the Beat Generation, Frazer is most well known for writing the underground classic troia: mexican memoirs (1969), published as For the Love of Ray (1971) … Encyclopedia of Beat Literature
Poems of Madness — by Ray Bremser (1965) This is a collection of long poems that ray bremser wrote in prison and that not only plumb the depths of emotional experience, hence having a blues base, but also entertain with exquisite swinging musicality and both… … Encyclopedia of Beat Literature
Angel — by Ray Bremser (1967) Originally published by Tompkins Square Press and later by Water Row Press in Poems of Madness & Angel (1986), this epic prose poem is printed all in capitals. Stanzas are in paragraph form with ubiquitous ellipses,… … Encyclopedia of Beat Literature
Beat Generation — The Beat Generation is a term used to describe both a group of American writers who came to prominence in the late 1950s and early 1960s, and the cultural phenomena that they wrote about and inspired (later sometimes called beatniks ): a… … Wikipedia
Troia: Mexican Memoirs — by Brenda Frazer (Bonnie Bremser) (1969) Lauded as “a female on tHe road,” Troia: Mexican Memoirs is one of the most extraordinary works of Beat literature that was produced by a woman. Nancy Grace writes, “Troia stands apart as a memoir that… … Encyclopedia of Beat Literature
New American Poetry, 1945-1960, The — Donald Allen, ed. (1960) This landmark anthology, edited by Donald M(erriam) Allen (1912–2004), introduced Beat poets and other avant garde post–World War II poets to a wide reading audience on its publication by Grove Press in 1960. It… … Encyclopedia of Beat Literature
Clausen, Andy — (1943– ) The author of 10 books of poetry, Andy Clausen was consistently cited by the late allen ginsberg as one of the most important poets of the next generation. With a lively, oratorical voice that is unforgettable both on the page and in… … Encyclopedia of Beat Literature
Пунс, Ларри — Ларри Пунс Larry Poons Имя при рождении: Лоуренс Пунс Дата рождения: 1 октября 1937(1937 10 01) (75 лет) … Википедия
Cherry Valley (village), New York — Cherry Valley, New York Village … Wikipedia