- Étienne Balibar
Infobox Philosopher
region =Western Philosophy
era = 20th /21st-century philosophy
color = #B0C4DE
name = Etienne Balibar
birth = birth date and age|1942|4|23
flagicon|France|size=20pxAvallon ,Bourgogne ,France
death =
school_tradition =Post-Marxism
main_interests =Politics
notable_ideas =equaliberty
influences =Karl Marx ·Louis Althusser ·Spinoza
influenced =Jacques Rancière ·Slavoj Zizek Étienne Balibar (born
April 23 ,1942 inAvallon ,Bourgogne ,France ) is a FrenchMarxist philosopher . After the death of his teacherLouis Althusser , Balibar quickly became the leading exponent of FrenchMarxist philosophy .Life and work
Balibar first rose to prominence as one of Althusser's pupils at the
École Normale Supérieure . Balibar was a participant in Louis Althusser's seminar on Karl Marx's "Das Kapital ". This seminar resulted in the book entitled "Reading Capital ", coauthored by Althusser and his students, among whom Althusser considered Balibar's contribution the foremost. Balibar currently teaches philosophy and political theory atParis X Nanterre andUniversity of California, Irvine .In "Masses, Classes and Ideas", Balibar argues that in "Das Kapital", the theory of
historical materialism comes into conflict with thecritical theory that Marx begins to develop, particularly in his analysis of the category of labor, which incapitalism , becomes a form ofproperty . This conflict involves two distinct uses of the term "labor": labor as the revolutionary class subject (i.e., the "proletariat ") and labor as an objective condition for the reproduction of capitalism (the "working class "). In "The German Ideology ", Marx conflates these two meanings of labor, and treats labor as, in Balibar’s words, the “veritable site of truth as well as the place from which the world is changed..." In "Capital", however, the disparity between these two senses of labor becomes apparent. One manifestation of this is the virtual disappearance in the text of the term "proletariat." As Balibar points out, the term appears only twice in the first edition of "Capital", published in 1867: in the dedication toWilhelm Wolff and in the two final sections on the "General Law of Capitalist Accumulation". For Balibar, what this problem implies is that "the emergence of a revolutionary form of subjectivity (or identity... is never a specific property of nature, and therefore brings with it no guarantees, but obliges us to search for the conditions in a conjuncture that can precipitate class struggles into mass movements...". Moreover, " [t] here is no proof… that these forms are always and eternally the same (for example, the party-form, or thetrade union )."Balibar's daughter is the actress
Jeanne Balibar .Bibliography
Works in French
* 1965: "Lire le Capital". With Louis Althusser et al.
* 1974: "Cinq Etudes du Matérialisme Historique".
* 1985: "Spinoza et la politique".
* 1988: "Race, Nation, Classe". WithImmanuel Wallerstein .
* 1991: "Écrits pour Althusser".
* 1997: "La crainte des masses".
* 1998: "Droit de cité. Culture et politique en démocratie".
* 1999: "Sans-papiers: l’archaïsme fatal".
* 2001: "Nous, citoyens d’Europe? Les frontières, l’État, le peuple".
* 2003: "L'Europe, l'Amérique, la Guerre. Réflexions sur la médiation européenne".
* 2005: "Europe, Constitution, Frontière".Selected translations
*1970: "
Reading Capital " (London: NLB). With Louis Althusser. Trans. Ben Brewster.
*1991: "Race, Nation, Class: Ambiguous Identities" (London & New York: Verso). With Immanuel Wallerstein. Trans. Chris Turner.
*1994: "Masses, Classes, Ideas: Studies on Politics and Philosophy Before and After Marx" (New York & London: Routledge). Trans. James Swenson.
*1995: "The Philosophy of Marx" (London & New York: Verso). Trans. Chris Turner.
*1998: "Spinoza and Politics" (London & New York: Verso). Trans. Peter Snowdon.
*2002: "Politics and the Other Scene" (London & New York: Verso). Trans. Christine Jones, James Swenson & Chris Turner.
*2004: "We, the People of Europe? Reflections on Transnational Citizenship" (Princeton & Oxford: Princeton University Press). Trans. James Swenson.Online texts
* [http://www.marx2mao.com/Other/RC68NB.html Reading Capital] (1968).
* [http://www.marx2mao.com/Other/SC73.pdf Self-Criticism: Answers to Questions from Theoretical Practice] (1973).
* [http://www.marx2mao.com/Other/ODP77NB.html On the Dictatorship of the Proletariat] (1977).
* [http://makeworlds.org/node/80 At The Borders Of Europe] (1999).
* [http://ciepfc.rhapsodyk.net/article.php3?id_article=106 Politics as War, War as Politics. Post-Clausewitzian Variations] (2006).External links
* [http://sun3.lib.uci.edu/%7Escctr/Wellek/balibar/ Selected bibliography (up to 1998).]
* [http://www.borderlandsejournal.adelaide.edu.au/vol3no1_2004/read_balibar.htm Review of "We, the People of Europe? Reflections on Transnational Citizenship".]
* [http://www.darkmatter101.org/site/2007/08/05/racisms-migration-citizenship-in-europe/ Racisms, Migration & Citizenship in Europe: Etienne Balibar and Sandro Mezzadra in Conversation (Audio-English)] - darkmatter Journal, 5 Aug 2007.
* [http://www.canalc2.tv/video.asp?idvideo=7034 intervention d'Etienne Balibar & Moishe Postone] Congrès Marx International V : Altermondialisme/ anticapitalisme. Pour une cosmopolitique alternative. Octobre 2007
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.